
The main pest control knowledge of pomegranate bonsai-- crape myrtle scale

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Crape myrtle scale, also known as pomegranate felt scale, is not only one of the main pests of pomegranate bonsai, but also a common pest of crape myrtle bonsai. First, morphological characteristics of adults: female adults flat, oval, 2-3 mm long, dark purplish red. When ripe, it is wrapped in a white velvet cocoon, which looks like a white grain of rice. The male worm is about 1 mm long.

Crape myrtle scale, also known as pomegranate felt scale, is not only one of the main pests of pomegranate bonsai, but also a common pest of crape myrtle bonsai.

First, morphological characteristics of adults: female adults flat, oval, 2-3 mm long, dark purplish red. When ripe, it is wrapped in a white velvet cocoon, which looks like a white grain of rice. The male worm is about 1 mm long, purplish red and has 1 pair of wings. Eggs: fuchsia, round. Larvae: purplish red, oval, with spines on the edge of the body. Pupa: male pupa long oval, purplish brown, wrapped in a bag-shaped cocoon.

Second, the life habits and harmful occurrence algebra of purple velvet scale varies from region to region. Overwintering as a fertilized female, nymph, or egg in cracks in the branches. The peak incubation period is from early June to mid-July and September every year. The insect often gathers at the base of the main vein of branchlet leaves and the axils of buds and tender shoots, prickles to absorb juice and weakens the tree potential. It also induces serious coal pollution disease due to the secretion of a large amount of honeydew, which blackens the leaves and twigs and loses its ornamental value.

3. Control methods: 1. Spray 3-5 Baumedu stone sulfur mixture before spring germination, combined with pruning to cut off branches with serious insect pests. 2. There are many natural enemies of crape myrtle scale, and the predatory natural enemies are mainly red-lipped ladybug, which can prey on more than 50 crape myrtle scale every day. It can be introduced and raised from scientific research institutions. 3. Strengthening the quarantine of bonsai pests is an effective measure to prevent and limit the spread of crape myrtle scale. 4. In the nymph incubation period, the drug resistance of the scale is poor, which is the key period of control. Can be used 40% dimethoate or 40% omethoate 1000 times, or 2.5% deltamethrin 2500 times, 20% chrysanthemum EC 2500 times spray, can achieve good control effect. In the nymph and adult stage, the insecticide resistance of the scale was enhanced, and the general spraying effect was not significant, but the effect was obvious by irrigation or root application. When the basin soil is dry, 40% omethoate 1000 times liquid can be irrigated, and its dosage is the same as that of irrigation, and the effect is obvious after 7-10 days. Burying granules, digging a small ring ditch 1-2 cm deep around the rhizosphere in the basin, evenly sprinkling the granules, and then covering the soil to irrigate enough water, after 7-10 days, good results can be obtained.

It is worth noting that the pomegranate bonsai strictly forbids the use of fenitrothion (fenitrothion, prednisone) to avoid drug damage.

Pomegranate bonsai disease and insect control: crape myrtle scale, also known as pomegranate felt scale, is not only one of the main pests of pomegranate bonsai, but also a common pest of crape myrtle bonsai.

First, morphological characteristics of adults: female adults flat, oval, 2-3 mm long, dark purplish red. When ripe, it is wrapped in a white velvet cocoon, which looks like a white grain of rice; the male is about 1 mm long, purplish red, with 1 pair of wings. Eggs: fuchsia, round. Larvae: purplish red, oval, with spines on the edge of the body. Pupa: male pupa long oval, purplish brown, wrapped in a bag-shaped cocoon.

Second, the life habits and harmful occurrence algebra of purple velvet scale varies from region to region. Overwintering as a fertilized female, nymph, or egg in cracks in the branches. The peak incubation period is from early June to mid-July and September every year. The insect often gathers at the base of the main vein of branchlet leaves and the axils of buds and tender shoots, prickles to absorb juice and weakens the tree potential. It also induces serious coal pollution disease due to the secretion of a large amount of honeydew, which blackens the leaves and twigs and loses its ornamental value.

3. Control methods: 1. Spray 3-5 Baumedu stone sulfur mixture before spring germination, combined with pruning to cut off branches with serious insect pests. 2. There are many natural enemies of crape myrtle scale, and the predatory natural enemies are mainly red-lipped ladybug, which can prey on more than 50 crape myrtle scale every day. It can be introduced and raised from scientific research institutions. 3. Strengthening the quarantine of bonsai pests is an effective measure to prevent and limit the spread of crape myrtle scale. 4. In the nymph incubation period, the drug resistance of the scale is poor, which is the key period of control. Can be used 40% dimethoate or 40% omethoate 1000 times, or 2.5% deltamethrin 2500 times, 20% chrysanthemum EC 2500 times spray, can achieve good control effect. In the nymph and adult stage, the insecticide resistance of the scale was enhanced, and the general spraying effect was not significant, but the effect was obvious by irrigation or root application. When the basin soil is dry, 40% omethoate 1000 times liquid can be irrigated, and its dosage is the same as that of irrigation, and the effect is obvious after 7-10 days. Burying granules, digging a small ring ditch 1-2 cm deep around the rhizosphere in the basin, evenly sprinkling the granules, and then covering the soil to irrigate enough water, after 7-10 days, good results can be obtained.

It is worth noting that the pomegranate bonsai strictly forbids the use of fenitrothion (fenitrothion, prednisone) to avoid drug damage.

At present, there are many kinds of flowers in our country. Which varieties have better market prospects? According to the analysis of relevant experts, the development of the flower market has the following trends:

The shape of the flower changes with each other. That is, to change the traditional flower shape, the big flower becomes the small flower, the small flower becomes the big flower, gives the person the fresh feeling, causes the person interest to multiply. For example, the diameter of the crabapple flower grafted with papaya is more than twice that of the common variety, and the diameter of the pocket potted bowl lotus is only half that of the pond bowl lotus.

There are many colors in one flower. That is, flowers change from one color or two colors to multiple colors. For example, the lotus was originally only white and pink, but now it has many colors, such as red, peach, purple, light yellow, orange and so on; the common varieties of locust flowers are white, and now the new varieties of locust trees have many colors such as yellow and red.

Modeling bonsai. Such as Ganoderma lucidum bonsai, edible cactus bonsai, ginkgo bonsai, pomegranate bonsai, jujube bonsai, peach bonsai, apple bonsai and other bonsai flowers.

The earth is planted in pots. There are miniature potted rose, potted pomegranate, potted peach blossom, potted lotus (bowl lotus, water lily) and other potted varieties.

The florescence is abnormal. It can be divided into three situations: one is to blossom twice or many times a year; the second is to prolong the normal florescence; the third is to misseason the florescence, that is, to advance or postpone the florescence through advanced science and technology. Maintenance and management of flower bonsai overwintering

The low temperature and frost weather in winter may pose a serious threat to flowers and trees. In order to make flowers and trees survive the winter safely, we must first abide by the principle of "no entry in winter and no coming out in spring". "Winter does not enter": when the weather is just cold and there is no frost, for most flowers, do not rush to move indoors. "Spring doesn't come out": when the weather gets warmer, don't rush to move out. Wait until the last night frost in spring, and the weather gets better.

Five elements and matters needing attention in overwintering maintenance and Management of Flower Bonsai

One. Understand the cold-resistant temperature of flowers:

According to the different tolerance of different flowers and trees to low temperature, we should take different measures to prevent cold and keep warm, or move the flowers and trees directly into the room, or cover the flowerpots with plastic film, or cover the flowers and trees directly with plastic bags. you can also temporarily set up a simple small greenhouse to keep warm. Flowers and trees with strict lighting requirements should be placed on the indoor windowsill or near the windowsill where there is plenty of sunshine; if the lighting requirements are not strict or can withstand shade, they can be placed in a cool place without light, but pay attention to ventilation and ventilation. It is appropriate to open the window at noon on a sunny day for ventilation, but do not let the cold wind blow the flowers and trees directly.

1. For cold-resistant low-temperature, cold-temperature (5-12 ℃, 5-℃) flowers, such as pomegranate, rose, wax plum, sweet-scented osmanthus, palm, pedicel begonia and crape myrtle, can be placed in the outdoor courtyard or balcony facing the sun.

two。 Flowers that need to be kept at a medium temperature (12-20 ℃), such as Magnolia, Camellia, Azalea, Michelia, Gentleman, Golden Bell and four Seasons Begonia must be moved indoors before the temperature drops to 10 ℃.

3. For flowers that can only grow normally under high temperature (18-30 ℃), such as Milan, Fusang, jasmine, Euphorbia angustifolia, daffodils, epiphyllum, arrow lotus, cactus, safe tree, Magnolia, green apple, Fusang, poinsettia, begonia, jasmine, tortoise back bamboo, cactus and aloe, etc., must be moved indoors before the temperature drops to 12 ℃.

After the plants are moved into the room, they are also carefully placed. It should be placed in a warm place in the sun. Sun-loving plants before release, semi-shade-tolerant or shade-tolerant flowers, but also irregularly change direction. Windows should be opened for ventilation in the first week to allow plants to gradually adapt to temperature changes. Potted flowers moved indoors for beauty and to ensure effective absorption of nutrients.

Plants placed outdoors can be protected from cold by wind barriers. Common cold prevention measures include rhizome soil cultivation and soil mulching. Rhizome cultivation is to build a small mound in the neck of the tree root to prevent frostbite and reduce soil moisture evaporation. Flowers such as peonies, which cannot be moved indoors in the soil, can cover the whole plant in a large basket, and the basket is covered with mud, similar to a warm and humid small greenhouse.

two。 Pruning before winter:

Before overwintering, potted flowers should be pruned in time to reduce nutrient consumption and indoor space during overwintering. For the sake of beauty and effective absorption of nutrients, pruning of potted flowers is essential. Cutting off withered leaves, overdense branches, disease and insect branches and thin branches can fully provide nutrients to effective branches to make potted flowers thrive and pass the winter safely. for overgrown branches, pruning can be strengthened, bonsai ties that have been modeled for 1-2 years can be removed, or they can be re-tied after unfastening. In case it is tied up in a fixed position for a long time, injuring the cambium of the branches and causing the branches and leaves to die. The stump bonsai placed on the balcony, such as hammer elm, magpie plum, triangular maple, banyan tree, Luohan pine, cypress, cypress, etc., must be pruned as necessary. Jasmine, crape myrtle, pomegranate, etc., can be pruned in late autumn, reduce plant nutrient consumption in winter, promote potted flowers to store more nutrients, and make more flowers bloom in the coming year. Withered branches, dense branches, disease and insect branches, over-old branches and damaged branches can be removed with a sharp knife or scissors; for those that bloom in spring, it is only appropriate to remove non-flowering buds in autumn; for those that bloom in the current year, pruning should be strengthened to promote new shoots to prepare for flowers in the coming year; for those that have been frozen, but some of them still survive, heavy cutting can be carried out, and fertilizer and water management can be strengthened at the same time, so that flowers and trees can quickly return to growth.

three。 Matters needing attention for fertilization in winter:

Apply fertilizer and water once before overwintering. When overwintering, flowers generally stop fertilizing. Flowers and trees that are dormant or semi-dormant should stop fertilizing to avoid root rot, and fertilize only when changing pots in spring; flowers and trees that bloom in autumn, winter or early spring and those sown in autumn should be fertilized with thin fertilizer. In order to improve the cold resistance of flowers and trees, fertilization should be reduced at the end of autumn to avoid tender stems and leaves and reduce cold resistance.

four。 Points for attention in watering during the winter:

In winter, flowers and trees grow slowly, metabolism decreases, most of them go into dormancy, and water demand and evaporation are relatively reduced. The principle of watering is "better dry than wet". Do not water the pot soil before it is dry, especially shade-resistant flowers, and do not water too much, so as not to cause fallen leaves, rotten roots or death. Generally speaking, it is better to dry the basin soil and then pour enough water. The water temperature had better be about the same as the room temperature, or the flowers can be watered with 20-25 ℃ warm water. Watering flowers with warm water will accelerate the decomposition of organic matter in basin soil, promote the absorption of nutrients by root cells, and thus promote the growth of flowers. Watering is best done at noon when the light is good. If you water the flowers with tap water, it is best to store them for 1-2 days and wait for chlorine in the water to volatilize before use. At the same time, avoid watering flowers with water that contains soap or washing powder. Combined with watering, you can carefully wipe off the foliar dust with a wet cloth.

five。 Notes on ventilation of flowers and plants entering the room:

Pay attention to regular ventilation, preferably when there is a sunny day, or at noon when the temperature is high. When ventilating, we must also pay attention not to let the cold air blow the plant directly, so as to avoid adverse reactions.

VI. Pest control during the winter:

For flowers and trees that are prone to diseases and insect pests in the leaves of begonia, roses and camellia, collecting and burning the dead branches and leaves under their plants can reduce the occurrence of diseases next year. At the same time, carbendazim was sprayed for sterilization. For Botrytis cinerea of * * disease, rust and primroses, triadimefon or tocopherol can be used to prevent and cure respectively. When there is poor ventilation, aphids often appear on potted plants, such as Magnolia, Milan and so on. Imidacloprid can be used for control. For scale insects, of course, it is necessary to use targeted scale control. The common diseases of flowers and trees in winter are Baifenbo coal fouling disease, and the common pests are aphids, whitefly, mosquitoes and shells, etc. Effective measures should be taken to control them during the dormant period to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in the coming spring.

At the beginning of next spring, generally during the period from the Spring Equinox to the Qingming Festival, overwintering flowers can be moved outdoors and applied with fertilizer and water, such as bio-organic fertilizer, yellow leaves must be treated, trace element water-soluble fertilizer, and so on, so that flowers can grow normally in spring.