
Sowing and breeding methods of cyclamen

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The flowering period of cyclamen is from November of that year to March of the following year, blooming on the stem of the bulb one after another, and the flowering period is from late November to late January. It takes about two and a half months from the flower to the seed to mature, and it can be picked when the fruit yellowes and softens and the top is slightly cracked. Its grain is larger.

The flowering period of cyclamen is from November of that year to March of the following year, blooming on the stem of the bulb one after another, and the flowering period is from late November to late January. It takes about two and a half months from the flower to the seed to mature, and it can be picked when the fruit yellowes and softens and the top is slightly cracked. Its seeds are relatively large, and each flower can bear 40 seeds, which must be harvested and dried in the shade for 4 days. The collected seeds should be moistureproof, aerated and germinated for three years. As cyclamen varieties are easy to cross naturally, the characteristics and characteristics of cyclamen varieties often change. In order to prevent confusion and retain purebred species, it is necessary to put bags on the remaining flowers.

For the sowing and propagation of cyclamen, it is better to sow seeds after autumn or before Lesser Snow. Soaking seeds in water overnight can germinate ahead of time. Regular point sowing method, generally bred in the basin, hole distance of about 2 cm, cover thickness of about 1 cm, basin cover glass sheet. After sowing, it was watered for the first time, then kept dry and sprouted after about 40 days. After the seedlings have two cotyledons, they can use bamboo slices to move into small pots and gradually change large pots according to their growth. If the seedlings are moved late and the plants are delicate, it is possible that bulbs cannot be formed. The bonsai with a caliber of 15 cm is the best. The cultivation soil should be sandy loam rich in humus, and the tuber should not be buried too deep when planting, so that its top is flush with the soil surface. It can blossom in 2 years.

Management should pay attention to watering, but watering should not be too much, as long as it is often kept moist. Spray water to sprinkle water on the leaves, do not drink to the flowers, such as too dry, wilt, then watering can not restore vitality. Cyclamen is fond of fertilizer, but it must be applied frequently, for example, if you apply too much thick fertilizer at one time, it will wilt and die. Generally every other week to apply mature liquid fertilizer (1 part of liquid fertilizer plus 8 parts of water is appropriate), can not be poured on the leaves, flowering water and fertilizer is not good, flowers are bright, cyclamen growth of the most suitable temperature of 15 min 20 degrees, when the summer temperature reaches 28 degrees, the leaves are easy to yellow wilt and stop growing, at this time put the pot in a cool and ventilated place, do not make the ball dormancy. Cut to learn the frost, move to the sunny place indoors after October, pay attention to heat preservation, keep the room from freezing, and make it blossom one after another. Stop fertilizing when blooming, know when watering, if watering too much, the flowers will wither quickly.

Experienced gardeners who raise cyclamen often say that "raising a small child does not provide for the aged". Cyclamen blossoms luxuriantly and brightly in the first 2-3 years in the pot, and then it becomes weaker and weaker if it is still in the original pot, often with flowers without leaves or leaves without flowers, or even rotten balls. For the treatment of the old ball, you can dig up the old ball and take off the old ball after the Beginning of Autumn, remove the decayed part of the old ball, change the fertilizer soil in the basin and replant it, pay attention not to plant it deep, but expose most of it to the outside of the soil. In management, like the seed ball or the small bulb sown and bred, it can still grow exuberantly and have luxuriant leaves.

Cyclamen propagation method, cyclamen ramet propagation method course

Cyclamen is a very common indoor flower potted plant, which can be cultivated in water and soil. So how to breed cyclamen to make a pot more than one pot, I believe flower friends all want to know this question. Cyclamen can be propagated through sowing, plant division, and tissue culture. These three breeding methods are introduced below.

Cyclamen breeding method

The main reproduction methods of cyclamen are sowing reproduction, ramet and vegetative reproduction. The following is an introduction:

1. Sowing and propagation methods

First of all, the cyclamen seeds should be collected and hung in the shade for 3-4 days, then dried in the sun, and then sowed after autumn or before Lesser Snow. Soaking cyclamen seeds on the sowing front can germinate early overnight, generally raised in a basin, pour enough water for the first time, and then keep them from drying for about 40 days.

2. The method of ramet propagation

Cyclamen branch propagation, first understand that cyclamen tuber can not naturally divide the bulb, so it can not be like the general bulb flower bulb reproduction, need to be artificially cut into pieces. Generally speaking, when the tuber is about to germinate in late August, the tuber is divided longitudinally from the top into several pieces, each with a bud eye, and the incision is coated with plant ash and dried slightly, then it can be planted in the flowerpot, carefully managed, and the leaves can spread out and blossom soon.

3. Methods of tissue culture and propagation.

Cyclamen tissue culture can use stamens, tubers, leaves and young stems as explants, which are generally collected from one-year-old and two-year-old young plants, in which tubers are the most likely to induce seedlings.

Cyclamen ramet propagation method course 1. Preparation materials

Knives, potassium permanganate solution or medical alcohol, plant ash or sulfur powder, cyclamen tubers, flowerpots, plain sand, etc.

2. Ramet time

The propagation of ramet (cutting tuber) of cyclamen should be completed from August to September every autumn, which can be combined with changing basin and soil.

3. Ramet process

The ramet propagation of cyclamen is actually the process of cutting its tubers and then planting them in the soil to cultivate young plants. The specific operations are as follows:

A, tool disinfection

Wipe the cutting tool evenly with medical alcohol, or soak the tool with 5% potassium manganate diluent for the purpose of disinfecting and sterilizing the tool.

B. Cut tubers

First of all, the tubers are longitudinally cut into blocks according to the distribution of buds to ensure that each bulb has at least one bud, and it is intact and healthy.

C. Wound disinfection

After cutting the tuber, we need to use the previously prepared plant ash or sulfur powder to disinfect the wound, usually the plant ash or sulfur will be directly applied to the wound.

D, planting in pot

Taking into account the permeability of the culture soil, it is recommended to use plain sand as the basin soil, because cyclamen tuber planting does not need to use fertile soil, because the fertile soil contains a variety of impurities, so it is more likely to cause wound infection. After treating the wound of the tuber and waiting for the wound to dry, we can implant the tuber into the basin.

E. Maintenance and management

After planting the cyclamen tuber, as long as the later maintenance is properly managed, it can take root and sprout after about 1 month. When the new leaves grow smoothly, we can take the ball to change the basin and change the soil and turn to the normal maintenance and management stage, and it can be spent in the same year.

[cyclamen sowing] cyclamen sowing method

Cyclamen is warm and afraid of heat and grows best in a cool environment and in a fertile sandy loam rich in humus. Sowing and reproduction is one of the common methods of cyclamen reproduction. Cyclamen seeds can only be obtained after artificial pollination. The seeds generally mature in May and should be harvested in time. Many people ask cyclamen how to sow seeds. What is the sowing method of cyclamen? Next, the editor will explain it for you.

Analysis of cyclamen sowing

The sown soil had better be a sandy loam rich in humus and sifted before use. When sowing, first put the soil in the basin and sprinkle the water with a spray pot. After the water has completely seeped, sow the seeds in the basin at a distance of 1~1.5cm. After sowing, cover the soil with 0.5cm, cover with glass or plastic film to moisturize, and place in the semi-shade of 20: 22 ℃. When the basin soil is slightly dry, the basin soil is soaked with water, so that the basin soil is often moist, and seedlings can emerge in about 20 days under normal circumstances.

After sieving, the basin soil was mixed and prepared according to 20% rotten leaf soil, 20% garden soil, 5% fine yellow sand and 10% rotten dung. When transplanting, take a small soil ball as far as possible, and make it flat with the soil surface, sprinkle water after transplanting and put it in the indoor sunshine. After the seedlings resume their growth, they should be watered and fertilized in time. It usually blossoms in the winter of the second year.

Cyclamen sowing method

1. Soaking seeds in warm water: cyclamen seeds are larger, with a 1000-grain weight of about 10g and a general germination rate of 85%-95%. In order to promote seed germination, seeds can be soaked and accelerated before sowing. The seeds can be soaked in cold water for 24 hours or soaked in 30 ℃ warm water for 2 hours for 3 hours. If the water temperature is low, the time can be appropriately extended to no more than 24 hours. Then wash the adhesion on the surface of the seed, wrap it in a wet cloth to accelerate germination, keep the temperature for 1 to 2 days at 25 ℃, and the seed can be removed and sown after a little germination. Sowing time is generally from September to October, sowing seeds in ordinary flowerpots.

two。 Properly buried: cyclamen is a "light-repellent" seed, and large-scale production is often covered with black film after sowing. My method is to bury the seeds in the rotten leaf soil by 0.5 centimeters. If the soil cover is too shallow, it is not conducive to "capping" (that is, the seeds can not be shelled smoothly); if the soil cover is too deep, the seedlings will emerge too slowly and rot easily.

3. Sowing in autumn as far as possible: cyclamen should be sown from September to October. If the indoor temperature is above 15 ℃ in winter, there is no problem with sowing before New Year's Day, but the growth will be relatively slow. New Year's Day suggested not to sow any more seeds, otherwise even if the seeds germinated, it would be difficult for the seedlings to survive the summer heat due to the rapid rise in temperature.

4. Seedling transfer: when the seedling leaves are fully expanded, the seedling can be transferred for the first time. Ordinary flowerpot and sowing soil can still be used when transplanting seedlings, and the distance between seedlings should be about 3cm. Spray pot should be used to water thoroughly immediately after transplanting. Always keep the seedling basin moist in the future. When the seedlings grow into 3 leaves and the bulbs grow to the diameter of 5~6mm, they should be planted in pots in time. It can be transplanted directly with a small pot plant of 9cm caliber.

Office workers need to pay special attention to: first, they did not take protective measures when they went out during the holidays, resulting in Xiao Miao being killed by drought; second, he forgot to take out the basin before going to bed at night, resulting in Xiao Miao being drowned. When the seedlings grow two leaves, one seedling transfer should be carried out. The rotten leaf soil is still used in the pseudo-planting substrate, and the upper 1/3 of the bulb root exposed to the soil surface can effectively prevent the rotting root. When the seedlings grow 3-4 round leaves, they can be planted in the pot.

The above is cyclamen sowing method, cyclamen has a strong resistance to the toxic gas sulfur dioxide in the air. Its leaves can absorb sulfur dioxide and oxidize it into non-toxic or low-toxic sulfate and other substances. Cyclamen is suitable for potted plants and can be placed indoors, especially in the sunny shelves and desks in the family. Because of its beautiful plant shape, chic, colorful flowers and fragrant varieties, it is favored by people.