
Maintenance method of miniature landscape of lobular Luohansong

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Luohansong bonsai, alias lobular Luohansong, also known as Luohansong, Pinus elliottii, short-leaf sequoia, shrub-like, short and dense leaves, mostly born at the top of the branchlets, with white powder on the back. In the shape of a small tree or shrub, the leaves are short and dense, the branches and leaves are whirling, ancient and delicate, the posture is moving. Sprouting new shoots in growing season

Luohansong bonsai, alias lobular Luohansong, also known as Luohansong, Pinus elliottii, short-leaf sequoia, shrub-like, short and dense leaves, mostly born at the top of the branchlets, with white powder on the back. In the shape of a small tree or shrub, the leaves are short and dense, the branches and leaves are whirling, ancient and delicate, the posture is moving. New shoots sprouted in the growing season, and their tender green leaves were dotted among the thick green leaves. It is quite beautiful and is a kind of excellent bonsai production material, especially for the production of miniature bonsai. Short-leaf Siraitia grosvenorii, alias small Luohansong, Taxodium, often in the shape of a shrub.

Maintenance technology of bonsai of Luohansong

(1) watering

Luohansong is resistant to Yin and dampness, so it should be watered frequently during the growing period, but it should not be watered. In summer, we should often spray foliar water to make the leaves bright green and grow well.

(2) fertilization

The formed bonsai should not be fertilized more, apply sparse cake fertilizer and water for 1 to 2 times in spring and stop fertilization in autumn to avoid sprouting autumn buds, which is disadvantageous to overwintering.

(3) pruning

Luohan pine can be pruned all the year round, mainly cutting off long branches and diseased branches to maintain a beautiful tree shape. When blooming, it is best to pick the buds in time, so as not to consume nutrients and affect the growth potential.

(4) turning the basin

The basin can be turned once every 2-3 years, and it is better to do it from March to April in spring. When turning the basin, replace the old soil with 1 hammer and 2 old soil, and cut off the withered roots to stretch out the fibrous roots. If the plant is enlarged, it can be replaced with a larger pot. In addition, it can also be combined with turning the basin, gradually lift the root, attached with rocks, and shape the root-type or stone-attached bonsai.

(5) Disease and pest control

Common diseases are coal fouling disease and leaf spot disease. 0.5% Bordeaux solution can be used and sprayed once every 10 days for 3 consecutive times in the month before the plum rain season. The main pests are large coir moth, red wax shell insect, red spider and so on, which can be sprayed with dichlorvos 1200-1500 times or 40% dimethoate 1500 times.

Production and maintenance of bonsai of Luohan pine

Pinus elliottii, a small evergreen tree of Pinaceae, is a variety that has been mutated by long-lasting potted plants. It is evergreen all the year round, and its needles are like real beads. Brilliant green, vigorous branches, long life, is commonly used in the production of bonsai tree species, the tree shape is exquisite, is the production of bonsai valuable tree species. Rice leaf Luohan pine prefers gentle and humid environment, is more shade-tolerant, and prefers sandy loam with fertile, loose, well-drained and slightly acidic soil.

The production measures of bonsai are as follows:

First, Miaoyuan

The seedlings of bonsai of true pearl Luohan pine are usually obtained by artificial propagation techniques such as sowing and cutting. (the category of seed harvested is easy to plant, and we adopt the method of unisexual growth, both by cutting and raising seedlings.)

Second, modeling

Upper basin

Artemisia angustifolia is usually put on the basin before sprouting in the third spring, and the basin soil should use slightly acidic sandy loam with fluffy texture and good drainage. As the posture of rice leaf Luohan pine is simple and elegant, it is appropriate to choose purple sand basin or glazed pottery basin, and the shape of the basin is determined by the shape of the tree.


The styling of Miye Luohan pine is mostly carried out in the dormant period, mainly in Panzha, supplemented by pruning. Due to the soft branches of Artemisia angustifolia, it is convenient for banding and pruning, so it has various shapes. The common situations are curved dry type, oblique dry type, horizontal cloud type, cliff type and root type and so on. Branches and leaves can be trimmed into flakes or steamed buns.


The main results are as follows: (1) Pinus elliottii should be placed in a place with moist and fluent air in summer and indoor above 5 ℃ in winter. But the temperature should not be too high, so as not to affect its dormancy.

(2) watering the moist soil of Siraitia grosvenorii should be watered frequently in the development season, and the soil in the basin should be wet, but the basin should not be watered. In summer, often to the leaf or ground fountain, can connect the leaf color is bright.

(3) Sasa (special fertilizer for Siraitia grosvenorii) is prepared after long-term research and discussion. Sanchun should be applied twice (special fertilizer for Siraitia grosvenorii). Use 3 bottles of water to dilute the roots of Siraitia grosvenorii at 1:50, or with other flower fertilizers, the molded Siraitia grosvenorii should not be applied too much. After the beginning of autumn, there is no more giving.

⑷ pruning of Siraitia grosvenorii should be pruned frequently to connect the tree. When blooming, it is best to dispel the buds in time to avoid wasting nutrition. ⑸ turns the basin usually turns the basin every 2-3 years. Individual cases are carried out from March to April. ⑹ pest control should pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, especially in summer and high temperature seasons, we should pay attention to the control of shell insects and red spiders available (rice leaf Luo Han pine diseases and insect pests) 1 big 3 bottles into the solubilizer to add water diluted at 1:50 to spray on the leaves of rice leaf Luo Han pine), or with other floral medicine in the month before the mildew and rain festival, once every 10 days for 3 times, camellias can play the control consequences. After the use of medicine, it is best to wash your hands, let alone import.

Pinus elliottii is a small evergreen tree with very short leaves in the shape of chrysanthemum petals and erect branches. Sexual preference for warm, moist, semi-overcast environment, can also grow in a positive environment. It has strong adaptability and can grow freely in the hot sun. The ability of resistance to diseases and insect pests is strong, cold resistance is weak, like to live in loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil.

It can be propagated by sowing, cutting and grafting. The cutting time is carried out in the mid-March or June-July plum rain season in early spring, the shortest cutting time is only one leaf, the seedling bed needs shade or completely closed cutting, the tender wood cutting is easy to take root and the survival rate is very high. Spring March is the most suitable for transplanting. Sowing seeds are collected in late August and sowed with picking, or stored in sand until March of the following year. Because of the slow growth of cuttings, it is suitable to use large leaves or lobules as rootstocks, and the survival rate is higher when grafted from March to April in early spring.

Rice leaf Luohan pine can be planted on the ground or potted, and its maintenance and management requirements are not strict. It can be used as a miniature bonsai and potted plant for export. It is resistant to pruning and has good ornamental effect. In the growing season of spring and autumn, only one or two times of nitrogen topdressing can be applied, and there is no need for too much phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. For the modeled bonsai, we must pay attention to heart-picking and pruning to prevent the branches and leaves from growing, so as to maintain the original posture. Pruning and heart-picking work is best carried out during the growth period of spring and autumn.

Autumn leaves are larger and irregular, generally for the molded rice leaf Luohan pine bonsai in order to maintain the tidiness of its leaves, it is best to cut off the autumn leaves. The family potted rice leaf Luohan pine should be kept outside in a well-ventilated and sunny place all the year round. When the sun is sufficient, water and fertilizer are suitable, the leaves are relatively small and round, and the ornamental value is the highest with neat, thick and glossy leaves, while on the contrary, the leaves are thin and thin, the leaf color is light, and the ornamental value is poor. Artemisia angustifolia can not be kept indoors for a long time, otherwise the leaves will fall off and die. Summer high temperature should not be exposed to the sun, should be shaded or placed in a semi-shady place for maintenance. In the growing season, the moisture can be slightly more; in the hot summer, the basin soil should be watered in time, and the water content in autumn and winter can be reduced appropriately. In winter in North China, when the temperature drops to 5 ℃, you should go into the house to survive the winter. after September, it is best not to remove the fertilizer from the basin to prevent the formation of winter buds, which are easy to shrink branches and affect the growth of the coming year because the leaves are not elder. The south and south of the Yangtze River can survive the winter outdoors, but to prevent the cold wave and control the amount of water, it is better to dry the basin soil. Generally, the small and medium-sized rice leaf Luohan pine bonsai turns the basin once every 2-3 years, and the large-scale rice-leaf Luohan pine bonsai turns the basin once every 5-6 years.

Loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil, Pinus elliottii is a rhizobium plant, when turning the basin, it is best to add a certain amount of original basin soil containing rhizobium to facilitate plant growth.

The family potted rice leaf Luohan pine should be kept in an outdoor ventilated place all the year round, not indoors for a long time, otherwise the leaves will fall off and die. Summer high temperature should not be exposed to the sun, should be placed in a semi-shady place for maintenance. In the growing season, the moisture can be slightly more; in the hot summer, the basin soil should be watered in time, and the water content in autumn and winter can be reduced appropriately. In winter in East China, when the temperature drops to 5 ℃, you should enter the house to survive the winter, and control the amount of watering, and the basin soil should be dry.

Miyaluohan pine tree is beautiful and lush, its posture is whirling, it is evergreen all the year round and its management is extensive. It is an excellent ornamental tree species in family flower cultivation. Miniature bonsai and potted plants made of rice leaves and pines can be exported, and the prospect is very good. Through artistic modeling, it is often made into various styles of bonsai, decorative halls, venues and other environment is more suitable, can also be used as a small bonsai gift to relatives and friends. Most of the houses in the south are planted, and they are also suitable for planting in front of the door, isolated planting in the atrium, or planted in a corner of the wall to match the rockery and lake rocks.

Bonsai Culture method of Luohansong

(1) Environment: Pinus elliottii is a subtropical tree species, which produces in the Yangtze River Basin and other provinces and regions in the south. Like semi-shade, it is well preserved in warm, humid, fertile and loose, well-drained slightly acidic sandy soil, and is only suitable for potted plants in colder areas.

(2) Illumination: mature Pinus elliottii is beneficial to the leaf shape of the tree under strong light, so it can be shaded without shade, but the seedlings are young and should not be exposed to strong light for a long time. It should be maintained under the shade net or the sun will be moved to the shade after a period of direct sunlight.

(3) watering: Luohansong is not tolerant to drought, so in its growth period, we should pay attention to often watering potted plants, but not waterlogging. In summer, when the temperature is high, water should be watered in the morning and evening, and often spray water on the leaves to make the leaves bright green. It is rainy in summer in the south, and the rainy season is longer, so when you put it outdoors, you should pay attention to avoid stagnant water.

(4) fertilizing: the growth of Luohansong needs fertile soil, so fertilization is a very important link. The principle of fertilization is to apply thin fertilizer diligently. The fertilizer is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, properly added black alum, retted into fertilizer and water, and then fertilized. Fertilizing once in 1-2 months in the growing period, fertilization and watering can be carried out together, and the ratio of water and fertilizer is 9:1.

(5) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: diseases and insect pests of Luohan pine mainly occur in summer (May-September). It is necessary to beware of red spiders absorbing juice on the leaves in the form of various mites. The injured leaves will appear many small pink-green mottles, which will turn gray-white later. In this case, just buy some pesticides, such as phenybutyltin, pyridaben and so on. Spraying every 10 days can kill pests.