
Being kind to others doesn't mean making compromises and concessions, but embracing the world with a soft heart.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The brain starts to listen to the sound of the night with you! There are tens of thousands of kinds of knowledge to pay attention to the world. Speaking, doing things and being a man are lessons that everyone should learn and need to learn all the time. Whether it is talking or doing or being a man.

Brain hands-on

Listen to the sound of the night with you!


There are thousands of kinds of knowledge in the world. Speaking, doing things and being a man are three lessons that everyone needs to learn and need to learn all the time.

No matter talking or doing things or being a man, you can't act willfully, you need to have certain rules. Speaking is an art, and doing things and being a man is a knowledge.


Don't speak casually.

You have to be out of your mind.

Talking is the easiest and hardest thing to do.

When a person opens his mouth to speak, sincerity is the most basic requirement. The charm of speaking lies not in how fluent and eloquent it is, but in whether it is sincere or not.

Linguists say, "shrew abuse is often eloquent, and people who go around to sell plasters are more eloquent, but we do not admit that they can talk." Sincerity is the key to the heart and the spring breeze that opens the heart.

To be honest is to look at each other in the eyes and in your heart.

The ancients said, "you can't take it back." what you said is like the water you spilled can't be recovered, so you should think carefully before you export it. The harm caused by language is invisible, but you can't choose to ignore it just because you can't see it. Sometimes a word you say can do a lot of harm to others.

A little boy always lost his temper with others for no reason. One day his father gave him a bag of nails and told him to drive a nail into the fence every time he lost his temper. The nail was soon gone, and then the little boy gradually learned to speak well, and his father asked him to pull out the nail on the fence. When the little boy finished pulling the nail on the fence, he found that there were countless holes left in the fence that could not be repaired.

Once verbal injury is formed, no matter how you make up for it afterwards, there will be traces. Before you say it, think about whether your sentence will hurt others. Don't take outspoken words as true temperament!


Don't do what you want.

Think twice beforehand.

We can't do whatever we want. If we do what we want, we may not even know what we are going to do in the end. Things should be done by looking at the overall situation and thinking about the long-term future, rather than being limited to your own temporary mood.

Be careful and think before you start doing it.

It is said in the Analects of Confucius that "a little impatience leads to chaos". How many regrets and regrets in life are caused by impulse. The problems and worries we face today are also the result of lack of careful consideration before.

Do things to consider the consequences, as the saying goes, "urgent things should be delayed, busy is more wrong", the more urgent things, the more slowly.

Everything in the world is in the word "degree". We often say "go too far". This characteristic of things requires us to do things in moderation.

Pay attention to "discretion" in doing things, and be reasonable and decent. What position to do, what bowl to eat, the duty to be a human being, do not exceed the permission and do not shirk the responsibility.

Pay attention to "discretion" in doing things, and know that enough is enough. As long as you have enough money to spend, don't lose your heart in the pursuit of fame and profit; forgive others and forgive others, and don't make it difficult for yourself.


Be a man not at will

There should be principles in life.

There are rules in society, but there are also temptations, so there should be principles in life. There are always many temptations in life, and people also have a bad side, but the reason why people are human is because they have the ability to control desires and principles.

"A gentleman has something to do and something not to do". People should have their own bottom line, no matter how kind they are, they should have their own dignity and sense of right and wrong.

Being kind to others does not mean making compromises and concessions again and again, but embracing the world with a soft heart. Only a person with principles and bottom lines can be respected by others.

There is a saying: life can have a bottom line to do whatever you want, but not blindly drift with the current.

If people are not aware of the value of life, they may choose to drift with the current, and life will become boring. Muddled, like a walking corpse, life seems simple, but it is actually a waste of life.

Life needs to be taken seriously. All people and things in this world are mutual.

If you fool life, life will fool you. People who live seriously, life will never treat you badly.

Everything is wonderful, there is a praise mall in the flower school.

There are flowers and love, a school of flowers