
How to be familiar with the knowledge of bonsai in a short time

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bonsai bonsai, one of the excellent traditional Chinese arts, is a work of art that uses plants and rocks as basic materials to express the natural landscape in the basin. It takes plants, rocks, soil, water and other materials as materials, through artistic creation and horticulture.

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Bonsai, one of the excellent traditional Chinese arts, is a work of art that uses plants and rocks as basic materials to express the natural landscape in the basin.

It takes plants, rocks, soil, water and other materials as materials, and through artistic creation and horticultural cultivation, it typically and centrally shapes the beautiful scenery of nature in the basin, achieving the artistic composition of shrinking into an inch and seeing the big in the small, while expressing its feelings with the scenery and expressing a far-reaching artistic concept. like a three-dimensional beautiful reduced version of the landscape scenic spot.

Bonsai originates from China. Bonsai is generally divided into two categories: tree stump bonsai and landscape bonsai. Bonsai is composed of landscape, basin and several (shelves). They are interrelated and influence each other as a whole. Bonsai is regarded as "three-dimensional painting" and "silent poetry".


Bonsai originated in China. The tomb of Prince Zhang Huai of the Tang Dynasty (built in 706) unearthed in 1972 in Jingling, Ganpan, Shaanxi Province, is the earliest bonsai record in the world. Bonsai in the Song Dynasty has developed to a higher level. Famous scholars at that time, such as Wang Shipeng, Lu you, Su Dongpo and so on, all described and praised the bonsai in detail. In the Yuan Dynasty, the eminent monk Sui Shangren made small bonsai, which was naturally called "some sub-scenery". Bonsai became more prosperous in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and many works on bonsai have been published. The word "bonsai" first appeared in the rest of the examination disk written by Tu long in the Ming Dynasty. Since the 1950s, bonsai production has become very popular in public gardens, nurseries and folk families, and bonsai associations have been established, and bonsai gardens and bonsai art exhibitions are often held.

Japanese tree stump bonsai was introduced from China, called "potted plant". Painting has appeared in the 14th century. In 1909, Japanese potted plants spread to the West through an exhibition in London. After World War II, Japanese potted plants became popular in Europe and the United States and were transliterated as "bonsai". At present, there are national and local associations in the United States, Britain, the Federal Republic of Germany, Australia and Japan. In 1980, the world's first bonsai Congress was held in Osaka, Japan, as well as a world bonsai exhibition.


Bonsai is generally divided into two categories: tree stump bonsai and landscape bonsai. The former takes trees as the main material, and can be divided into four categories: branch, leaf, fruit and flower, while the latter mainly uses rocks, water and soil as materials, with water as bonsai and soil as dry bonsai, and both water and soil as flood and drought bonsai.

Bonsai specifications: tree stump bonsai according to stump height (including cliff style according to the extension length of branches), landscape bonsai according to the length of the basin, divided into extra-large (more than 150cm), large (80cm 150cm), medium (40cm 80cm), small (10cm 40cm) and miniature (less than 10cm).

Bonsai tree stump

Choose more tree species with small branches and leaves, potted plants that are easy to survive, slow growth, long life and strange roots, especially those with gorgeous flowers and fruits. At present, there are about 160 species of landscape trees that have been used as stumps. In addition to artificial reproduction, the stumps of old trunks that have been cut down for many years are often extracted from mountain and forest fields. Tree stump bonsai can be summarized as straight dry, oblique dry, curved dry, lying dry, cliff, withered, even root, attached stone, jungle and other forms. The best cultivated soil is loose and permeable, good drainage and fat preservation. Bonsai production has pruning-based shaping method and wire or brown wire binding branches bent into a certain shape, and then carefully trimmed year by year and other methods, and have different local styles.

The bonsai of tree stump must be carefully maintained after it is formed. Among them, pruning is an important measure to promote or control the growth of tree stump and maintain a certain posture. All branches and leaves, hierarchical stumps, should often be thinned or cut short, in order to control the branches that disturb the shape. Pines can remove all or part of the main buds to shorten the shoot. The pruning of broad-leaved trees varies according to tree species and flowering and fruiting habits. Fertilization should not be too much, but it should be applied frequently to keep the plant with luxuriant leaves and flowers, strong but not futile. The stumps of flowers and fruit trees need to be fertilized, and more phosphorus and potash fertilizer should be applied. The amount of water varies according to climate, tree species, phenological phase and the texture of the basin, in order to keep the soil moist. It is often necessary to spray foliar water on pine and cypress, rhododendron, etc., which come from high mountains. Change the basin every 1 to 5 years depending on the size of the bonsai. When changing the basin, it is necessary to remove part of the old soil, cut off some of the old roots around and at the bottom, add new culture soil, and replant. In addition, conservation measures such as prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, cold protection and shading should be taken.

Landscape bonsai

The theme must be selected in advance and carefully designed, and stone selection and processing according to the theme can also be made according to the stone system and applied with the class. Rock materials can be divided into two types: pine stone (soft stone) and hard stone (hard stone). Cancellous stone can be carved into ravines, caves, peaks and hills with special hammers, while hard stone can be cut, sawed and cut to achieve the purpose of removing barren and preserving essence, and the deficiency can be made up by splicing and gluing. There is a planting hole on the stone to facilitate the planting of vegetation. The layout of the scenery in the basin should be primary and secondary, rich in levels, varied and not cluttered. In the same basin, the stone species should be the same, the stone color is similar, and the texture is consistent. At the same time, the use of near big and small, low high and small, near reality and far virtual perspective principle, with appropriate size of vegetation, pavilion bridge, birds and animals, characters, etc., set off with a shallow basin, to achieve the artistic effect of seeing the big in the small and being close to thousands of miles.

Style and genre

China has a vast territory, and there are many bonsai schools due to the differences in regional environment and natural conditions. As far as the five traditional schools are concerned, they are divided into the South School and the North School. The South School is represented by Guangzhou, and the North School includes the Sichuan School, Yang School, Su School and Shanghai School in the Yangtze River Basin.

Shanghai style

Bonsai art in Shanghai has a history of more than 400 years.

Because of its special geographical location and its important position in domestic and foreign trade, Shanghai has gradually formed a Shanghai-style culture that dares to innovate and is good at absorbing new things. Under the influence of this culture, Shanghai bonsai widely absorbs the advantages of various major schools in China, and also draws lessons from the modeling techniques of Japanese and overseas bonsai, creating a picturesque Shanghai-style bonsai that imitates nature.

Shanghai-style bonsai is not confined to one style and is not restricted by any program, but it attaches great importance to theme, hierarchy and variability in the layout, strives to reflect the wild interest of mountains and forests in the production process, pays attention to the form of ancient trees in nature and the personality of tree species, and makes great efforts to make it have both spirit and form according to the requirements of traditional Chinese painting theory. Although like all the northern schools, they pay attention to the shape of technical films, but they not only have a large number of technical films with no fixed specifications, but also vary in size, shape, density, freedom of gathering and dispersion, and take prosperity as the primary goal. Therefore, in the technique, we should attach equal importance to pruning and shearing, bending shape with wire winding branches instead of brown wire, and then trimming it carefully in order to maintain a beautiful shape, strong and soft, smooth and natural.

Shanghai-style bonsai is very rich in tree species, including deciduous leaves, evergreen, flowers and fruits, more than 140 of which are evergreen pine, cypress and beautiful flowers and fruits. In recent years, some tree species have been introduced from abroad (such as Japan, Portugal, etc.). Make the Shanghai-style stump bonsai more colorful.

There are no mountains in Shanghai, but it has made great progress in landscape bonsai and has made remarkable achievements. There are two types of Shanghai-style landscape bonsai: one is to use hard rocks to show close range, with steep peaks and verdant trees in the basin; the other is to use soft stone materials such as sea mother stone and pumice to carefully carve out mountain patterns and plant small trees and grass to express a far-reaching artistic conception. However, these two types of landscape bonsai are relatively vast in terms of their overall style, which is undoubtedly the imprint of the regional environment on the soul of bonsai artists, reflecting the regional characteristics of alluvial plains.


Guangdong bonsai centered on "Flower City" Guangzhou is called Lingnan School because it is located in the south of Wuling. The warm climate, abundant sunshine, abundant Rain Water, moist vegetation and unique natural environment provide extremely favorable conditions for the prosperity of bonsai art. Although Lingnan bonsai art started relatively late, it also has a history of hundreds of years.

Including bonsai from Guangdong and Guangxi, and represented by Guangzhou bonsai. Because of the warm climate and verdant ancient trees in Lingnan, elm, Sageretia spp., banyan, Jiuli incense (Murraya pa-niculata and Fujian tea, Carmo na microphylla) are selected as bonsai trees, and the method of "cutting trunk and storing branches" is created. First, the stump is topped to promote the growth of branches and leaves, and after repeated pruning, the characteristics of old and dry branches are formed, reflecting a straight, natural or elegant and bold style.

In the process of the formation of Lingnan Bonsai School, under the influence of Lingnan School, the tree techniques of Wang Valley and Wang Shimin and the techniques of flower-and-bird painting in Song and Yuan dynasties created a unique composition of broken branches based on "cutting dry and storing branches", forming the characteristics of "quite luxuriant and natural, elegant and unrestrained". The creative theme, either learning from nature or taking from the picture book, has respectively created bonsai trees with obvious local characteristics, such as Xiumao magnificent tree type, tall and towering type, wild natural type and short, dry and dense foliage foliage type, etc., and make use of the natural ornamental stone materials produced in South China, according to the painting theory of "thousands of miles away" and "small and medium-sized", to create landscape bonsai featuring the natural features of Lingnan. Lingnan School of Bonsai mostly uses Shiwan pottery pots and ceramic accessories, and pays attention to the configuration of landscape basins and several shelves. The title shows the effect of "one tree, two stones and three frames". It has become a rising star and an important part of the Chinese bonsai art school and enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad.

Sichuan School

Take Chengdu bonsai as the representative, including Chongqing and other places. Most of the trees are Diospyros sp. Paste stem begonia, Luohansong, ginkgo, bamboo, plum and so on. Tree stump bonsai is famous for its banding skills, with emphasis on the shape of hanging roots and showing claws and interlocking roots. It can also be divided into two categories: the traditional regular type and the improved natural type. The former tied the twigs with brown silk, while the latter won with Cangu Xiongqi.

Sichuan style bonsai has very strong regional characteristics and modeling characteristics. Its bonsai trees, to show Qiu qu colorful, ancient and magnificent features, while reflecting the spiritual connotation of hanging roots and claws, shaped like a big tree, emphasizing the rhythm and sense of rhythm in modeling and production, mainly brown silk flat binding, cutting and binding, its landscape bonsai is to show the majestic and high-risk landscape of Bashu, with the modeling combination of "rising, inheriting, turning, closing, falling, knot and walking" as the basic rule. In terms of momentum, it constitutes a high, suspended, steep and deep mountain and water landscape. Although there are some differences in some specific production techniques and landscape modeling of the bonsai in western Sichuan and eastern Sichuan, the basic composition principles and production methods are the same.

Due to the unique natural conditions, Sichuan school tree stump bonsai generally choose golden marbles, June snow, Luohan pine, ginkgo, crape myrtle, pedicel begonia, plum blossom, fire thorn, camellia, rhododendron and so on; landscape bonsai use sand sheet stone, stalactite, mica stone, sand stone, tortoise stone, and newly developed varieties as stone materials.

Chengdu, which has a history of 3000 years, has a humid climate and abundant rainfall, which is suitable for plant reproduction and growth, and provides an extremely favorable regional environment and natural conditions for the development of tree stump bonsai.

Su School

Su-style bonsai is mainly based on tree bonsai, quaint and simple, old and healthy, vivid charm, scene blend, intriguing. Su sent bonsai to get rid of the traditional modeling techniques and adopt the technique of "rough binding and fine cutting". For the main tree species, such as elm, sparrow plum, triangular maple, etc., brown silk is used to trim the branches into two-and-a-half "S"-shaped pieces that are slightly inclined in the middle, and then use scissors to trim the branches into an oval shape, which rises slightly in the middle, just like the clouds in the sky. For slow-growing and evergreen tree species such as pomegranate, yellow poplar, pine and cypress, on the premise of maintaining their natural shape, part of their branches are bent or sparse, so that their branches and leaves are evenly distributed. Its pruning is also based on the principle of keeping the shape beautiful and natural, and only some of the "pointed" shoots are cut off or removed, which has become the main feature of Su-style bonsai. In the process of Panza, Su sent bonsai to conform to nature and avoid affectation. In addition, the knot of "top" nature is also the uniqueness of Su-style bonsai.

Su style bonsai modeling features: pay attention to nature, the type changes with the pile, forming speed. Get rid of the shackles of the traditional modeling which has a long forming period, cumbersome procedures and rigid modeling in the past. Su sent bonsai, at the same time pay attention to the diversity and unity of scenery (pile, stone), basin and several frames, especially in the hall display, scenery, basin, frame should be in harmony with the hall structure, showing the "scene", "environment" proportionate and appropriate.

Yang School

Yangzhou as the center of Yangpai bonsai, including Jiazhou, Taizhou, Xinghua, Gaoyou, Nantong, Rugao, Yancheng and other places, because it is located in northern Jiangsu, it is also known as Subei School.

Yangpai bonsai has been tempered by old bonsai artists, and inspired by the vigorous heroic posture formed by the "processing" of green pines and cypresses in the high mountains and mountains through the wind and waves, according to the painting theory of Chinese painting "branches without inch straight", the artistic techniques of binding pieces formed by the combination of 11 brown methods are created. so that different parts of the long branches can have three bends (abbreviated as one inch three bends or inch branches three bends), the branches and leaves are cut into parallel branches, and the leaves are flat and tilted. Like floating in the blue sky extremely thin "cloud", the formation of "hierarchical, neat and smooth", full of meticulous detailed drawings and decorative beauty of the local characteristics. This kind of local characteristics, which originates from nature and is higher than nature, has been developed, and has been widely spread in Yangzhou and Taizhou as the center, forming a school, and has been listed as one of the five major schools of Chinese tree (pile) bonsai.

The mountain and rock bonsai of Yang School is mainly in Pingyuan style, which contains the Jiangnan feeling that "the spring tide is rising and the cross-strait river is wider, and the downwind sailing happens to hang the sails high." Yangpai stump bonsai commonly used tree species are: pine, cypress, elm, yellow poplar and five-needle pine, Luohan pine, June snow, ginkgo, green peach, pomegranate, plum, camellia and so on. Landscape bonsai not only use locally produced axes to split stones, but also use provincial sand stones, Reed tube stones and so on.

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