
The professional planting techniques of cyclamen are detailed.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The flower cyclamen is deeply loved by people, using it to decorate the living room, desk, shops, restaurants and so on. It is also a Christmas gift for relatives and friends in Europe and the United States.

The flower cyclamen is deeply loved by people, using it to decorate the living room, desk, shops, restaurants and so on. It is also a Christmas gift for relatives and friends in Europe and the United States.

The following are the professional breeding methods of cyclamen:

1. Budding management substrates:

It is required that the peat with good permeability should be mixed with perlite in a certain proportion, the pH value is 6 to 6.5, the EC value is less than 0.5, the humidity is moderate, and avoid excessive humidity.

Temperature: 18 ℃.

Light: germination period (about 21 days) without light, all dark. The air humidity required for seed germination is 95% (preferably with a germination chamber), and the hole plate is covered with plastic film.

Cover: after sowing, cover the seeds with vermiculite or perlite with a thickness of just enough to cover the seeds.

two。 Post-budding management

Relative humidity: control at about 85%, spray to increase relative humidity if necessary.

Lighting: when the external light intensity exceeds 35 Klux, it is recommended to use a sunshade net or cover the seed hole plate with non-woven cloth to keep the seeds moist.

Fertilization: according to the seedling growth, the N ∶ P ∶ K ratio was 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 from the 5th week after sowing. The leaves of the seedlings should be glossy, and if they are dark red, they should be fertilized.

Irrigation: water temperature greater than 14 ℃, watering from the top.

The optimum value of matrix EC was 0.8 and the maximum was not more than 1.2. The pH value is from 6 to 6.5.

Transplanting: transplant from 10 to 11 weeks after sowing. Super miniature and mini plant types can be put on the pot directly.

1. The matrix should be mixed with well permeable peat, a certain proportion of clay (10%) and perlite, with a pH value of 6 to 6.5, which can be achieved by adding appropriate calcium fertilizer in the matrix. Use disposable or easy-to-disinfect acupoint plate, do not use wooden acupoint plate.

two。 The transplanting soil just covers the roots, leaving the bulbs exposed. Do not press down on the seedlings and the surrounding soil with your hands.

3. Relative humidity of growth conditions: maintained between 65% and 85%, humidity can be increased by spraying.

Lighting: when the external light intensity exceeds 35 Klux, it is recommended to use sunshade net.

Fertilization: according to plant growth, N ∶ P ∶ K was 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 from the first week after transplanting, and N ∶ P ∶ K ratio was 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 2 two weeks later. Large plant type can be obtained by applying nitrogen fertilizer, and compact plant type can be obtained by applying potassium fertilizer. The irrigation water temperature is more than 14 ℃, and the irrigation water is watered from the upper part during this period. The optimum value of matrix EC was 0.8 and the maximum was not more than 1.2. The pH ranges from 6 to 6.5.

Management: 15 to 18 weeks after sowing or 5 to 6 weeks after transplantation, the seedlings can be put on the pot when they have 7 to 10 leaves. 10 weeks after sowing, when the plant has 3 to 5 leaves, the micro series and mini series can be put on the pot directly from the seedling plate.

1. The matrix requires a mixture of peat with good permeability, a certain proportion of clay (10%) and perlite. When the pH value is from 6 to 6.5, the purpose can be achieved by adding proper calcium fertilizer to the matrix. The EC value is less than 0.5.

two。 Pot and planting depth use standard or self-made seedling system to push the seedlings from the bottom up, be careful not to hurt the roots. The soil just covers the roots, leaving the bulbs exposed. Do not press down on the seedlings and the surrounding soil with your hands.

3. The best temperature for climatic conditions: 17 ℃ 2 to 3 weeks after potting, and then it can be reduced to 14 ℃ to 16 ℃ relative humidity: 60% to 85% Note: if the daytime temperature is 25 ℃, the relative humidity is 50%, and the night temperature is reduced to 13 ℃, the humidity reaches 100%, it will produce condensed water and affect its growth.

4. If the external light intensity is between 30 Klux and 40 Klux, use a sunshade net with a shading rate of 7.5%. If the external light is between 40 Klux and 73 Klux, a double-layer sunshade net should be used.

5. Fertilization usually requires that the ratio of N ∶ P ∶ K is 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 in the initial stage, 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 2 in the middle stage and 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 3 in the later stage. The EC value of matrix should be less than 1.0. The amount of fertilizer should be reduced in the period of high temperature, and the amount of fertilizer should be reduced for small varieties such as micro series.

6. Watering regular watering, dry and wet, do not touch the leaves with your hands, it is easy to damage the seed ball and breed diseases. Watering from the upper part in the first 6 weeks after putting on the basin, when the leaves are dense and the root system is developed, water should be supplied or drip irrigated from the bottom. Water only in the early morning or in the morning.

7. The length of flower stem is affected by temperature. The flower stem can be shortened by increasing the temperature at night and low temperature in the morning.

8. The flowering of cyclamen is closely related to the average temperature of day and night. When the average temperature of day and night exceeds 27 ℃, the bud grows slowly. If the temperature is higher, it will seriously affect the bud growth, resulting in leaf growth, but the plant will continue to grow and blossom after the high temperature period. Therefore, when the average temperature of day and night is more than 27 ℃, the plant will enter a dormant state and grow during the growing period.

9. Pest control in the early morning or evening on a dry day, when there is no staff in the greenhouse, spray insecticides. Ensure that the plants are dry at night and the ventilation between plants is good.

Potted technology of cyclamen

Cyclamen (Cyclamen) alias radish and begonia, rabbit ear flower, and so on are primroses cyclamen perennial bulbous flowers. Depending on the variety, the size of the bulb varies greatly and the color is also different. The leaf color changes infinitely, the calyx is mostly green, but also white, pink, reddish brown winter flowering for several months is one of the world-famous potted ornamental flowers. Lianjiang County was introduced from Japan in 1987 and popularized since 1995. Since 2000, the county has gradually developed to small-scale operation of professional households, the level of cultivation management and economic benefits have improved year by year. According to statistics, only the county planting scale of more than 200 pots, annual benefits of more than 10,000 yuan of professional households have 13 sporadic growers more. The pot technology is introduced as follows:

1 Biological characteristics: cyclamen can be divided into five stages from seed germination to flowering and listing: germination stage, seedling stage, flower bud differentiation stage, accelerated growth stage and flowering stage. The suitable growth temperature is 10-20 ℃. There are no special requirements for photoperiod. Lighting can be used to supplement light in family potted plants.

2 cultivation and management techniques: 1. Preparation of nutritious soil: pond mud or loess on the surface of the mountain can be dug before the year ago and weathered outside in the shade, then mixed with about 1% rotten rapeseed cake powder or manure and mixed with 10 imported ternary compound fertilizers per kilogram of basin soil to be used for basin change.

2. The selection of flowerpots: the height of cyclamen flowerpots is generally more than 2 / 3 of the plant height. Large flower varieties often use 15~18cm diameter flowerpots with a height of 20cm and 30cm, and small and medium-sized flowers with 12~14cm caliber pots with a height of about 16cm.

3. Potting and changing pots: generally, after sowing from September to December, the seedlings were planted in the pot from March to April in the second year, when the seedlings grew to 6-8 true leaves. At the time of planting, the corms must be exposed to the topsoil, and then fully watered and shaded for 2 days for normal management. After 2 weeks of application of liquid fertilizer twice a month, the 2000 times of N, P and K of 65%, 60% and 19% respectively can also use some mature thin farm fertilizer and water. In particular, seedlings should increase the supply of potassium to enhance disease resistance. The pot can be changed once from May to June. If you want to cultivate large plants, the type of pot change in August to September is larger than the original pot. The operation of changing the basin is basically the same as that of the upper basin.

4. Fertilizer and water management: organic fertilizer is generally used by retting and mixing in nutritious soil as base fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer to make liquid fertilizer for topdressing. The principle of preparing liquid fertilizer is that there is no precipitation, and the mother liquor reserve of 200 times is to be used during watering and then mixed into 02% 0.03% working liquid. The PH value of liquid fertilizer is required to be 52: 45 N, the ratio of P to K is 1 before the middle of August, it will be 1:2 after the middle of 128, and 1:1:1 will be used in the first ten days of October. It is best to use the reserve Rain Water to water in the morning to master the principle of "no dry, no watering".

5. Plastic surgery: it is mainly to remove the withered and yellow leaves and the weak fine leaves in the early stage and pull the central leaves outward at the flowering stage to remove the flowers and diseased leaves. When picking flowers, use your thumb and index finger to pinch the middle and lower part of the pedicel and twist it around to soften and loosen the base of the pedicel from the plant.

6. main diseases and insect pests and their control: the main diseases are wilt and bacterial soft rot. The key to the control of Fusarium wilt is reasonable watering and root irrigation with 2000-fold carbendazim or mancozeb. Bacterial soft rot often occurs in the hot and humid period in summer. 4000-fold streptomycin or neophytomycin can be sprayed or smeared at the initial stage of the disease and poured through the nutrient soil. The main pests are mites, aphids and slugs. Mites mostly occur in hot and dry autumn with 40% dicofol 1000 × 1500 times spray; control aphids can be controlled with 80% dichlorvos emulsion 1000 times, 20% trichlorvos EC 1000 times, 10% aphids, lice net wettable powder 3000 times; control slugs should grasp their habit of rising during the day and night. It is better to spray 20% dicofol 1000 times or 20% methomyl EC 1000 times combined with manual killing.

Introduction of cyclamen (scientific name: Cyclamen persicum), alias Rabdosia angustifolia, rabbit ear flower, rabbit flower, first crown, bonspark, petal lotus, is a perennial herb of cyclamen of purple Taurus family. Cyclamen is a widely cultivated flower, which is suitable for indoor flowerpots and greenhouse in winter. Some cultivated species of cyclamen have strong aroma, while others have light or no aroma. The word "cyclamen" comes from the transliteration of the scientific name Cyclamen. Because of its ingenious transliteration, the flower name has the meaning of "celestial visitors come". Cyclamen is the city flower of Qingzhou City, Shandong Province, and the mascot of the 43rd World Table Tennis Championships held in Tianjin in 1995.

Cyclamen culture method cyclamen prefers sunny, moist and cool environment, but is afraid of waterlogging. The matrix needs slightly acidic soil with loose air permeability and good drainage, and the mixed substrate of peat and perlite is commonly used in cultivation. It can also be cultivated with rotten leaf soil and slag ash. The substrate must be disinfected and sterilized during cultivation to prevent quenching, root rot and so on. Cyclamen likes a warm environment, can not bear high temperature and cold, the highest temperature can not exceed 30 ℃, otherwise it will enter dormancy, the high temperature of about 35 ℃ is prone to decay and necrosis. It is best to keep it between 10-20 ℃ in winter. When it is lower than 5 ℃, the growth is inhibited, the leaves curl, the flowers bloom poorly, and the color is dim. In summer, it should be placed in a moist and ventilated place, and the basin soil should be kept in a certain dry state to make it fully dormant over summer. It likes a humid environment and is not resistant to dryness. It needs to be kept at 60-70% humidity during the growth period, which can make the leaves dark green and shiny. In winter, it can not be placed in the position where heating and air conditioning can be contacted directly to prevent wilting and withering due to air drying. Avoid flowers when spraying water to prevent flowers from withering ahead of time. The water temperature should be close to room temperature. In the growing period, sufficient light conditions are needed in order to bloom for a long time and bright colors. Placed in the semi-shade can only be enjoyed for a short time, but also to avoid the shady environment, otherwise the leaf color and flower color will fade, the plant will be weak, and in serious cases, it will be difficult to recover until it decays and dries up. Cyclamen likes water and avoids dampness, and the basin soil needs to be kept moist, but it is necessary to strictly prevent stagnant water or waterlogging, otherwise once the roots rot, the whole plant will die quickly. Because the whole plant of cyclamen is fleshy and not resistant to drought, if the water supply is not timely, the leaves will soon turn yellow and wilt, even after supplementary watering, many leaves will turn yellow and need pruning, seriously affecting the beauty and growth of the whole plant. Cyclamen is generally appreciated in the family, has entered the flowering period, so basically do not need to apply fertilizer, otherwise it will significantly shorten the flowering period, or even drop flowers and buds. Fertilization is generally selected in the vegetative growth period, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium need to be balanced, and the flower bud development stage needs to increase the application amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, but must not apply thick fertilizer, strong fertilizer, raw fertilizer, otherwise it is easy to cause fertilizer damage and necrosis of the whole plant. If it is a liquid fertilizer, it needs to be irrigated slowly from the edge of the basin, not from the top of the plant, and rinse the leaves with clean water after fertilization. Cyclamen generally does not need to reproduce on its own in the family, but it can be done every year after the dormancy period and after the germination of new buds. When changing the basin and changing soil, attention should be paid to making the part of the bulb 2-3-1-2 exposed above the soil surface, so as to prevent the corm from rotting because of high water content in the soil. The flower cyclamen is deeply loved by people, using it to decorate the living room, desk, shops, restaurants and so on. It is also a Christmas gift for relatives and friends in Europe and the United States. The following are cyclamen professional breeding methods: 1. Sprouting stage management matrix: peat and perlite with good permeability are required to be mixed in a certain proportion, its pH value is 6 to 6.5, EC value is less than 0.5, moderate humidity, avoid too wet. Temperature: 18 ℃. Light: germination period (about 21 days) without light, all dark. The air humidity required for seed germination is 95% (preferably with a germination chamber), and the hole plate is covered with plastic film. Cover: after sowing, cover the seeds with vermiculite or perlite with a thickness of just enough to cover the seeds. two。 Management relative humidity after sprouting: control it at about 85%, and spray to increase relative humidity if necessary. Lighting: when the external light intensity exceeds 35 Klux, it is recommended to use a sunshade net or cover the seed hole plate with non-woven cloth to keep the seeds moist. Fertilization: according to the seedling growth, the N ∶ P ∶ K ratio was 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 from the 5th week after sowing. The leaves of the seedlings should be glossy, and if they are dark red, they should be fertilized. Irrigation: water temperature greater than 14 ℃, watering from the top. The optimum value of matrix EC was 0.8 and the maximum was not more than 1.2. The pH value is from 6 to 6.5. Transplanting: transplant from 10 to 11 weeks after sowing. Super miniature and mini plant types can be put on the pot directly. 1. The matrix should be mixed with well permeable peat, a certain proportion of clay (10%) and perlite, with a pH value of 6 to 6.5, which can be achieved by adding appropriate calcium fertilizer in the matrix. Use disposable or easy-to-disinfect acupoint plate, do not use wooden acupoint plate. two。 The transplanting soil just covers the roots, leaving the bulbs exposed. Do not press down on the seedlings and the surrounding soil with your hands. 3. Relative humidity of growth conditions: maintained between 65% and 85%, humidity can be increased by spraying. Lighting: when the external light intensity exceeds 35 Klux, it is recommended to use sunshade net. Fertilization: according to plant growth, N ∶ P ∶ K was 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 from the first week after transplanting, and N ∶ P ∶ K ratio was 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 2 two weeks later. Large plant type can be obtained by applying nitrogen fertilizer, and compact plant type can be obtained by applying potassium fertilizer. The irrigation water temperature is more than 14 ℃, and the irrigation water is watered from the upper part during this period. The optimum value of matrix EC was 0.8 and the maximum was not more than 1.2. The pH ranges from 6 to 6.5. Management: 15 to 18 weeks after sowing or 5 to 6 weeks after transplantation, the seedlings can be put on the pot when they have 7 to 10 leaves. 10 weeks after sowing, when the plant has 3 to 5 leaves, the micro series and mini series can be put on the pot directly from the seedling plate. 1. The matrix requires a mixture of peat with good permeability, a certain proportion of clay (10%) and perlite. When the pH value is from 6 to 6.5, the purpose can be achieved by adding proper calcium fertilizer to the matrix. The EC value is less than 0.5. two。 Pot and planting depth use standard or self-made seedling system to push the seedlings from the bottom up, be careful not to hurt the roots. The soil just covers the roots, leaving the bulbs exposed. Do not press down on the seedlings and the surrounding soil with your hands. 3. The best temperature for climatic conditions: 17 ℃ 2 to 3 weeks after potting, and then it can be reduced to 14 ℃ to 16 ℃ relative humidity: 60% to 85% Note: if the daytime temperature is 25 ℃, the relative humidity is 50%, and the night temperature is reduced to 13 ℃, the humidity reaches 100%, it will produce condensed water and affect its growth. 4. If the external light intensity is between 30 Klux and 40 Klux, use a sunshade net with a shading rate of 7.5%. If the external light is between 40 Klux and 73 Klux, a double-layer sunshade net should be used. 5. Fertilization usually requires that the ratio of N ∶ P ∶ K is 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 in the initial stage, 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 2 in the middle stage and 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 3 in the later stage. The EC value of matrix should be less than 1.0. The amount of fertilizer should be reduced in the period of high temperature, and the amount of fertilizer should be reduced for small varieties such as micro series. 6. Watering regular watering, dry and wet, do not touch the leaves with your hands, it is easy to damage the seed ball and breed diseases. Watering from the upper part in the first 6 weeks after putting on the basin, when the leaves are dense and the root system is developed, water should be supplied or drip irrigated from the bottom. Water only in the early morning or in the morning. 7. The length of flower stem is affected by temperature. The flower stem can be shortened by increasing the temperature at night and low temperature in the morning. 8. The flowering of cyclamen is closely related to the average temperature of day and night. When the average temperature of day and night exceeds 27 ℃, the bud grows slowly. If the temperature is higher, it will seriously affect the bud growth, resulting in leaf growth, but the plant will continue to grow and blossom after the high temperature period. Therefore, when the average temperature of day and night is more than 27 ℃, the plant will enter a dormant state and grow during the growing period. 9. Pest control in the early morning or evening on a dry day, when there is no staff in the greenhouse, spray insecticides. Ensure that the plants are dry at night and the ventilation between plants is good. The flowering period of cyclamen from November of that year to March of the following year blossoms on the flowering stems drawn from the bulbs, and the flowering period is from late November to late January. It takes about two and a half months from the flower to the seed to mature, and it can be picked when the fruit yellowes and softens and the top is slightly cracked. Its seeds are relatively large, and each flower can bear 40 seeds, which must be harvested and dried in the shade for 4 days. The collected seeds should be moistureproof, aerated and germinated for three years. As cyclamen varieties are easy to cross naturally, the characteristics and characteristics of cyclamen varieties often change. In order to prevent confusion and retain purebred species, it is necessary to put bags on the remaining flowers. For the sowing and propagation of cyclamen, it is better to sow seeds after autumn or before Lesser Snow. Soaking seeds in water overnight can germinate ahead of time. Regular point sowing method, generally bred in the basin, hole distance of about 2 cm, cover thickness of about 1 cm, basin cover glass sheet. After sowing, it was watered for the first time, then kept dry and sprouted after about 40 days. After the seedlings have two cotyledons, they can use bamboo slices to move into small pots and gradually change large pots according to their growth. If the seedlings are moved late and the plants are delicate, it is possible that bulbs cannot be formed. The bonsai with a caliber of 15 cm is the best. The cultivation soil should be sandy loam rich in humus, and the tuber should not be buried too deep when planting, so that its top is flush with the soil surface. It can blossom in 2 years. Management should pay attention to watering, but watering should not be too much, as long as it is often kept moist. Spray water to sprinkle water on the leaves, do not drink to the flowers, such as too dry, wilt, then watering can not restore vitality. Cyclamen is fond of fertilizer, but it must be applied frequently, for example, if you apply too much thick fertilizer at one time, it will wilt and die. Generally every other week to apply mature liquid fertilizer (1 part of liquid fertilizer plus 8 parts of water is appropriate), can not be poured on the leaves, flowering water and fertilizer is not good, flowers are bright, cyclamen growth of the most suitable temperature of 15 min 20 degrees, when the summer temperature reaches 28 degrees, the leaves are easy to yellow wilt and stop growing, at this time put the pot in a cool and ventilated place, do not make the ball dormancy. Cut to learn the frost, move to the sunny place indoors after October, pay attention to heat preservation, keep the room from freezing, and make it blossom one after another. Stop fertilizing when blooming, know when watering, if watering too much, the flowers will wither quickly. Experienced gardeners who raise cyclamen often say that "raising a small child does not provide for the aged". Cyclamen blossoms luxuriantly and brightly in the first 2-3 years in the pot, and then it becomes weaker and weaker if it is still in the original pot, often with flowers without leaves or leaves without flowers, or even rotten balls. For the treatment of the old ball, you can dig up the old ball and take off the old ball after the Beginning of Autumn, remove the decayed part of the old ball, change the fertilizer soil in the basin and replant it, pay attention not to plant it deep, but expose most of it to the outside of the soil. In management, like the seed ball or the small bulb sown and bred, it can still grow exuberantly and have luxuriant leaves. How to make cyclamen safely through the summer. 1. Shading and imitating rain: from mid-April to early May, cyclamen entered the maintenance stage of the shade shed, with 60-65% shading net for shade, and a small bow shed was built under the shade shed, with a width of 2-2.5 meters and a height of 1 meter. The length depends on the quantity, and the film is placed on the edge of the shed, covered with film on rainy days, and the rain stops. 2. Watering: during the five months from May to September, the growth of cyclamen has a strong relationship with watering. During these five months, watering should be watered again tomorrow morning. Cyclamen watering can not be thoroughly dry, to maintain half soil moisture, that is to say, the basin soil should maintain a water content of 50-60%. The reason is that cyclamen is an aerobic plant, the roots are breathing all the time, and the soil has too much moisture, which is bound to squeeze out the air and lack oxygen in the roots, resulting in the death of cyclamen roots and hindering their growth. 3. Topdressing: there are two kinds of cyclamen topdressing fertilizer, organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. Here we only talk about inorganic fertilizer. In June-July and September-October, we should use compound fertilizer or compound fertilizer with complete three elements, such as Sakefu, which contains 15% nitrogen, 15% phosphorus, 15% potassium and 18% sulfur. Dissolve in water to irrigate, should be about 2/1000. In addition, foliar spray application of dipotassium phosphate, the concentration is 2/1000, cyclamen is a taboo chlorine plant, at any time can not be applied with excessive chlorine fertilizer, generally not more than 5%. Do not understand the compound fertilizer to be tested before use, the local technical supervision bureau can test. 4. Cyclamen pest control: (1) the unified symptoms of nematode disease, tea acaroid mite and virus disease are uneven leaves, root nodules are nematode disease, and those with rust-like patches on the back of old leaves are tea acaroid mites. There is no rust on the back of the leaf, and there is no nodule on the root as a virus. The method of prevention and control of nematode disease is soil plus carbofuran, and the above mentioned watering method can effectively control nematode disease. Once nematode occurs, nematode development can be controlled by drying method, and the drying method is not watering. Paddling the soil in the basin so that cyclamen will not die, pour water once, dry a little and then hoe, and then dry, so that the reproduction of nematodes can be controlled for many times. Internal phosphorus absorption insecticides, such as dimethoate and monocrotophos, are used to prevent tea acaroid mites. From August to September, spray once every half a month, the prevention and treatment of virus disease: after 30 days on the pot, spray virus A virus No. 1 once a month. (2) Leaf spot, sprayed once every 5-7 days at the time of onset. (3) Pieris rapae. September is the time when the harm of Pieris rapae is serious. The key is to use a new generation of pesticides, such as insecticide and Alftin EC, once every 6-7 days until it is eliminated. (4) the ground tiger, which is easy to occur from July to August, can only be caught by hand. The ground tiger comes out at night and hides in the soil during the day to scrub carefully to see how loose the soil is. You can find it by slowly plucking away with an iron wire. (5) soft rot mainly occurs from August to September, as long as the greenhouse is warm. Appropriate humidity also occurs, the disease is mainly prevention, after the onset of the disease can be used with bacteria, methyl topiramate, agricultural streptomycin alternately. Any form of topdressing and timely spraying are prohibited in August to prevent leaf spot disease, such as leaf spot disease. To timely remove diseased leaves, rotten leaves, and burn, at the same time spray bacteria, agricultural streptomycin and other medicine control. (6) Rain prevention is an important measure to prevent the occurrence of many diseases. (7) Gray mold. The main symptom is that the lesion has a small spot with a diameter of 1-2 mm, and then gradually expands and shows brown rot. When the petiole or flower stalk is infected, the leaf or flower folds upside down, and there is a gray mildew layer in the lesion, which turns into a yellowish mildew layer, which is caused by high humidity and poor ventilation. First, timely ventilation to reduce air humidity; second, timely removal of diseased leaves to reduce the source of infection; third, spraying Dysen zinc, carbendazim and other broad-spectrum fungicides. (8) soft rot. It was mostly caused by bacterial infection, and the disease site showed softening and decay, and the occurrence site was more common in the corm. Mainly matrix disinfection is not complete or no disinfection, high temperature or high humidity is easy to occur. Control methods can be sprayed with agricultural streptomycin or carbendazim and so on.