
Production method and cultivation and maintenance knowledge of Masson Pine Bonsai

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Mountain pine fast growth, long life, evergreen, ancient Xiongqi, temperament straight and unyielding, but also tall and straight beautiful, elegant not vulgar. In the 1950s, Tao Zhu's "the style of Pines" was highly appreciated and widely circulated. There is no doubt that the style of pine trees has a strong appeal to the bonsai family.

Mountain pine fast growth, long life, evergreen, ancient Xiongqi, temperament straight and unyielding, but also tall and straight beautiful, elegant not vulgar. In the 1950s, Tao Zhu's "the style of Pines" was highly appreciated and widely circulated. There is no doubt that the style of pine trees has a strong appeal to the bonsai family.

Pinus massoniana is a kind of mountain pine, which grows widely in the south of the Yangtze River and has mountains and hills below 1800 meters each. It can also be found in southern Shandong, Henan, Hubei and southwest provinces. Pinus massoniana has a rugged trunk, thick bark, dark brown nail-shaped cracks, tall and straight trees, more than 30 meters high, whorled branches, evergreen needles, a bunch of two needles, and occasionally a bunch of three needles, with needles 15 cm long. Pinus massoniana has strong adaptability, wind and cold resistance, high temperature resistance, barren resistance and lax requirements on soil. Slightly acidic red loam or granite weathered soil is the most suitable for its growth. Masson pine wood is flexible, the sap is full, the waterline crisscross, the plasticity is extremely strong, the shape is easy, the branches are bent and twisted and shaped quickly, the needles are green after molding, and the viewing period is long, so it is an excellent material for making bonsai, but because of its thick and long main root, less lateral roots, higher requirements for transplanting operation, affecting the survival rate, and longer needles, natural growth is more soft and drooping, showing muddy and loose, so it seems to cultivate less before. The author has a special fondness for Masson Pine, cultivated and explored for many years, and now provides some experience for enthusiasts to participate in politics.

I. selection of billets

Pinus massoniana bonsai material can be cultivated from childhood, but it can't grow up in ten to twenty years.

Barren skin takes a long time to make fine bonsai, and when conditions permit, it is mainly to dig old piles in the mountains, which are cut down by woodcutters all the year round, or destroyed in a harsh environment, and the trees are short, sturdy, twisted, tangled and clustered with branches. The old pile head, which cannot be made into wood, is a good stock for making bonsai. We should focus on selecting those short, old, and can be excessively natural, rich in change of the trunk, preferably with ready-made dowry branch support, or branch position is reasonable, bud point is more compact, there is room for choice, with training prospects of the pile head. The second is to choose the pile head with more coordinated root disc, more lateral roots, flatter extension and easier survival. Mountain pile digging must minimize the impact on environmental protection as far as possible, and take some measures such as replanting seedlings to oppose excessive digging like the Sanguang policy.

2. Digging

Although the excavation time of Pinus massoniana varies from region to region, it will not be too different. Generally, it is appropriate to avoid the plum rain season when the dormant period begins from October to November of the Gregorian calendar and the leaf buds begin to sprout from the end of February to March. Because Masson pine likes to be dry and afraid of humidity, it is difficult to fight on rainy days, and the other is that the soil is too wet and the root system is not good for air permeability, which is not conducive to root survival.

Pinus massoniana excavation should pay attention to several aspects, first, branch and leaf pruning should be moderate. Before digging, branches and leaves must be pruned and cut with great intensity, but they must be strong or weak, the size and balance of the roots must be matched and balanced, too many branches and leaves will lose water and wither due to insufficient water supply to the roots, and if too little is left, the roots will be stuffy and rotten due to the lack of photosynthesis. at the same time, after the consideration of adaptive modeling, some branches that need to be retained or nurtured should be cut as little or not as possible. Do not easily cut off some dead branches, the saw blade of the big branch support should not be too flat, it looks like aluminum plate, there should be more room for production and processing, so as to make the tree more natural and old. Second, in the excavation, in addition to the main root is too long and must be cut short, more lateral roots should be retained, especially the beggar roots the size of chopsticks, these lateral roots are prone to the outbreak of new roots to promote their survival. All root-cutting sections must be cut flat and rotten roots should be removed. Third, when you start to dig, you must bring a good nip, and the size of the nip depends on the size of the pile head, the distribution of fibrous roots and the conditions of transportation, unless individual nips are difficult to fight without main roots or soil quality relations, and bring them as large as possible if possible, so as to ensure survival first and cut them before the last plate. After the nituan is lifted, it is necessary to tie it up with adhesive tape or grass rope, so as to ensure that the transportation is loaded and unloaded. Cement unity is a key to survival. Fourth, the pile head should be properly shaded and sprayed with water to the branches and leaves after digging, so as to reduce the residence time and transport it back to cultivation as soon as possible. It is a pity that some good pile heads have been dug up and parked for too long, and the loss of water has affected their survival.

Third, raise the blank

After the pile head of Masson pine is transported back, it should be planted as far as possible for more than one year, and if there is no ground planting condition, wooden boxes or pottery plates can be used to raise the billet, and the soil can be mixed with river sand, coal ash and yellow loam soil, which can not only loosen and moisturize, but also use other loose plain soil to avoid stickiness and alkalinity. The grass rope tied to the nituan should be removed to prevent fermentation and rooting. Four weeks after soil cultivation, use bamboo sticks to insert seeds, then fully irrigate the soil, be sure to make the soil wet and firm with the roots, and then a week only need to spray water to the branches and leaves, no watering, no cane shading, unless the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, still less can use a film cover, as long as the soil has a certain degree of moisture (dry). If the soil is too wet or even stagnant, the survival rate is very low. If the soil is too wet due to too much air humidity, dry soil can be added to the surface to absorb water, and a film should be used to cover nishi waterproof on rainy days. If the whole process is well grasped, the general survival rate can reach more than 70%.

Good billet is rare, survival is not easy, raise billet must be patient and meticulous, pay attention to observation, do not be impatient. Judging whether the pile head is alive or not, we can't just look at whether new needles are sprouting, because the first sprouting and releasing needles are often the growth of the nutrients and vitality previously accumulated in the stump. At this time, the new root may not have grown or the new root is very tender and has not yet been able to absorb enough nutrients for the stump, so it still needs to be carefully maintained until the bud head extends to the second germination. Generally speaking, the pile head excavated at the end of the year will not be confirmed until July of the following year. If the bud head becomes soft and the leaf color is dark, it is bound to die.

The pile head of Pinus massoniana is raised for at least one year, except for forcing the bud, do not cut off the branches and leaves and remove the bud head at will, let alone dig the soil to observe the root growth and apply fertilizer rashly. The main branches should be allowed to grow wildly, making the tree strong and loosening the cortex. When the tree is exuberant, it can be put on the plate or modeled on the spot.

IV. Modelling

In principle, the modeling of Masson Pine bonsai takes the vigorous strength of the strong sun as the theme, but because of its flexible branches and strong plasticity, most of the piles obtained by the mountains are short and strong, and the root plucks are very few, and there is a lack of branches, so they should not be different, apply art in accordance with their aptitude, and follow the aesthetic principles to capture the most prominent characteristics and the most beautiful place of the pile head. Turn the material into a living work of art. Masson pine bonsai has been formed for a long time, without continuous creation for eight or more years, it is difficult to complete a more satisfactory boutique.

The first step in the modeling of tree stump bonsai is to choose the best viewing surface. For the old pile dug back through the mountains, which face and which form can create the best ornamental effect should be considered at the very beginning, but due to the short time before raising the billet, we can only make a preliminary assumption and cutting, and the trend of the trunk can be changed in the process of raising the billet. The thickness distribution of the root plate and the emergence trend of the dowry branch are constantly and carefully observed, deliberated over and over again, and considered comprehensively and coordinately as a whole. Due to the author's different world outlook, outlook on life, artistic connotation, understanding of natural beauty and even personal hobbies, the expected effect of a pile head will be different, and different artistic expressions will be adopted. at the same time, some pile heads can be modeled in various forms, so do not rush to operate, be more patient, fully consider and compare repeatedly, make full use of your strengths and circumvent your weaknesses, and vary from pile to pile. Be sure to find out its most prominent, the most characteristic, can show the most beautiful and avoid the ugliest viewing surface, so that you have a plan, wait for the tree to regain strength, and then start modeling and processing. The choice of viewing surface can draw the expected effect of modeling, or ask experienced friends or experts to give consultation or guidance to choose the best plan as far as possible. Once the ornamental surface is determined, the roots, stems, branches and leaves, that is, from the skeleton to the crown, should be modeled one by one to achieve the most beautiful ornamental effect. If the choice of viewing surface is not accurate, or if it is changed at will, not only all previous efforts may be wasted, a lot of time may be wasted, but the potential ornamental effect may also be greatly reduced. wouldn't it be a pity if first-class trees cultivate third-class ornamental effects.

After determining the viewing surface, the most important thing is to deal with the trunk, the trunk is the main line of the stump bonsai, is the key to modeling, the change of the trunk determines the posture of the tree, trunk processing well, the beauty of a work can be fully reflected. There are a variety of tree trunks in nature, some of which are tall and straight, upright and upright, some floating sideways, like facing the water, some bending and falling rocks, some wandering dragons, some thin and towering, elegant and strange, some short and majestic peaks, ancient and clumsy magnolia, which can be divided into straight dry, oblique dry, curved dry, lying dry or single dry, double dry, multi-dry, and in the form of bonsai, there are turning back, fishing for the moon, hanging walls and so on. Masson pine in addition to the dry jungle pile head is very small, other forms exist, and there are many strange piles, which is conducive to the innovation of modeling.

After the trunk of the pile head of Pinus massoniana is selected according to the best viewing surface, the method of cutting and storing branches can be used to select the most valuable section from the base to the top to cut off the stem just right. Because the branches of Pinus massoniana do not germinate new buds without needles, the upper end of the section must have needled lateral branches to thicken and extend the trunk. If the old stem does not have side branches on both sides, the cut should be about 5 cm long and sealed with sealing glue or plant ash to prevent retraction or sap loss, and wait for the side branches to grow and then do processing and trimming.

The general requirements for the trunk of the stump bonsai are over-natural, curved, varied and shrinking from the bottom up. Should be based on the viewing surface, so that the dry body bends at different angles, and the range of the left and right is large, the amplitude before and after the range is small, the angle of bending and the length of each section should be varied, stretch naturally, balance and coordinate, and present the curve beauty of the existing sense of motion and force as far as possible. avoid too balanced machinery. The lack of change and difficult to process the straight dry can be made into welcome pine. For the modeling and processing of the trunk stretching posture, we can use simple tools, should have the principle of mechanics, take a good bending angle, and carry out strong pushing and lifting. Practice has proved that branches with a diameter of about four centimeters can also be strongly relaxed and bent, without the need to make trenches or grooves. During the operation, we should pay attention to protect the barren skin and try to cushion the stressed parts. Masson pine multi-stem pile head is very few, but can be planted together, multi-stem type should not only pay attention to the change of single trunk, but also consider the overall effect, the coordination of stem and trunk, primary and secondary echo, and so on, such as double-dry brother tree, grandson tree, always one oblique, double floating oblique, etc., each of the three trunks should not be side by side with a plane, should have depth, a sense of perspective, a combination, and look forward.

The shape of the bonsai branch of Masson pine is required to express the pine style according to its growth law in nature. No matter what kind of tree type, should be flexion degree, the trend is strong and smooth, the main branch is flat and slightly drooping, and there are hierarchical branches, the vein is clear, the formation of branches. Can be properly made to show the strength of the hard angle dead curve and soft angle, the combination of straight line and soft curve, so as to be rigid and soft, beautiful and durable.

As it is extremely difficult for the old trunk of Pinus massoniana to sprout new buds, the branch support of the original pile head should be fully considered, especially the oblique stem base is more precious, and there is no shortage of support as far as possible, but the so-called borrowing branch with twisting rotation is not recommended. Sometimes the plane effect seems to be OK, but it is always a pity, the branch position is wrong, can not stand scrutiny, can not bear to see.

The lack of support of Pinus massoniana can be solved by grafting, generally using T-shaped grafting method, bud grafting is difficult to succeed. The grafting method is the same as that of other tree species. The grafting time should be in the growing season. Before grafting, the old branches must peel off the old skin of the grafting site, the operation must be accurate and fast, and the binding should be firm, so as to prevent the sap (rosin) from solidifying to form a thin film to hinder the infiltration and growth of cells. After binding, you can use dual-purpose sealing glue or tape film to cover waterproof, confirm the successful gradual weaning, and then completely cut off in the second growth period. In Guangdong, it is also used for piercing and connecting, which is done by drilling vertically at the position of the stem, removing the front end of the branch with slightly the same diameter, leaving the needle head pierced, forming a layer on one side, and then binding and fixing it, and the effect is also very good.

The shape of the branch receptacle should be set and done well, raise it as far as possible to coordinate with the trunk, the banner to watch the effect, the thickness is 1/3 to 1/2 of the trunk, the position is lower, the extension is longer, the straight width can be on the high side, the thickness is thinner, the extension is shorter, and the gold component point of the trunk is the most ideal, not in the middle of 1/2. The first support should be the thickest and longest branch support of the pile scene, and then the interval between the supports and the thickness of the support should be shortened and reduced step by step. Each branch should have multiple directions, staggered with each other, vivid trend, rich three-dimensional sense, and generally unified and coordinated as a whole. Corrections should be given to the straight out of the front, so as not to dazzle. All the branches should be slightly lower on the sunny side of the trunk, just in the convex position of the corner will disperse the tree potential, while in the sunny concave position is neither beautiful nor consistent with the law of tree growth. The first, second, and third supports of the pile scene should be done neatly, so that 2/3 of the lower part of the trunk can be clearly explained and clearly visible, and a further 1/3 can be seen, but be sure to make the top of the trunk appear faint, the crown is more dense, and the proportion is reasonable. prevent neck exposure or necking. The trend of the top branch can be slightly upward, and the crown is generally flat.

Masson pine branch modeling operation requirements are different from the general pine tree to tie and pull the main practice, must highlight a "cut" word, cutting distortion, forced bud control leaves, combined with binding and hanging. Only by constantly and reasonably cutting can we cultivate grade branches, only by cutting to force buds and control leaves, can we make the tree shape compact, needles shorter, and naturally form pieces, and only by cutting and binding and hanging, can we make branches extend hard angles and soft angles, straight lines and curves, full of variety and strength, so that the main trunk of Saki rugged and green and soft needles reflect each other, showing the beauty of rigidity and softness, and endless charm. Beyond the reach of other pine trees.

The wood fiber of Pinus massoniana is long and tough, so it is easy to bend and twist easily. After the thicker branches are wrapped in packaging tape or electrical tape and wrapped with aluminum wire density, use a simple tool with the function of pulling the top, bend strongly, and then try to fix them. Properly operated, the angle of changing direction can be more than 90%. Twigs below 2 cm can directly dig and twist the parts that need to be bent by hand. As long as you feel the wood is loose and the fibers are loose, the branches become very soft and can be bent into place as required, and then tied and fixed. Smaller twigs can be wound around with aluminum wire, twisted and bent at will by pulling and hanging, and if the branches are accidentally burst and broken, as long as they keep more than 1/3 of the cortex and wood fibers intact, immediately bandaged with adhesive tape, the wound will overclose itself and show more aging. Masson pine branches bend faster, about half a year, twigs one or two months, we should pay attention to observation, timely removal and binding of aluminum wire, to prevent branch growth and embedded in the cortex. Twisted branches must be completely Lignified, and the twigs that are not formed by wood fibers are brittle and easily broken.

Most of the branches of Pinus massoniana mountain pile head are long, the branches are few, the near bud head is even less, and the needles of the old branches fall off, which appears to be particularly loose, so the forced bud method can be used to make the tree shape compact. The so-called forced bud is to cut off most of the branches and leaves, force their nutrient adduction, stimulate the growth of new buds closer to the trunk, and when the new buds are mature, cut them back again and force them to produce new bud points until the new bud points meet the modeling requirements, so as to grow into a second section or secondary branch. Force the bud to be careful not to touch the needles left behind, and the branches without needles will not germinate and die. The needles will fall off automatically after two years of growth, and the branches that need to be forced to sprout should be cut back before the needles fall off, and the needles left should be more than four bunches. For the aged wood branches, it is necessary to cultivate and grow so that the skin color is light and the skin becomes loose before they can be cut back, and the aged branches lack of germination. The first section still needs long and thick branches, which can continue to press the bud in the second node or branch, but the original branch must be retained or a strong branch must be added to allow it to grow and thicken. For example, due to the geographical relationship, in order to shorten the forming time, the main branches that already have secondary branches can be twisted and hoisted instead of cutting and storing tables.

Masson pine needles are too long, the natural growth can reach about 25 centimeters, and most of them are soft and drooping, affecting the modeling effect, so leaf control has become an important part of modeling. Practice has proved that the leaves can be controlled properly, the needles can be controlled at about four centimeters, and the viewing period is more than four months. The normal growth of Pinus massoniana sprouts new buds twice in February and August every year. After the branches are dense and the tree skeleton is basically formed, the leaves must be controlled to improve the ornamental effect. The method of leaf control is to cut the branches synchronously, or to cut back all the branches with tips in the middle of July according to the crown shape. If individual buds are inconvenient to shorten, they should also be cut off. As long as there are more than three bunches of needles, many new buds will sprout at the cutting mouth. For example, if the tree is vigorous, one cut can sprout more than ten new buds. After the new buds begin to release needles, strictly control the water, and remove the buds in time. All the cuts leave only two or three bud heads in the appropriate growth direction, and sweep away all the excess buds. One or ten. Needles of about three centimeters can grow before one ". At this time, as long as the original old needles are removed, the ornamental effect will show that, if properly mastered, the needles will basically no longer grow up to about four centimeters. At this time, the delicate needles, the color of the leaves is green, no less than five-needle pine, can be beautiful with Osaka pine, another person is pleasing to the eye. Leaf control should pay attention to apply thin fertilizer half a month before pruning, keep the tree vigorous and dynamic, the tree is too weak to control the leaves, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow, the buds will be slender, the needles will not grow long, and the tree will not flourish for a long time or even lose branches, so the leaves can only be controlled once a year. Before the new needles mature and germinate for the second time, thin fertilizer should be applied again to rejuvenate the tree. As the branches and leaves of the pile scene are getting denser and denser, the shearing must be combined with the crown shape to form an unequilateral triangle, and the boundary curve should not be too slippery and should be undulating and slightly wild. Needles should be clustered, scattered, although shunting, but dense, full of charm, such as the internal texture of natural gems, all show the beauty of nature, cut too regularly, neatly into pieces, revealing close breath.

In the modeling of Masson pine bonsai, we must also pay attention to the plane effect. Some bonsai real scenery and photo viewing effect is very different, this is the question of whether to be on camera, that is, the problem of flat effect. Bonsai must be photogenic, easy to communicate in the way of photos, and can be preserved and handed down from generation to generation. At the same time, through photo comparison, it is easier to find problems, find deficiencies, and constantly improve. Therefore, at different stages of each creative process, we should take corresponding photos for comparison, and establish a simple photo album file, so that we can consult and appreciate the application at any time.

V. maintenance and management

As bonsai is a living art, its creation has no end. If there is an end, it is the end of its artistic life. Therefore, the process of maintenance and management is the continuation and extension of modeling. For pine bonsai, reasonable maintenance, the longer the time, the longer the shape will be more perfect, pine life is very long, pine bonsai is handed down from generation to generation, maintenance and management is more important.

Pinus massoniana is resistant to barren pot, but also likes fertilizer. During the growth of piles, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently. In late spring and early summer and autumn, fertilizer should be diluted 20 times a month with cake fertilizer. The number of times of fertilization can be increased appropriately if the pot is larger and the root system is well developed. If conditional application of retting shellfish fertilizer or fish fertilizer is available, it is most effective to promote sturdiness, and high-quality high-quality granular compound fertilizer can also be used cautiously. Generally, nitrogen fertilizers such as urea or human urine should not be applied. Because pine needles can absorb nitrogen in the air, pine roots are sensitive to nitrogen, so it is not suitable to apply fertilizer in midsummer, severe winter and spring and rainy season. It is most suitable to apply liquid fertilizer when the soil is dry in the afternoon, and watering again after application is convenient for root absorption. Pinus massoniana must not use raw fertilizer, raw fertilizer to burn roots, heavy fertilizer will make the needles grow too long, hurt the roots until the sap backflow and cause the plant to lose water and wither.

As the saying goes, "dry pine and wet cypress", Pinus massoniana is afraid of waterlogging and wet water, and likes to be dry, but it is not as dry as possible. In fact, as long as the cement soil is loose and the bottom layer is hydrophobic, the soil should always be kept moist. Water thoroughly every morning and evening in summer to avoid midday watering and stuffy roots. other seasons depend on the weather. It can be watered every three or four days in winter, but it must be thoroughly watered. Masson pine maintenance is actually quite extensive, not as difficult as imagined. Masson pine with pots is hydrophobic, the pot is of moderate size, and generally does not need to turn the basin. As long as it is properly fertilized and watered, it will still grow well year after year without turning the pot for three or five years or even ten or eight years. If you find that the growth of the plant is weakened, you must check the reason, turn the basin and change the soil or replant the big pot at any time. The normal turning time of the basin should be carried out in late autumn or early spring. Before turning the basin, the water should be controlled to make the basin soil dry, separate the basin soil from the basin wall, then pour the plant out of the basin, trim the bottom and the surrounding aging roots, remove the persistent soil in the middle of the nitun, and replace it with new soil.

Maintenance management is the continuous extension of modeling, and conformal shaping or modification is an important part of the maintenance and management of Masson pine bonsai. The first is to continue to adjust the tree shape as the branches grow thicker, and the basic order is to continue to press buds, thinning buds, thinning branches and controlling leaves, fine-tuning the tree shape, strengthening the consciousness of fine products, and achieving excellence. The second germination is dug once a year and pruned in time before the needles fall off, so that the tree shape must be kept compact, the lateral branches are richer and more reasonable, and the plant shape is more perfect.

Masson pine has strong disease resistance and few diseases and insect pests, mainly longicorn beetles, pine aphids pine scale, rust and so on. The harm of longicorn beetles is mostly in early summer, and it can be observed sooner or later to kill adults. If it is found that there is salivary mucus in the branches, it must be recently drilled to lay eggs, or if you see that the larvae have been drilled at the mouth of the hole, you can kill the larvae with omethoate, dichlorvos and so on. Other diseases and insect pests can be controlled with corresponding conventional pesticides.

Cultivation techniques of Masson Pine Bonsai how to shape Masson Pine Bonsai

Masson pine currently in the flower market is more sought-after "bonsai", strange trunk shape, evergreen branches and leaves of the four seasons, using Masson pine as home decoration bonsai is a very good choice, so how to plant Masson pine bonsai? What are the precautions? Let's take a look at the cultivation techniques of Masson Pine bonsai.

A brief introduction to Pinus massoniana

Mountain pine, also known as Masson pine, common tree species, can make bonsai material is relatively rare, and slow growth, production and maintenance is difficult, but the tree type is beautiful, can show a variety of artistic conception, so it is more precious.

II. Distribution of producing areas

It is widely distributed in Henan and southern Shandong in the north, Guangdong and Guangdong in the south, Taiwan in the east, coastal areas in the east, central Sichuan and Guizhou in the west, and all over the central and southern provinces of China. It is generally distributed in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River where the elevation is less than 600m, the middle reaches is below 1200m and the upper reaches is below 1500m.

III. Morphological characteristics

Evergreen trees, up to 45m high, with a diameter of 1m at breast height. The crown is narrowly conical in adulthood and develops like an umbrella in old age. The bark is reddish brown and irregularly lobed. Annual branchlets yellowish brown. Rotational birth. Winter buds Terete, brown. Leaves 2 needles in a bunch, rare 3 needles in a bunch, long 12--20cm, soft, margin serrulate; resin channel 4 murmur8, margin unripe. Cones long ovate, long 4--7cm, diameter 2.5--4.0cm, shortly stipitate.

IV. Growth habits

Strong positive tree species, not resistant to shade. Like warm and humid climate, cold resistance is poor, can only withstand a short-term low temperature of-20 ℃.

5. Cultivation techniques of Pinus massoniana bonsai

The "little old tree" of Pinus massoniana, which has grown for many years, the plant is short and vigorous and old, can be used to make bonsai. Before the new buds sprout in spring, it is best to bring soil balls or dip the roots into mud on the spot and cover them with plastic bags to keep the roots moist during transportation. Prune the stump before potting, cut off excess branches, stems and roots to reduce water evaporation, and apply wax or gibberellin eye ointment at the cut to prevent wound infection. First plant in a larger tile basin "raise billet", the soil with good drainage and air permeability, do not contain too many nutrients of sandy soil is better, after planting in a sunny, air ventilation place for maintenance. If the weather is sunny, it should be properly shaded, especially to avoid the direct light at noon, and spray water to the branches and leaves. You can also wrap the trunk of the main branch with moss to keep it moist, but do not accumulate water in the basin soil to prevent rotting roots. After survival, Pinus massoniana can not be shaped until it grows luxuriantly after one or two years of maintenance, otherwise the stump is easy to die.

From dormant period in winter to sprouting in spring, the sap of Pinus massoniana flows slowly, which is the most ideal period. The common ones are straight dry type, oblique dry type, double dry type, cliff type, water-facing type, tree stone type and so on. No matter what form they are, they should conform to the laws of nature and have high artistry, so as to achieve the artistic effect of "originating from nature and higher than nature". Modeling methods vary from region to region. Lingnan often uses the method of "storing branches and trunks" to make the transition between branches and trunks, main branches and lateral branches, lateral branches and twigs natural, while Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas are mainly "hanging and strapping, supplemented by pruning". In the modeling process, the excess branches are gradually cut off, and the retained branches are used to adjust the growth direction, position and shape. Some branches can also be peeled and coated with stone-sulfur mixture to be processed into "Shenzhi", but it should not be used more than once, otherwise it is suspected of being superfluous. The bonsai can be moved into the purple sand basin and other ornamental basins before sprouting in spring. According to the need to lift the root, so that the bonsai hanging roots and claws, in order to increase the ancient charm of bonsai.

Masson pine likes warm, dry and sunny environment, resistant to barren and drought, afraid of stagnant water, requires good ventilation. Do not apply too much fertilizer, once a year autumn application of mature cake fertilizer can meet the growth needs. Pinus massoniana needs to be moved to a cold room in the north to overwinter, while in the south it can be wintered in outdoor shelter from the wind and the sun. The basin is turned before sprouting every two or three years, and the basin soil is required to be loose and breathable, with good drainage. It can be used after mixing with sand mixed with rotten leaf soil.

The shaping of Pinus massoniana is carried out during the winter dormant period, cutting off the twigs that affect the shape of the tree, and adjusting the position of other branches to make their distribution reasonable. A comprehensive bud picking is carried out in April or May every year to control the overgrowth of the plant and keep the bonsai beautiful. The biggest deficiency of Masson pine bonsai is that the needles are long, which is not in harmony with the simple pile scenery. In addition to controlling water and fertilizer to inhibit its growth, the needles can be cut short, but the cut is easy to yellowing and discoloration.

Every family hopes to have a positive atmosphere in their home, and the evergreen characteristics of Masson Pine all the year round can play this role, so if you like plants, you can try to cultivate a pot according to the above cultivation techniques of Masson Pine.

How to maintain Masson Pine Bonsai?

In today's home life, people have higher and higher requirements for the home environment. Owners who like to plant will raise some flowers and plants at home, which not only adds color to life, but also plays a decorative role in the home environment. Masson pine bonsai is a kind of green plant suitable for indoor cultivation. How to maintain Masson pine bonsai? What breeding precautions does Masson Pine Bonsai have? The editor has carefully prepared some knowledge here. Let's learn about it with the editor. I hope the content of the editor will be helpful to you!

Maintenance of Masson Pine Bonsai

Masson pine bonsai conservation 1, Masson pine bonsai in planting, because of its relatively large, need to choose larger flowerpots or wooden boxes for planting, need to ensure that the soil in the flowerpot is porous, watering times should be less. 2. The basin soil for planting Masson pine bonsai does not need to be sterilized to prevent the destruction of growth bacteria in the root of Masson pine bonsai while killing bacteria, thus affecting the growth of Masson pine bonsai. 3. When transplanting Pinus massoniana bonsai, it is necessary to keep the root soil and cultivate it with the original soil of Masson pine, so that the growth and survival efficiency is high.

4. The transplanting of Pinus massoniana bonsai by grafting requires vertical perforation in the trunk position, and the branches that need to be transplanted are fixed, and the grafting takes about one year.

Problems needing attention in bonsai planting of Masson Pine

Masson pine bonsai planting need to pay attention to 1, Masson pine bonsai soil requirements are relatively high, to ensure that the soil is fertile, loose, breathable, and Masson pine is a relatively shallow root plant, when planting, avoid burying the roots of Masson pine bonsai in the deep soil. 2. Masson pine bonsai is a kind of positive plant, so in the process of its growth, we should pay attention to ensure good sunshine of Masson pine bonsai. 3. The withered branches of Masson pine bonsai should be cleaned regularly and the styling appearance should be trimmed regularly, which is very beneficial to the ventilation and lighting of Masson pine bonsai. 4. After the planting of Masson pine bonsai is fixed, it is necessary to avoid frequent movement so as not to cause root instability.