
Summer maintenance and management knowledge of flower and plant cyclamen

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to make cyclamen safely through the summer. 1. Shading and imitating rain: from mid-April to early May, cyclamen entered the maintenance stage of the shade shed, with a shading net of 60-65%, and a small bow shed was built under the shade shed, with a width of 2-2.5 meters and a height of 1 meter. The length depends on the quantity, and the film is placed on the edge of the shed.

How to make cyclamen safely through the summer.

1. Shading and imitating rain: from mid-April to early May, cyclamen entered the maintenance stage of the shade shed, with 60-65% shading net for shade, and a small bow shed was built under the shade shed, with a width of 2-2.5 meters and a height of 1 meter. The length depends on the quantity, and the film is placed on the edge of the shed, covered with film on rainy days, and the rain stops.

2. Watering: during the five months from May to September, the growth of cyclamen has a strong relationship with watering. During these five months, watering should be watered again tomorrow morning. Cyclamen watering can not be thoroughly dry, to maintain half soil moisture, that is to say, the basin soil should maintain a water content of 50-60%. The reason is that cyclamen is an aerobic plant, the roots are breathing all the time, and the soil has too much moisture, which is bound to squeeze out the air and lack oxygen in the roots, resulting in the death of cyclamen roots and hindering their growth.

3. Topdressing: there are two kinds of cyclamen topdressing fertilizer, organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. Here we only talk about inorganic fertilizer. In June-July and September-October, we should use compound fertilizer or compound fertilizer with complete three elements, such as Sakefu, which contains 15% nitrogen, 15% phosphorus, 15% potassium and 18% sulfur. Dissolve in water to irrigate, should be about 2/1000. In addition, foliar spray application of dipotassium phosphate, the concentration is 2/1000, cyclamen is a taboo chlorine plant, at any time can not be applied with excessive chlorine fertilizer, generally not more than 5%. Do not understand the compound fertilizer to be tested before use, the local technical supervision bureau can test.

4. Cyclamen pest control:

The main results are as follows: (1) the unified symptoms of nematode disease, tea acaroid mite and virus disease are that the leaves are uneven, the ones with root nodules are nematodes, the ones with rust-like patches on the back of old leaves are tea acaroid mites, and there is no rust on the back of leaves. No root nodule on the root is a virus. The method of prevention and control of nematode disease is soil plus carbofuran, and the above mentioned watering method can effectively control nematode disease. Once nematode occurs, nematode development can be controlled by drying method, and the drying method is not watering. Paddling the soil in the basin so that cyclamen will not die, pour water once, dry a little and then hoe, and then dry, so that the reproduction of nematodes can be controlled for many times. Internal phosphorus absorption insecticides, such as dimethoate and monocrotophos, are used to prevent tea acaroid mites. From August to September, spray once every half a month, the prevention and treatment of virus disease: after 30 days on the pot, spray virus A virus No. 1 once a month.

(2) Leaf spot, sprayed once every 5-7 days at the time of onset.

(3) Pieris rapae. September is the time when the harm of Pieris rapae is serious. The key is to use a new generation of pesticides, such as insecticide and Alftin EC, once every 6-7 days until it is eliminated.

(4) the ground tiger, which is easy to occur from July to August, can only be caught by hand. The ground tiger comes out at night and hides in the soil during the day to scrub carefully to see how loose the soil is. You can find it by slowly plucking away with an iron wire.

(5) soft rot mainly occurs from August to September, as long as the greenhouse is warm. Appropriate humidity also occurs, the disease is mainly prevention, after the onset of the disease can be used with bacteria, methyl topiramate, agricultural streptomycin alternately. Any form of topdressing and timely spraying are prohibited in August to prevent leaf spot disease, such as leaf spot disease. Timely removal of diseased leaves, rotten leaves, and burn, while spraying bacteria, agricultural streptomycin and other drugs for prevention and treatment.

(6) Rain prevention is an important measure to prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

(7) Gray mold. The main symptom is that the lesion has a small spot with a diameter of 1-2 mm, and then gradually expands and shows brown rot. When the petiole or flower stalk is infected, the leaf or flower folds upside down, and there is a gray mildew layer in the lesion, which turns into a yellowish mildew layer, which is caused by high humidity and poor ventilation. The first is timely ventilation to reduce air humidity, the second is to remove diseased leaves in time to reduce the source of infection, and the third is to spray Dysen zinc, carbendazim and other broad-spectrum fungicides.

(8) soft rot. It was mostly caused by bacterial infection, and the disease site showed softening and decay, and the occurrence site was more common in the corm. Mainly matrix disinfection is not complete or no disinfection, high temperature or high humidity is easy to occur. Control methods can be sprayed with agricultural streptomycin or carbendazim and so on.

Indoor plant cyclamen summer conservation methods cyclamen flowers unique, dazzling, colorful, some varieties have aroma, high ornamental value, deeply loved by people. It is a precious potted flower in winter and spring, and it is also one of the most important potted flowers in the world flower market. Cyclamen florescence is long, up to 5 months, often used for indoor flower layout, not only can beautify the room, but also can purify the air. Many people like to raise cyclamen, but they can't keep it well, especially in summer, which will wilt or wither if they don't pay attention to it. Let me tell you how to maintain cyclamen in summer. Summer maintenance: cyclamen is a cool plant, when the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, it will enter the dormancy period, this time maintenance is also very simple, there are two main maintenance methods for flower friends to choose, the first is to dig out the ball, wrap it in a newspaper, and put it in a cool and ventilated place. The second method is to control the water, put the whole basin in a cool and ventilated place, let it wither, pay attention to the water control, see that it is very dry, occasionally give a little water, and keep the soil a little moist. The weather will sprout when it is cold, and then enter the normal nursing period. Of course, there is also a situation that cyclamen is still very exuberant, there is no meaning of dormancy, you can move the flowerpot to the north balcony, windowsill or shaded eaves and corridors, gradually watering less from the middle and late May, stop fertilizing, and pay attention to ventilation. Often sprinkle water on the leaves and the ground when the weather is hot, but do not get the soil too wet. It is better to use the micro-tide. How to maintain cyclamen in summer?

Common sense tells us that with high temperature and large evaporation in summer, flowers and plants should be watered more to avoid being dried to death. Especially flower growers like me, who have shou and jian, feel itchy when they see that the soil is dry.

But common sense often has a premise, some flowers dormant in the summer, slow metabolism, growth stagnation, and then give them a lot of water, then you may not see them sprout again.

When the summer temperature is high, some heat-sensitive plants will resist by dormancy. At this time, they will stop growing and their leaves will turn yellow and fall off, but do not misunderstand that they have been raised and killed by you.

These plants are not idle when they are asleep, transpiration continues, and the roots need a certain amount of humidity, so the water can not be completely cut off.

Summer fully dormant flowers enter the dormancy period earlier, most of the early summer, the leaves will fall off, such as cyclamen, dragon claw flower, Lycoris and so on. The dormancy period of semi-dormant flowers begins in midsummer, almost stops growing or grows slowly, accompanied by leaf withering and shedding, such as carnation, crabapple, bamboo crabapple, fragrant wormwood, geranium and so on.

Let's see how to help these dormant plants through the summer.

The immortal guest comes

Cyclamen is an annual flower, which blossoms before and after the Spring Festival. in summer, more than 30 ℃ will slowly dormant, and the leaves will wither and yellow. Cyclamen, which likes a cool and shady environment, is easy to rot when it is more than 35 ℃, so it will generally be completely dormant.

▶ dormant maintenance:

1. Keep the petiole of 5cm, trim all the leaves, dig up the root and soil, and remove some unnecessary old roots without harming the root.

two。 Transplant the repaired plants into a new pot one circle larger than the original pot, and replace the medium with more granular soil to create a loose, permeable and well-drained soil environment to avoid rotting roots.

3. The 1par 3 of the tuber is exposed to the soil and can not bury the growing point.

4. The dormant flowerpot is transferred to a cool place where there is no direct sunlight and no rain.

5. After the soil is dry, then pour a small amount of water, pay attention to avoid the sphere, water at the edge, waiting for autumn resurrection.

Bulbous plants such as daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and freesia are also dormant in summer. Their bulbs can be dug up and stored in a ventilated, cool and dry place.