
Several kinds of vegetables that are most suitable for growing on the balcony can be picked casually after one crop and one crop at a time for a year.

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, We grow vegetables on the balcony is to choose "let the wildfire burn unquenchable, spring breeze blowing still flourish" vegetables, so as not to "flowers are all thanks" but also can not eat vegetables. But in other words, for those of you who grow vegetables on the balcony, you know, except for leeks.

We grow vegetables on the balcony is to choose "wild fire, spring breeze and health" vegetables, so as not to "flowers are thanks" still eat not serve. However, in other words, in the balcony vegetable growing friends, you know in addition to leek this vegetable can be cut crop after crop of long, what else? Then the following kinds of vegetables, cut off and still grow, can be eaten for a year at a time!

1. Water spinach

Water spinach commonly known as "rattan vegetables", growth is very rapid, the top of the shoot picked to eat, and soon grow new. Therefore, the balcony is suitable for growing spinach, and it is always eating the most tender part. Water spinach is also very easy to plant, pinching branches and planting soil can live. However, it is recommended to grow a large vegetable pot, which grows too fast to fit.

2. Chinese broccoli

Chinese cabbage is similar to this kind of vegetable, but also the kind that can grow again after picking the stem, but the Chinese cabbage grows a little slower, but the taste is very crisp, personally think it is as delicious as Chinese cabbage.

3. Pea tip

Pea tip needless to say, pinch can also grow, can say the more pinch grow stronger, faster. Now you can also cultivate pea seedlings at home, a few days to grow out, very good kind of.

In fact, there are some of the vegetables, such as red oil cabbage moss, cabbage moss, and there are chrysanthemum, wood ear vegetables and so on several kinds can be eaten and then grow oh!