
How to choose stumps for bonsai cultivation in spring

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The art of bonsai with stumps. Plant old woody plants in a basin, after years of pruning, binding, fertilization and other artistic processing, fine management, so that the trunk is vigorous and powerful, branches and leaves luxuriant works of art. To choose and buy stumps in spring, you should master the following essentials: a look at the length of time of digging, if the skin color is dry and wrinkled for a long time

The art of bonsai with stumps. Plant old woody plants in a basin, after years of pruning, binding, fertilization and other artistic processing, fine management, so that the trunk is vigorous and powerful, branches and leaves luxuriant works of art.

Spring to buy stumps to master the following essentials: a look at the length of mining time, if the skin color is dry and wrinkled for a long time, it is not easy to survive. Second, see the skin color is fresh and tender, cut the epidermis with your fingernails, see that the development layer is all tender green, and it is easy to survive with sufficient moisture. The more three beard roots, the easier it is to survive. Fourth, it needs to be re-trimmed.

After selecting the stump, the important thing to do is to plant and cultivate:

1, buy back the stump, if you feel a little boring, that is, soak it in clean water for 4-6 hours, let it absorb enough water and take it out to dry slightly.

2. Add water and mud with soil, cover the root of the stump with mud before, and then plant it in a pot with culture soil.

3. It should be well watered.

4. after planting, keep the warm room warm until Grain Rain leaves the room before and after leaving the room and keep the basin soil moist. If there is no warm room condition, the tree stump will be pulped and planted in a place away from the wind and the sun. The soil mound will be high, 30 cm above the ground, so as to avoid stagnant water and rot the roots.

5. After planting, sprinkle loose straw with tree stump and cover the soil surface together, so that it can keep warm and moisturize, and it can also play a shading role at the turn of spring and summer when the sun is strong. After that, you can often spray water on the grass, and the survival rate can reach more than 90%.

6. in the first day of life, during the growth period, dichlorvos and carbendazim should be sprayed alternately every 10-15, so that it can flourish. Save the branches after autumn and lose some of them properly so as not to consume nutrients and promote exuberant growth in the second year, which can lay the foundation for all kinds of bonsai modeling.

Bonsai cultivation of Forsythia suspensa (Latin name: Forsythia suspensa): deciduous shrub, commonly known as a bunch of gold in Hong Kong, is a plant of the genus Forsythia of the family Liliaceae. Forsythia suspensa blossoms in the early spring, the fragrance of the flower is light, the branches are golden and lovely, it is a fine flowering shrub in early spring, the plant height is about 3 meters, the branches are clustered, the branchlets are yellow, the arch is drooping and hollow. Leaves opposite, simple or trifoliolate, ovate or ovate-elliptic, margin dentate. Corolla yellow, 1-3 in leaf axils; fruit ovoid, ovate-elliptic or long-elliptic, apex beak-acuminate, surface sparsely lenticellate; fruiting pedicel 0.7-1.5 cm long. The florescence is from March to April and the fruiting period is from July to September.

Forsythia forsythia leaves bloom in early spring, full of golden, gorgeous and lovely, is an excellent flowering shrub in early spring. It is suitable for planting beside houses, pavilions, walls, hedges and roadsides, as well as by streams, ponds, rocks and rockery. Because of the developed root system, it can be planted as a flower Gracilaria or embankment tree. Forsythia suspensa can be cultivated by sowing, cuttage, striping, split and other methods. After the seedlings survive, they are first planted in tile pots or underground for about three years to promote the thickening of the trunk. In the meantime, we can bend the plant, pinch the head and pick the heart and other initial modeling, and pay attention to the cultivation of transitional branches, so as to coordinate the proportion of branch and dry thickness after bonsai forming. In addition, it can also be excavated in the mountains or use the old forsythia piles eliminated by the garden department to make bonsai, which has the advantages of fresh and elegant shape, shaping in a short time and so on. Generally transplanting in the dormant season from winter to early spring, first reshape the stump, cut off the branches that are not needed for modeling, and then plant them in larger flowerpots or underground "raise blanks". The pot soil should be sandy soil with loose air permeability and good drainage, compacted and watered after planting, and maintained in a place away from the wind and the sun. After survival, watering master "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly". Stagnant water in basin soil and excessive drought are not conducive to plant growth, pay attention to erase buds and cut off excess branches during the growing period. Forsythia is full of yellow flowers in spring, bright and bright, and the green leaves are whirling in summer and autumn. The common forms of bonsai are straight dry type, oblique dry type, curved dry type, water-facing type, cliff type and so on. For the artificially cultivated plants, the trunk can be fixed at the seedling stage, while the old piles that have grown for many years should pay attention to the cultivation and modeling of the branches, and the trunk does not need to do too much treatment. The modeling method can adopt the combination of flat binding and pruning, because the branches are longer, the growing period should be coring, in order to control the growth of branches, promote the growth of lateral branches, and form a compact and dense crown. Around June, when 60 or 70% of the new branches are lignified, they are banded to adjust the tree posture. Forsythia root system is developed, according to the need to lift the root, so that it is intertwined, in order to increase the old and simple artistic conception of bonsai. Forsythia likes warm, humid and sunny environment, resistant to semi-shade, cold and drought, but afraid of stagnant water. During the growing period, you can keep it outside in a place with plenty of sunshine and ventilation, even if it is hot in midsummer, but the soil should not be too dry, usually keep the basin soil moist without stagnant water, and pay attention to drainage in the rainy season, so as not to cause rotting roots due to stagnant water in the basin soil. Cut off the extra branches and erase the extra buds in time to keep the tree beautiful. Mature thin liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer is applied every 15 to 20 days in spring and autumn, fertilization is stopped in summer, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate and other fertilizers with high phosphorus content can be sprayed to the leaves in autumn to promote the formation of flower buds. Overwintering in the cold room in winter, you can also bury the flowerpot in the outdoor shelter from the wind and the sun to overwinter, control watering and keep the soil from freezing to survive the winter safely. Reshape the plant before flowering, cut off the branches that affect the shape of the tree, so that the tree is graceful when it blossoms. Turn the pot once every one to two years after flowering, the basin soil is required to be loose and fertile, with good drainage and air permeability, and a pruning combined with changing the basin to cut the overlong branches short, leaving enough bud position to grow new branches, so that more flowers will bloom in the next year, and improve the crown shape. Grape bonsai cultivation

Potted fruit trees are a kind of cultivation way to plant fruit trees into pots to make them blossom and bear fruit, while bonsai of fruit trees inherit and carry forward the plastic art of Chinese traditional stump bonsai on the basis of potted fruit trees. form a work of art with high ornamental value. They are all a wonderful work in the flower bonsai industry. Due to the unique beautification effect of potted fruit trees and bonsai, they can be decorated in large hotels and restaurants, and can also be built into air orchards and miniature orchards, which are more loved by flower bonsai lovers. Potted fruit trees mainly include apples, mountain plants, pears, persimmons, grapes, peaches, plums, apricots and other tree species. With the unique charm of colorful spring flowers, green summer leaves, bright autumn fruits and hard and vigorous winter branches, they are praised by garden experts as a living art that integrates "new, strange and wonderful".

Grape bonsai

Potted grapes have different shapes and exquisite grains, which means that the business is booming. The leaves are beautiful, the new leaves are light green and tender, and the childishness has not disappeared. The mature leaves are oily green, steady and sophisticated, and the ears are like dew, like the face of a young girl. Watching in your spare time is pleasing to the eye, and it is actually a good product to watch.

So, how to grow such products? Today we will introduce to you a cultivation technique of grape bonsai.

The grape branches are designed into bonsai shapes such as curved dragon shape, flower basket shape or fan shape by cutting or striping method, which can not only be used for viewing, but also get delicious pure green fruit. Shandong Donga Agricultural products Deep processing Project pilot Center carried out field factory cultivation of new super-precocious potted grape varieties in 2003. The new varieties were pressed in early spring and sold by Jinan, Shijiazhuang and other city florists when the fruits turned red in mid-late June. Each pot sold for 30,000 yuan, the comprehensive cost per pot was only about 3 yuan, and the benefit per mu was as high as 30,000 yuan. Its cultivation techniques include the following aspects:

The first is to choose soil and seed. Grapes can adapt to all kinds of soil except heavy saline-alkali soil, and the soil must be ploughed deeply and applied more organic fertilizer to improve soil fertility. Grape varieties should choose early-maturing and large-fruit varieties suitable for potted plants.

Second, cuttage in the open field. In our north, grape cuttings can be carried out in mid-April. When cutting, the cuttings should be slightly tilted and completely inserted into the soil, with the upper bud eye 1 cm from the ground. The behavior of grape moves from north to south, with a distance of 17 cm to 20 cm and a distance of 130 cm to 150 cm.

The third is field management. After the cuttings sprouted, each plant left a main vine to grow, and the rest of the secondary shoots were removed. When the seedling is 30 centimeters high, in order to prevent lodging, the grape seedlings must be set up and tied evenly on the wire frame. When the seedling is 80 cm high, pick the heart to the main vine. After coring, 4 accessory shoots were left in the upper part to grow, and each accessory shoot grew 5 leaves after coring. After entering June, spray 200 times Bordeaux liquid every 15 days. In order to control insect pests, grapes should be sprayed with low-dose, high-efficiency, low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides every 10 days, except that they cannot be used within 10 days after sprouting.

After defoliation in winter, open a deep ditch 33 cm wide and 33 cm deep in the middle of the row, then apply pond mud, cakes and farm manure, and seal the soil.

Fourth, pressing basin shaping. The basin had better choose the ceramic basin with a caliber of 35-50 cm, good water permeability and air permeability, and the basin soil should be rich in organic matter. Before the grape sprouts in spring, bury the basin in turn along the distance of 35 cm, and the basin surface should be slightly lower than the ground. Gently pull down the branches with full bud eyes and the ability to bear fruit, the vine is not less than 80 cm long, press it into the basin and fill the soil and step on it. Leave 4 or 5 full bud holes on the basin soil, then insert a thin rod 120 cm long and tie the branches to it. After 20 days of sprouting, the grape should be peeled around the vines in the basin to promote it to take root early and take more roots. The part of girdling is close to the root of the plant in the basin, the length of girdling is 2 cm, and the cortex is completely peeled off. After the cuttings bear fruit, 5 leaves are left at the top of the ear to make the plant in the pot less than 120 cm. There are 4-6 ears in each pot. Before flowering, half of each ear should be removed to ensure that the ear is neat and the grain is uniform.

Fifth, fertilizer and water management. The grapes should be watered immediately after sprouting. In order to develop the root system in the basin, the basin soil must be kept moist all the time. If the weather is dry, water thoroughly every 4 to 6 days. After watering, the basin should be covered with wheat bran or straw to moisturize. After falling flowers, the grapes should be combined with watering, and the nitrogen and phosphorus compound fertilizer with a concentration of 3% to 5% should be applied to the basin every 15 days.

Finally, it is sold by cutting basins. It takes 60 to 70 days for grapes to sprout and blossom to expand their berries. At this time, the root system in the basin is very developed and can be cut. Five days before cutting the basin, 2%-3% plant ash extract should be sprayed on the leaves twice. The day before cutting the basin, some young branches and leaves should be removed to reduce water evaporation. After the basin is watered thoroughly in the evening, use scissors to cut off the branches and vines near the roots of the plant. When the grape leaves do not wither at noon on a sunny day, they can be put on the market for sale.