
Some people have made it clear that rich bamboos and rich trees are the most attractive here.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Growing flowers has three advantages: one is to beautify the environment at home, the second is to delight the mood of flower growers, and the third is that individual flowers have a good meaning, symbolizing a better life for the family. For people who often grow flowers, there are many ways to grow flowers in potted plants.

Growing flowers has three advantages: one is to beautify the environment at home, the second is to delight the mood of flower growers, and the third is that individual flowers have a good meaning, symbolizing a better life for the family. For people who often grow flowers, there are many ways to grow flowers in potted plants, not only the knowledge of growing flowers is on the one hand, but also the fengshui of growing flowers at home. After all, the fengshui of growing flowers is part of the fengshui of home. For those flowers with a good meaning, we must have a clear idea of where to put it and what position it is not. Next, let's share two kinds of flowers, the rich bamboo and the rich tree, which are very worth raising in our daily life.

What does it mean to raise rich bamboo and rich trees at home?

Every time you go to the flower market, careful florists will find that basically every flower vendor has two kinds of plants: rich bamboo and rich trees in front of the shop. This is because they sell well, and for many people, whether they are novice flower growers or experienced flower friends for many years, these two kinds of plants are necessary at home. Because the moral of the two is very good. Among them, the rich bamboo raises a pot at home, which means "wealth, peace and good fortune," while the tree of making a fortune naturally needs not to say much, implying the meaning of "making money and making a fortune." It is precisely because of the good meaning that flower friends will raise them.

Where are the rich bamboos and rich trees placed at home?

Perhaps, some people do not pay attention to the fengshui problem of growing flowers and simply put flowers on the basis of feeling. For example, put the rich bamboo directly on both sides of the TV cabinet, or above the air conditioner, and put the rich tree in the corner of the room or the position of the porch. In fact, all these places are wrong. Not to mention the problem of fengshui, in the places mentioned above, the sun rarely shines, and for a long time, yellow leaves will inevitably appear, and the position of rich bamboo will also be radiated by television and air conditioning, which is not conducive to the greenness of the leaves. If you want rich bamboo and rich trees to grow more and more prosperous, they can also give full play to their feng shui "moral". Then take a look at the following picture!

There are generally three financial positions in the family, mainly in the living room

Most people's huxing is facing south. The wealth position of the family can generally be summarized into three. One in the living room, one in the kitchen, and one in the master bedroom. We rarely put potted flowers in the kitchen and master bedroom, so we won't analyze them for the time being. Let's mainly talk about the financial position in the living room. Do you see the location indicated by the arrow in the picture above? Yes, that position is the financial position, and it is also the most suitable position for rich bamboo and rich trees, which is conducive to giving full play to their feng shui meaning. To make the family richer and richer. The financial position of the living room is in the southeast, which should be kept in mind.

Seeing this, I believe most people already understand it. If your rich bamboo or rich tree is not in this position, it is recommended to move here immediately. After all, we can't believe everything about home fengshui, and we have no choice but to believe. And the southeast of the living room, in terms of the growth habits of growing flowers, is also a good position, where there will not be direct sunlight, but there is scattered light coming in. It's not far from the balcony, so it's well ventilated. In such a wonderful place, growing flowers is sure to grow more and more prosperous.

So much for the display of rich bamboos and rich trees. Thank you for your reading!

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