
Torrential rain caused disasters, causing more than 600 million damage to farmers and fishery disasters in Taiwan! Zhangtan Village in Chiayi has been flooded to the chest, and the fish breached the dike and escaped.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Torrential rain caused disasters, causing more than 600 million damage to farmers and fishery disasters in Taiwan! Zhangtan Village in Chiayi has been flooded to the chest, and the fish breached the dike and escaped.

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As soon as the bad water came, the livestock farm pigs had nowhere to run and drowned, and their bodies piled up like mountains, while farmed fish such as milkfish and tilapia swam with the overflowing Rain Water. Hard-hit southern fishermen all pointed out that Rain Water came too fast and in such a hurry that it coincided with the high tide. "the fish breached the dike and came out, and several ponds were flooded into a pool."

Chiayi County Dongshi Zhangtan Village Taiwan snapper fisherman Jiang long says that Zhangtan Village is the most flooded. "it is now the fifth day, and the flooding has not receded, and the water has still reached the position of people's chest." More than 200 people in the village evacuated the village and went to the nearby temple to stay temporarily.

The frequent spread of disasters in various places may affect prices, and the Council of Agriculture also held a press conference today (27) to emphasize that there is no problem with the supply of agriculture, fisheries and livestock products. Lin Guoping, deputy director of the Fisheries Department, pointed out that the loss of fish products was mainly due to the overflow of fish ponds and the loss of fish, but the damaged area was only 2-3%, which had little impact on the overall supply of fish products, and the opening price was stable. However, due to the problem of delayed disasters, it is not possible to know exactly the number of fish left in the fish, and the amount of damage may continue to rise.

Photography / Lin Xiejun

Committee of Agriculture: the supply of livestock products is stable and will not impact prices.

Torrential rains have caused frequent spread of disasters in various places, with losses of more than 300 million in fishery products and nearly 200 million in livestock products, which may cause prices to rise. At an emergency press conference held by the Council of Agriculture, Chen Jizhong pointed out that in the part of livestock production, the loss of pigs did not exceed 10,000, while the number of pigs raised in the country reached 5.5 million, and the current loss will not affect supply. And Ghost Festival has the highest demand and will return to normal after the festival. While chickens, ducks and geese lost about 1.5 million, but accounted for a low proportion of the national feeding, and had little impact on the overall supply.

Wang Zhongshu, deputy director of the Animal Husbandry Department, pointed out that it is estimated that the supply of wool pigs will still reach 20, 3000 tomorrow, maintaining the normal trading volume. Even if the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, the demand is still lower than Ghost Festival, the estimated supply is normal, "the impact of disaster damage is limited." While the price of native chicken was not good before, there was a problem of surplus, but now the price is the same as that of white chicken. "there is no upward pressure in the short term." However, the increase in demand for eggs may fluctuate after the start of the school year in September, which will be closely followed.

In the fishery part, Chen Jizhong explained that the damaged area of tilapia, milkfish, and perch accounts for only 3% of the overall culture area of the country, and the fishery products are relatively alternative, there will be no shortage of supplies, and the price is maintained at a normal level. Lin Guoping, deputy director of the Fisheries Department, pointed out that the loss of fish products was mainly due to the overflow of fish ponds and the loss of fish, but the damaged area was only 2-3%, which had little impact on the overall supply of fish goods, and the opening price was stable. However, due to the problem of delayed disasters, it is not possible to know exactly the number of fish left in the fish, and the amount of damage may continue to rise.

Chen Jizhong: the price of agricultural grain and vegetables is stable

With regard to the agricultural grain sector, Chen Jizhong explained that due to the heavy rain, the damage was mainly concentrated in Chiayi and Tainan, but these two areas were not major agricultural grain and vegetable production areas. "Yunlin vegetables supply nearly 30% of the country, but this time it is not an area affected by the flood. The overall agricultural grain response is OK." The affected area of vegetables is 185ha, but the annual production area of vegetables is 150000 ha, accounting for only 0.1%. The affected area of fruit is 111ha, but the annual production area is 180000 ha. Less than 10% of the damage to Matou Wendan in Tainan is not serious.

"there is little rain in the main vegetable producing areas of Taoyuan, Yunlin and Changhua, and the supply of heading cabbage and short-term leafy vegetables is stable," said Hu Zhongyi, director of the Agriculture and Food Administration. The average trading price in the west snail fruit and vegetable wholesale market last Thursday was 27 yuan per kilogram. The market was closed for three days, and the opening price on Monday was 41 yuan. The price at Taipei Fruit and vegetable Wholesale Market was 29 yuan per kilogram last Friday and 40 yuan last Saturday. "the West snail is mainly due to the continuous suspension of the market, the underwriters have no inventory, while the northern farmers have increased demand, coupled with the expected flooding in the south to grab goods." But in fact, due to the good weather and high output this year, vegetable prices were low before the torrential rain, and now they are only returning to normal prices.

Torrential rain bombed farmland! Peanuts and melons were seriously injured and chickens and pigs suffered, and farmers were encouraged to "dry their tears and continue to do it again."

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