
Feel the beauty of jungle bonsai

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Influenced by his father since childhood, he is very interested in flowers and plants. With the increase of knowledge over the years, we have a different understanding of bonsai. Because bonsai is the further display of the individual characteristics of plants, I prefer bonsai as a plastic art.

Influenced by his father since childhood, he is very interested in flowers and plants. With the increase of knowledge over the years, we have a different understanding of bonsai. Because bonsai is a further display of the individual characteristics of plants, I prefer the plastic art of bonsai. An unimpressive stump is tied up and trimmed by bonsai technicians to give it a new meaning of life, or mountains and forests. Incomparably beautiful, or small bridge and flowing water, wild, or old trees, vigorous and simple. Pots are full of poetic and picturesque, worthy of "silent poetry, three-dimensional painting". It is not just a tree, but a man-made work of art.

A bonsai has a lot to appreciate, including the shape and the artistic conception shown. Among them, I like jungle bonsai best, it shows the initial appearance of nature, especially some jungle bonsai do not use older trees, but also the protection of some trees. Jungle bonsai mainly reflects the comprehensive image of the beauty of trees. Although the choice of plant form is not as strict as other bonsai. However, the image of group beauty is reflected through the combination of individuals. Therefore, as a jungle bonsai, every tree should be able to show its individual beauty in a unified composition. Therefore, a single plant should also have special value in posture, color and ornamental. Moreover, according to the basic principle of unity and change, there must be similarities and differences between plants. To achieve a clear distinction between primary and secondary, the main scene is prominent, do not plant equidistant, there should be sparse and dense. With the development of society, people pursue natural beauty more and more. As a unique ornamental, bonsai has been paid more and more attention by people.

In recent years, the main application of bonsai in gardens is bonsai garden, which is specialized in bonsai art storage, cultivation, teaching and display. The establishment of the garden in the park has a sense of icing on the cake and quietly mysterious. Bonsai gardens in some places have formed their own unique characteristics, while many bonsai gardens in Zhengzhou, like Zhengzhou, have been built, slowly expanding their scale and gradually forming their own style. With the continuous progress of society, it is believed that more unique bonsai gardens will develop.

Appreciation of jungle bonsai: this work makes people feel the beauty of Lin Jing, especially in the wild interest of mountains, pastoral scenery and small bridge and flowing water's nature.

Bonsai talk-love bonsai

The formal beauty of bonsai works is determined by the beauty of space, the beauty of lines and their combination. Bonsai plastic art, in the final analysis, is the art of dealing with space and lines. Professor Zou Xianmin believes that strange stone culture is a part of traditional mountain and stone culture. Mr. Li Qingzhai believes that Qishi is a kind of natural stone with ornamental value. Mr. Wei Wenfu believes that the current bonsai with trees and stones, jungles and changeable combinations are modern Chinese bonsai with Chinese national characteristics. Represents the style and genre of Chinese bonsai. It is the development direction of bonsai in a certain period of time. Raise piles: live in one year, be strong in two years; change in three or four years; look at each other in five or six years; think again in seven or eight years; it will take ten years to enter the elegant hall. (Xiao Wenhua) the idea of buying piles: "bizarre, fast shaping, reasonable price, loved by everyone." (Xiao Wenhua) choose bonsai billet: powerful roots and claws; coordinated proportion of dry branches; uniform and natural branches; few people are wounds; tree lattice has a unique personality. Bonsai creation should lay out space as a major element of composition. (Xiao Xiaoyang) the blending of scenery and emotion and the unity of image and meaning constitute the essence of Chinese bonsai. (Feng Rulin) given "humanistic spirit", bonsai is alive; only by understanding the "artistic conception" of the works can bonsai have independent personality charm. Bonsai appreciation should study not only the common problems, but also the different styles of the same problems. (Feng Rulin) different arts have different artistic languages and form different aesthetic characteristics. Artistic creation, because of its stage and continuity, has formed the artist's personal style. Appreciation is the reverse thinking of creation, and it is necessary to mobilize imagination, experience, experience, and even cultural accomplishment to explore more profound things in the works. (Feng Rulin) the industrial development of bonsai art will eventually take the road of nursery land cultivation. (Liu Chuangang) bonsai tree species have their own advantages, have their own grounds and do not replace each other in terms of formal images in a certain aesthetic vision. (Huang Xiang) diligence can make artists. Only by going deep into life, practice and nature can we refine the fine works of art with both form and spirit. Read widely the books of saints and sages; learn from the masters of many families. (provided by Bonsai House) to learn bonsai, you should often go out for a walk. It is better to hear than to see. "having knowledge does not mean having common sense, and having common sense does not mean having insight." Landscaping is the essence of Chinese bonsai, and the title of bonsai is the characteristic of Chinese bonsai. (Lin Fengshu) the global bonsai has been active among the people for a long time, because there is no independent discipline, so there is no orthodox academic education. Continue in a way taught by master and apprentice, it is easy to form a fixed pattern. (Yang Xiu, Taiwan) the current bonsai creation uses the fixed-point perspective and scattered perspective principle of the painting theory to carry out the layout, only the front has a sense of beauty, and the beauty of other angles is weak. Because bonsai is a three-dimensional three-dimensional space, we must use sculpture theory to construct bonsai. (Yang Xiu, Taiwan) at present, there is only one side of bonsai, which is a misconception. All should be arranged in an omni-directional three-dimensional space, so that viewers have different aesthetic feelings in different directions. (Yang Xiu, Taiwan) the beauty of bonsai is not composed of leaves and leaves, but the artistic conception constructed by the changes of branches and texture and the interlaced space. (Yang Xiu, Taiwan) the formulaic styling form causes many bonsai to be more or less the same, which is very different from the tree shape of nature. (Yang Xiu, Taiwan) it is not easy to determine the turning of bonsai pots and changing soil according to time, but it depends on the specific conditions of tree stumps. (Huang Jianming) the bonsai collection is to judge the past from a historical perspective, to examine the present from an artistic perspective, and to open up the future from the perspective of development. In fact, there is no creation without appreciation, let alone appreciation without creative practice. (yellow hydroxyl)

A bonsai should be the embodiment of a mental journey, people do not have exactly the same two kinds of mood, so they will not make exactly the same bonsai, so each one is very precious. (Xu Feng) making bonsai is like being a man, you must devote all your efforts, and any negligence will lead to irreparable pain. (Xu Feng) popular cypress bonsai just shows that our country is climbing a new peak in the development of bonsai art, so its popularity will last forever. (Hu Leguo) failure to understand the relationship between Chinese bonsai and Chinese traditional culture is probably the difference between "craftsman" and "teacher". (Feng Rulin) the final artistic effect and the highest artistic realm of bonsai must be based on natural beauty. (Zhao Qingquan) compared with the mountain pile material, the self-cultivated bonsai material provides a broader space for bonsai art creation in the aspects of forming time, pile type control, application scope, artistic conception expression, work adjustment, market development and so on. (Zheng Xuming) the unique style of Lingnan bonsai is "near-tree shape". The unique production method of Lingnan bonsai is "cutting dry and storing branches". Bonsai is a visual plastic art based on culture, guided by aesthetic theory and by means of modeling skills. (Zeng Xianye) the development of bonsai culture depends not only on artistic creation, but also on market development. (Mr. Wang) the individual beauty of bonsai is inseparable from the exploration of the cultural connotation of tree species. (Hui Youlin) it is true that there is no complete and independent theoretical system for Chinese bonsai so far, but this business can only be pragmatic. (Qiantang old man) the change from simplicity to complexity is a quantitative change, and from complexity to simplicity is a qualitative leap. (Li Yu) Chinese painting is most closely related to Chinese bonsai, so painting theory must be read and masterpieces must be read. It is necessary to cultivate a hobby for all kinds of art, so as to improve literary and artistic accomplishment and ideological taste. (Hu Leguo) in the final analysis, the evaluation of bonsai works is a cultural contest. (Hu Leguo) the good use of artistic dialectics reflects the level of the work and the author's cultural and artistic accomplishment (Hu Leguo). Chinese bonsai "originates from nature and is higher than nature". Let the work have a harmonious and perfect performance in form and content (Hu Leguo). Chinese bonsai must pursue its own distinctive national style (Hu Leguo). Today's bonsai art should reflect the combination of Chinese traditional and modern ideas (Hu Leguo) bonsai is culture, it and poetry, books, paintings. Similarly, it has become a part of Chinese culture. In September 2005, the China Bonsai artists Association awarded the latest 10 "Chinese bonsai masters": Liu Chuangang, Xie Keying, Zhang Zunzhong, Liu Zhongming, Jiao Guoying, Zheng Jianming, Wang Rusheng, Li Zhonghong, Xu Hao and Lu Zhiquan. The role of Shili Gan and Shenzhi: to make the transition of bonsai more natural, more curved and beautiful, and more colorful. " Henan. (Zhang Zhongyi) the bonsai of "Chinese style" is the freehand bonsai created with profound Chinese traditional national culture. (Shi Wanqin) without tradition, there can be no innovation, and without innovation, there will be no development. Jiangxi. Wei Youmin) branch storage modeling method: "one branch sees twists and turns, two branches are short and long, three branches are gathered and scattered, there are dew and there are hides." (he Xisun) the method of potential layout of single trees: "the tree is divided into four branches, there are short and long, the potential is oriented to the back, and it is also relaxed and stretched." The development direction of dynamic bonsai is to take the changeable road of tree and stone, jungle and combination on the basis of deepening single shape. Bonsai art, like other arts, is a synthesis of multi-level cultural accomplishment. (Li Erzhong) "Shili Gan" and "Shenzhi" are the products of Japanese social form. In the final analysis, it is only a way to decorate tree trunks, and it is by no means the whole art of bonsai. (Jiangsu Gongshuding) the "dual performance of big trees and high mountains" in natural bonsai is a mistake. (Chen Hongkui, Shandong) the bonsai title is not labelled. (Shi Wanqin, Beijing) it's time for bonsai evaluation to legislate according to regulations. (Yu Dongsheng, Wuhan) Bonsai is a kind of three-dimensional landscape painting in which the scenery, emotion, poetry and painting are integrated. This is the artistic charm of Chinese bonsai art works. Bonsai is not simply planting trees in pots, but stumps. Ideas and skills are planted in time. The appreciation process of bonsai art is actually the process of bonsai re-creation. (Xu Changqi) it is not advisable to make rigid regulations on bonsai exhibits, which restrict competition. The development of art depends on the prosperity of the art market, and the development of bonsai is no exception. (Chen Shuguang) Bonsai is a kind of art form, which has its own "circle" and has no significance of popularization. (Chen Shuguang) the dispute between "bonsai and potted plants" is essentially a "struggle for face". (Chen Shuguang) "it is better to be short than long" is the creative concept that must be followed from beginning to end of bonsai trees. (Huang Biaoyuan) vegetable cutting, short cutting and shrinking are the most basic and important pruning techniques for tree stump bonsai pruning. (Zhai Hongmin) bonsai art should take the road of diversification. (Hui Youlin) there are two types of Chinese root art: natural root art and carved root art. (Xu Huadang) Technology is for the service of art, technology is not the goal of the artist, but without technology, the goal cannot be achieved. (Wang voter) Bonsai year work: "an inch of branches give birth to several years, Jia Jing Fang has become ten years." Mr. Zheng Xuming believes that bonsai is a living work of art, a continuous work of art, and a work of art that can be adapted.

"from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, it is called high and high; from the front of the mountain to the back of the mountain, it is far-reaching; from near to the mountain and looking at the distant mountain, it is called Pingyuan." (Guo Xi "Lin Quan Gao Zhi") the purpose of pine carving is to improve the natural beauty image of broken branches and cross sections, to improve the utilization rate of materials, to turn ugliness into beauty, and to improve the visual angle effect of the transition. (Wang voter) the emergence of "rushing" bonsai should be a pioneering work in the bonsai field of our country, and perhaps it will become a new form of bonsai art in our country. (Gong Shuding, Jiangsu) it is urgent to protect the copyright of bonsai authors. (Xu Degong, Guizhou) Gao Siming, Shandong, and others believe that the commonality and tolerance of art provide infinite space for our creation. "trees are living things, adding stone means longevity; stone is a stubborn body, and if there is a tree, it is spirit." Mr. Huang Yagong of Fujian believes that the production of branches is the most artistic event in creation, the embodiment of manpower, the acquired kung fu, and the key to improving artistic value and commodity value, which cannot be ignored. Mr. Ke Zongrong combines root art with bonsai plants to make root art bonsai, the effect is very good. Lin Ruiwen's experience: propagating stone-attached piles with root materials is one of the shortcuts to create stone-attached bonsai. Mr. Liao Junsheng believes that as long as there is a "thin" and "elegant" appearance and temperament, it is a literati-style bonsai. Mr. Shi Wanqin pointed out that the modern interpretation and application of bonsai art is the key to realize the transformation from a big bonsai country to a powerful country. The experience of Mr. Tang Huayang in Lipu: the seedlings are bundled and nurtured, and the bonsai of big banyan trees are cultivated quickly. Professor Dong Zugan believes that the essential difference between potted plants and bonsai lies in the existence of artistic modeling. Mr. Fan Yicheng of Shandong pointed out that Platycladus orientalis bonsai has rich theme, charm, connotation, cultural atmosphere and creative space. Mr. Zhang Huanxian from Guangdong believes that it is easy for works to be the same as others, but difficult for those who want to be different from others. "different" is the outstanding personality of the work. More attention to the natural landscape and ancient trees is conducive to the creation of bonsai works. Professor Dong Zugan's definition of "bonsai": the so-called bonsai is developed on the basis of ancient Chinese potted plants and stone play, with tree and stone as the basic material, through artistic modeling, works of art that represent natural landscape, cultural landscape and human activities in the basin. About bonsai appreciation: look at the momentum from afar, take a closer look at kung fu, endow the landscape with ideas, and give wings to imagination. Guangxi Wuzhou bonsai circle pile selection tips: "the big head and rat tail are curved, old trees are twigs and short bunches" (provided by yuweiqiang) Bonsai master Professor he Yisun summarizes the characteristics of Hubei bonsai: "lively rhythm, flying momentum, freehand brushwork effect, natural charm". Bonsai art is the same as calligraphy and painting. Calligraphy pays attention to structure and momentum; painting pays attention to composition and charm. The same goes for bonsai. Only by taking advantage of the situation, ingenuity, and combining the theory of calligraphy and painting, can we create miraculous works of art. (courtesy of Zheng Tongguo in Shandong) Mr. Hu Leguo believes that the creation of pine trees should pay attention to the performance of character. The main problems in the popularization of bonsai are as follows: propaganda of bonsai knowledge, improvement of policy management mechanism, cost reduction of large-scale production, development of accessories, circulation obstacles (transportation, mailing, etc.), miniaturization of specifications, popularization of artistic taste, professional supporting services, etc. Mr. Wei Jinsheng believes that amateur bonsai lovers and entrepreneurs (groups) who are obsessed with bonsai will become the intermediate force of Chinese bonsai and dominate Chinese bonsai art in the future. Mr. Xu Zhimiao believes that, after all, the artistic conception of solitary wood bonsai is limited, while mountain bonsai provides a broader space. The space and lines in bonsai are three-dimensional, living and constantly changing, making the works more vivid, richer and more expressive. The use of straight lines to construct the loose scene skeleton is more conducive to the expression of the masculine beauty of the works. (Qian Zebin)

The discussion on carving, literati trees and the treatment of tradition is not only the great joy of the innovation of Chinese bonsai art, but also the necessity of the evolution of Chinese bonsai culture. The improvement of culture and art should be supported by economic leverage, and the development of bonsai must be combined with the market. (Su Benyi) there are three indispensable types of bonsai: outstanding winners, entrepreneurs who promote communication, and visitors who are in a happy mood. (Su Benyi) bonsai is not only a gorgeous flower in the market, but also a colorful cultural feast. (Su Benyi)

Stone cannot be said to be the most lovely. Liang Zhiwei pointed out: "to appreciate the stone, we should appreciate the situation of the stone." the "state" is static, and the "potential" is mobile. On stone appreciation: the modern "shape and color pattern" challenges the traditional "wrinkle, thin and penetrating". "Nian Gong" is an important yardstick of whether bonsai works are mature or not. On techniques: "the invisible moves are excellent ones, and the unrealized ones are superb ones." On inheritance and development: "those who learn from me live, like those who die (Qi Baishi)." The stump material has no artistic creation, and it will always be soulless material. On the selection of piles: "there are no bad colors, only bad collocations" (painting language). Bonsai creation draws lessons from the principles: "making the past serve the present", "making foreign things serve China", "it is for my use", creating bonsai with Chinese characteristics. Bonsai creation: thousands of peaks are abnormal, thousands of trees have their own appearance. It should vary from scene to scene and highlight personality. Treat tradition from a materialistic point of view and creation in a realistic way. Bonsai aesthetics: aesthetics is the reflection of world outlook. Bonsai master's method of nature: "the creation of a foreign teacher is the source of the heart." "Bamboo in the eye, bamboo in the chest, bamboo in the hand". In the bonsai of trees, miscellaneous wood bonsai is considered to be the most difficult to model because of many tree species, complex personality characteristics, unpredictable branches and other factors. Bonsai people can be divided into: gardening bonsai people, scholar bonsai people, collection bonsai people, intermediary bonsai people. Shili dry, Shenzhi in the pine and cypress bonsai modeling is very appropriate, can also be applied to miscellaneous wood bonsai. The premise of the beauty of artistic conception is the beauty of image. Only the beautiful image can produce the beautiful artistic conception. The poetic flavor of bonsai in our country is like the poem "the words are full but the meaning is endless", like the painting "there is a painting outside the picture", while the bonsai should have "scenery outside the scene". The production of Shuligan is regarded as the most difficult skill in making bonsai trees. Nature is our best teacher. Chinese bonsai pays attention to "not showing hands" and "just like Tiancheng", which is the pursuit of natural beauty. Poetic and picturesque is an important aesthetic feature of Chinese bonsai, which embodies the combination of realism and romanticism. There are laws but no styles for Chinese bonsai. The stone is amorphous, but the mountain has a law. According to the different purposes of production, bonsai can be divided into artistic bonsai, commercial bonsai, gardening bonsai and so on. To create flood and drought bonsai, it is necessary to have the basic skills of tree bonsai, the experience of landscape bonsai and higher cultural and artistic accomplishment. Directional training works: design modeling scheme, directional training works. About several: there are tree roots, pillows, scrolls, square, round, special-shaped, single, double, Bogu and so on. It requires that the craft should be simple, the lines should be smooth, the proportion should be coordinated, and the scenery should echo. About the combination of bonsai: one basin, two landscapes and more than three, the three are integrated into one body, which not only coordinate with each other, but also complement each other. Bonsai appreciation should go beyond visual feelings into emotional association, empathy to the scene, higher than the realm of vision. This case depends on the quality of the appreciator. Chinese bonsai art has broad characteristics of the Chinese nation, "reference" can only be used by me, but can not weaken or replace the "theme". Otherwise, "Chinese bonsai" will no longer exist in the world. The bonsai works of naturalism and formalism are powerless. Chinese bonsai should not only pursue the expression of emotion, but also pursue a variety of expressions of step-by-step scenery change and eye-shift landscape change. Artistic conception is the highest standard for testing bonsai art. The natural beauty of bonsai is artificial and artistic, not a natural prototype. That's why it integrates more social connotations. Regular bonsai is based on natural bonsai. The more regular bonsai is, the more complete the work is, but the more programs and shackles can be formed. Bonsai art is the crystallization of the long-term mind of the Chinese nation and a great contribution to world culture. Artistic conception actually refers to the infinite space that can be understood with the mind. Furnishings configuration: Zhangshan foot tree is divided into two parts. About the maintenance time of bonsai: fast is slow, slow is fast. The art of root carving is an art created by nature. Seven percent natural, three percent artificial. Bonsai art is a comprehensive art that brings together painting, music, modeling, literature and other arts.

First learn to be a man, experience the hardships of life; then learn bonsai and express your passion from the bottom of your heart. Fiddling with bonsai is not only a comprehensive exercise for physical, mental and psychological strength, but also has the effect of relieving irritability, invigorating energy, calming beauty and self-cultivation. Bonsai is the best prescription for traditional Chinese medicine. Love bonsai, prolong life. To savor bonsai art is to savor nature, society and life. Bonsai is the music that cleanses the soul with wordless poetry and three-dimensional painting. Potted kung fu is outside the basin. To play with bonsai is to keep the right plant species in the pot for years. So to play bonsai is to play with interest, will and self-cultivation.

Introduction of high-quality tree species suitable for making bonsai

Introduction of high-quality tree species suitable for making bonsai

Cultural life is an indispensable part of human life. Without cultural life, human beings will feel how boring the world is. People have their own preferences, some love poetry and painting, some love singing and dancing, some love playing and swimming, and so on. They all give people pleasure and enjoyment.

Bonsai art can not only beautify the environment, but also give people the enjoyment of beauty.

Bonsai is a kind of display with a long history in China, which makes woody plants, herbs, or water, stone, etc., after artistic processing, planting or arrangement in the basin, making it a microcosm of nature. According to different materials, bonsai can be divided into two categories: tree Toona bonsai and landscape bonsai. Bonsai is highly ornamental and artistic, and is deeply loved by people.

Enjoy the landscape bonsai, as if in the arms of nature, the beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland. Pianpian's reverie, how fascinating, sightseeing, giving people endless enjoyment of poetry and painting, is a kind of both elegant and vulgar, healthy and civilized cultural and artistic activities.

1. Cypress:

Cypress bonsai can be called the king of bonsai. Cypress and pine trees are equally famous, with pine and cypress evergreen, green pine and green cypress.

The aesthetic characteristics of cypress are almost the same as those of pine, but there are also differences. In addition to being ancient, green, strong and strange, there is also its tenacity; the bark of cypress is rotated like a strand, and the branches are not easy to break. Because the vitality of the cypress is stronger than that of the pine, if the cypress is struck by lightning and the trunk is broken at the waist, as long as it has about an inch of skin, it will not die, and most of the branches will be broken. Therefore, bonsai workers like to use cypress trees to make "Shili dry" bonsai, in order to show the meaning of ancient trees in spring.

The famous Japanese potted plant "Shili dry" technique is also mostly used in cypress bonsai.

Second, pines: pine is the male of ten thousand trees, and it is the oldest known plant. The appearance of pine is tall and straight, vigorous and arrogant after wind, frost, rain and snow, it is very easy for people to feel its wildness and arrogance. Therefore, Chen Yi wrote a poem in 1960 praising "the heavy snow presses the green pine, which is straight and straight." You should know that pine is noble and clean, when the snow melts. " It means that the more the snow presses the pine, the more straight the pine is. If you want to know the noble character of the pine, wait until the snow melts. Marshal Chen Yi demonstrated his determination to carry out the revolution to the end without fear of hardships and dangers. This noble quality in the pine bonsai works, can have refined performance!

The main characteristics of pine bonsai are evergreen in all seasons, cold and high temperature tolerance, drought tolerance and so on. It can be said that it is the most drought-tolerant tree species. When bonsai lovers travel on business or are busy at work, they do not have to worry that their beloved pine bonsai will easily die of thirst. Among the pine trees made in China, the best is Pinus massoniana or Pinus massoniana. The shape of mountain pine is the most beautiful among pine trees, so it is very precious. If the needle is properly controlled, the mountain pine bonsai is not only as good as the five-needle pine bonsai, but even comparable to the pine queen Osaka pine bonsai. At present, according to relevant data, in today's bonsai world, the most popular bonsai tree species in the world is pine! In my opinion, compared with the pine tree, the cypress tree has the feminine characteristics of softness and tenacity, showing the tenacious beauty; compared with the cypress tree, the pine tree has the great spirit of being rough and bold, showing the strong beauty of being upright. Pine and cypress bonsai: one firm and one soft, complement each other; one yin and one yang, complement each other; strength and softness help each other, yin and yang are harmonious.

3. Huang Yang:

Poplar bonsai has many advantages, such as graceful and dignified trees, fine leaves, vigorous and simple branches, old style, small and medium-sized, natural shaping and slow growth, stable tree shape, evergreen and so on. It has been recognized as one of the best bonsai tree species since ancient times. If you want to get a good boxwood bonsai, it is really very difficult!

4. Luo Hansong:

Luohan pine bonsai, the tree posture is lush and elegant, ancient and vigorous; the leaf color is fresh green all the year round, with a sense of vitality and elegance. If attached to the rock, made into the posture of eagle claw holding stone, more quaint and chic. Luo Hansong and bamboo, stone group scenery, extremely elegant. Jungle-style Luohan pine bonsai, coupled with grazing scenery, can give people a wild enjoyment. If cultivated properly, after decades or even a hundred years of prosperity, it will become an excellent pot of Luohan pine bonsai. Luo Hansong occupies an unusual position in potted art in China.

Fifth, Sparrow Mei:

Finch plum, with natural and peculiar roots, showing claws, vigorous and elegant tree posture, beautiful shape and antique flavor, is one of the main tree species of Chinese stump bonsai, one of the five famous trees in Lingnan bonsai, and one of the bonsai plants exported to the United States after China's entry into WTO. Sparrow plum is the best bonsai stump, with upright temperament, strong germination, good adaptability, strong vitality, changeable seasons, variety, suitable for the production of various styles of bonsai, has a high ornamental value. It is one of the most popular bonsai tree species in Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

6. Golden marbles:

Golden marbles, stem strong and straight, natural Qiu qu; color such as iron, strange shape; clear and elegant, extensive management; it is also an excellent bonsai material for leaf, fruit and shape. It is the main tree species of Sichuan bonsai, which is one of the traditional schools of Chinese bonsai.

Seventh, Jiuli incense:

Jiuli incense has the characteristics of elegant tree appearance, vigorous branches, short and strong branches, strong leaves and twigs, and intertwined roots. It is evergreen all the year round, its flowers are white and fragrant, and its Zhu fruit is dazzling. It is an excellent bonsai material. There are common tree shapes such as direct dry type, double dry type and oblique dry type, which is quite vigorous and simple. It is one of the main tree species of Lingnan bonsai.

8. Gu Mei:

One of the top ten famous flowers in China is deeply loved by people for its character of ice muscle and jade bone, walking alone in early spring and keeping fragrance in the cold. Ancient plum pile bonsai, its potential vigorous and simple, winter wax moon, golden flowers in full bloom, faint fragrance overflowing, full of indoor, people will smell will be refreshed. The spirit of not being afraid of and fighting against the cold is even more inspiring. The reason why the ancient plum pile bonsai is special is that it is cultivated from the tree stump, the Qiu branches appear vigorous and powerful, and the shape is special. Appreciating plums is expensive, old but not young.

9. Maple (maple):

The maple tree has a beautiful appearance, the new leaves are red in spring and summer, and the leaves are bright and beautiful, while the old leaves turn green. Since ancient times, there have been many writers who love them, write poems and recite poems, and often write feelings with maple. Acer belongs to the Aceraceae family, its lycopene is relatively thick, and the leaves fall slowly, so it can show the whole plant red for as long as two or three weeks, which is very spectacular.

Maple (maple) ancient piles, with its unique style and image, are favored by bonsai lovers and collectors.