
Actual pictures of flower planting in the courtyard used to be able to grow flowers like this at home.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting trees and flowers in the courtyard can not only reduce the harm of air pollution and noise, but also enhance human health and increase the joy of life. When the editor of Huayu Valley's official website saw the following 12 actual pictures of courtyard flowers, he knew that the family could grow flowers like this. Pots and pots were inadvertently dumped, and natural colors flowed out.

Planting trees and flowers in the courtyard can not only reduce the harm of air pollution and noise, but also enhance human health and increase the joy of life. Huayu Valley official website editor saw the following 12 actual pictures of courtyard flowers, only to know that the original home can be such a flower, pots and pots inadvertently pour, natural colors flow out, dreams in general! You might as well try it at home!

Flower planting on courtyard balcony in September

Flowers suitable for courtyard display in September, the temperature in most parts of China dropped slowly, and the monthly average temperature was between 20 ℃ and 24 ℃.

There are many kinds of potted ornamental plants suitable for display in the courtyard this month. Among them, woody ornamental plant species are: Cunninghamia lanceolata, Pinus elliottii, Bamboo cypress, cycad, Canadian jujube, Australian iron, Cinnamomum chinense, cinnamon, sweet-scented osmanthus, pomegranate, rubber tree, flower and leaf banyan, Fusang mulberry, hibiscus, Dutch iron, leafy wood, Brazilian wood, wealth tree, umbrella, palm bamboo, Burmese gardenia, wine bottle coconut, broad-leaf coconut, star anise gold plate, Sprinkle peach leaf coral, ginkgo, crape myrtle, jasmine, palm, rose, fish tail sunflower, loose tail sunflower, king coconut, Zhu banana, beautiful needle sunflower, Qin leaf banyan, red maple, South American iron tree, spruce, goose palm wood, Fu wood (Garcinia mandshurica), big Buddha belly bamboo, silver birch, Milan, Bailan, Jiuli incense, dew tree, southern bamboo and so on. Herbaceous flowers are: large flower canna, a bunch of red, early chrysanthemum, bamboo begonia, marigold, colorful pepper, Lycoris, Catharanthus roseus, thousand-day red, dahlia, longkou flower and so on.

Propagation of flowers in the courtyard

1. The species of woody flowers that can be sown are: peony, safflower oil tea, Michelia, magnolia, magnolia, seven-leaf tree, summer wax plum, Canadian jujube and so on. Among them, the seeds of the seven-leaf tree can be sown in trenches, the hilum of the seeds should be facing down when sowing, the thickness of the covered soil should not be too deep, and it is appropriate to cover the soil with plastic film or straw to protect moisture. Chimonanthus seeds can be soaked in cold water for 24 to 36 hours before sowing, and the seedlings can emerge about 2 weeks after sowing. The above-mentioned seeds must be stored in wet sand except that Chimonanthus chinensis can be dried and sown in the following spring.

September is a good time to sow grass flowers in autumn. feasible species of grass flowers include hollyhock, carnation, Gao Xuelun, dwarf snow wheel, pansy, goldfish grass, petunia, turnip, daisy, marigold, black chrysanthemum, iris, cherry and so on. In addition, greenhouse flowers such as cyclamen, primroses, golden lotus, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, four seasons begonia, Fulang flower, bao flower, can also be sown at this time, but to spend the winter in a plastic shed.

2. The species of flowers and trees that can be moisturized and propagated in the courtyard by using half sand and half chaff ash as cutting substrate are as follows: fire thorn, ten meritorious works, Michelia mollissima, leaf flower, sea immortal, peach leaf coral, hanging crabapple, Qionghua, snowball, brocade flower, mandarin duck jasmine, jasmine, pearl orchid, golden vein bed, coral flower, rubber tree, goose palm wood, Zhu banana and so on. Using general sand as seedbed, woody flowers that can be cut and propagated are: boxwood, purple magnolia, hypericum, Spiraea, pomegranate, hibiscus, crape myrtle, snow spray, eight immortal flowers, French holly, Phnom Penh privet, red leaf Berberis, bamboo, figs, oleander, June snow, gardenia, star anise plate, peony, peony and so on. Can also cut some grass flowers, such as a string of red, thousand red, marigold, sulfur chrysanthemum, cold chrysanthemum and so on.

3. Grafting can be carried out for the grafting and propagation of the following flowers and trees: peony with peony root as rootstock; peach, apricot and other seedlings as rootstocks to propagate elm leaf plum, green peach, Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling, red leaf peach, plum blossom, etc.; green maple seedlings as rootstocks, bagged wet branches to red maple, feather maple, etc.; Magnolia magnolia seedlings as rootstocks, bud grafting excellent varieties Magnolia, Erqiao Magnolia Potted purple magnolia as rootstock, white orchid; citrus seedlings as rootstock, kumquat buds, etc.; tassel as rootstock, sweet-scented osmanthus; potted wintersweet as rootstock, wintersweet plum as rootstock.

4. the ornamental flowers and trees that can be reproduced by striping are: Begonia, brocade flower, eight immortal flowers, gardenia, oleander, spring, golden bell, sweet-scented osmanthus, purple magnolia, jasmine, Michelia, camellia, pearl orchid, French holly, snowball, Qionghua, snow spray, Spiraea and so on.

5. The ornamental plant species with feasible ramets are: Chunlan, Cymbidium, Jianlan, peony, peony, Guangdong evergreen, purple Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum, tiger tail orchid, little angel, many green emperors, silver back silk grass, kidney fern, southern bamboo, begonia, purple magnolia, crabgrass, one leaf orchid, Ophiopogon japonicus and so on. In addition, hyacinths, tulips, freesia, calla lilies, Lycoris radiata and Mediterranean blue bell flowers can also be used to cultivate flowering bulbs at this time.

Management of flowers planted in courtyard

1. Because the temperature is still high in September, it is not necessary to transplant flowers and trees in the courtyard. For example, for the layout of the new courtyard or the transformation of the old courtyard, transplanting can also be carried out on the premise of bringing a good earth ball. Species such as oleander, dragon cypress, Michelia, Shu juniper, sweet-scented osmanthus, camellia, red leaf Berberis, golden leaf privet, yellow poplar, hypericum, French holly, safflower? Wood, sprinkled golden peach leaf coral, etc. Transplanting should carry out intensity pruning, and strengthen watering, spraying and shading management in order to ensure that transplanting is foolproof. Some grass flowers can still be planted or potted for viewing in October in golden autumn. Species are: red, thousand-day red, marigold, peacock grass, longkou flower, chicken crown flower, Catharanthus roseus, sulfur chrysanthemum, Xiaoli, marigold, short canna, morning chrysanthemum and so on.

2. Pruning continues to prune the garden hedges and ball ornamental plants with strong growth and budding, which is also the last pruning of balls in the growing season in the northern region this year. The main species of courtyard hedges and color blocks suitable for pruning are: boxwood, French holly, spinulosa Photinia, privet, lobular privet, red leaf Berberis, gold leaf privet, Phnom Penh Platycladus orientalis and so on. Suitable for pruning ball ornamental plants are: Dragon cypress, Shu juniper, yellow poplar, bayberry, wolfberry, holly, heather, Haitong, firethorn, Admiralty and so on. The ones that can be planted on the ground are: a string of red, thousand-day red, sulfur chrysanthemum, ground skin, marigold, peacock grass and so on. It is appropriate to pick the heart every 10 days to promote it to form a plump plant shape, and give birth to more inflorescences on the lateral shoots, and stop picking the heart after late September. For woody flowers that bloom continuously for a long time, such as variety rose, abundant rose, miniature rose, rattan rose, crape myrtle, pomegranate, five-color plum, triangular flower, etc., the stump should be cut off in time, and the branches that have flowered should be appropriately shrunk to effectively promote them to blossom again.

3. Watering in September, the climate is relatively dry. To continue to do a good job in watering and spraying the trees and shrubs transplanted in the spring in the courtyard is one of the key measures to consolidate their survival effect. The first is to water the roots to keep the soil moist, but not to accumulate water; the second is to spray water on the grass rope wrapped around the trunk to create a locally moist protective layer for the trunk; and the third is to spray water on the crown to reduce foliar transpiration and increase the humidity of the local space. In addition, for the newly planted grass flowers, it is also necessary to do a good job of spraying water and moisturizing.

4. Fertilization on colored foliage plants planted in the ground, such as golden leaf privet, red leaf Berberis, red maple, safflower? Wood, alpinia officinalis, alpinia mandshurica, golden peach leaf coral, red mulberry, red leaf dwarf cherry, red leaf plum, red leaf peach, etc., in order to keep its bright leaf color, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied properly. For land-planted flowers and trees that blossom continuously or watch flowers and fruits in autumn, such as crape myrtle, rose, cinnamon, tangerine, pomegranate, leaf flower, hibiscus, chrysanthemum, canna, dahlia, plum, southern bamboo, firethorn, cinnabar root, kumquat, etc., as well as a large number of autumn grass flowers, it is appropriate to apply balanced available fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. For the flowering kumquat, cinnamon, cinnamon and so on, fertilization can be stopped during the flowering period.

5. Pest control can control green diamondback moth that harms crape myrtle, pyracantha, begonia and other flowers and trees, spray 1000 times liquid of trichlorfon crystal, and insert poison label from wormhole to control longicorn beetles that harm crape myrtle, papaya and begonia. Powdery mildew on rose and chrysanthemum plants can be controlled with 1000 times of carbendazim wettable powder at the initial stage of the disease.

6. The woody ornamental plants that can be collected are mainly flowers and trees of Magnoliaceae. Such as Tiannu, Michelia, Magnolia, Magnolia, Yunshan Magnolia, Lechang Michelia, Michelia mollissima, Michelia mollissima, Magnolia magnolia and so on. In addition, there are seven-leaf trees, crape myrtle, cloves, begonia, bauhinia, rhododendron, yew, bright-leaf wax plum and so on. The seeds of Magnoliaceae, yew, seven-leaf tree, begonia, etc., must be stored in wet sand until early spring next year, and then sow in the field after the seed crack. The seeds of grass flowers that can be harvested are: marigold, zinnia, impatiens, purple jasmine, cockscomb, Catharanthus roseus, wheat straw chrysanthemum, emerald chrysanthemum and so on. September Garden Flower and balcony Flower planting Guide is suitable for flowers on display in the courtyard. In September, the temperature in most parts of China dropped slowly, with a monthly average temperature between 20 ℃ and 24 ℃.

There are many kinds of potted ornamental plants suitable for display in the courtyard this month. Among them, woody ornamental plant species are: Cunninghamia lanceolata, Pinus elliottii, Bamboo cypress, cycad, Canadian jujube, Australian iron, Cinnamomum chinense, cinnamon, sweet-scented osmanthus, pomegranate, rubber tree, flower and leaf banyan, Fusang mulberry, hibiscus, Dutch iron, leafy wood, Brazilian wood, wealth tree, umbrella, palm bamboo, Burmese gardenia, wine bottle coconut, broad-leaf coconut, star anise gold plate, Sprinkle peach leaf coral, ginkgo, crape myrtle, jasmine, palm, rose, fish tail sunflower, loose tail sunflower, king coconut, Zhu banana, beautiful needle sunflower, Qin leaf banyan, red maple, South American iron tree, spruce, goose palm wood, Fu wood (Garcinia mandshurica), big Buddha belly bamboo, silver birch, Milan, Bailan, Jiuli incense, dew tree, southern bamboo and so on. Herbaceous flowers are: large flower canna, a bunch of red, early chrysanthemum, bamboo begonia, marigold, colorful pepper, Lycoris, Catharanthus roseus, thousand-day red, dahlia, longkou flower and so on.

Propagation of flowers in the courtyard

1. The species of woody flowers that can be sown are: peony, safflower oil tea, Michelia, magnolia, magnolia, seven-leaf tree, summer wax plum, Canadian jujube and so on. Among them, the seeds of the seven-leaf tree can be sown in trenches, the hilum of the seeds should be facing down when sowing, the thickness of the covered soil should not be too deep, and it is appropriate to cover the soil with plastic film or straw to protect moisture. Chimonanthus seeds can be soaked in cold water for 24 to 36 hours before sowing, and the seedlings can emerge about 2 weeks after sowing. The above-mentioned seeds must be stored in wet sand except that Chimonanthus chinensis can be dried and sown in the following spring.

September is a good time to sow grass flowers in autumn. feasible species of grass flowers include hollyhock, carnation, Gao Xuelun, dwarf snow wheel, pansy, goldfish grass, petunia, turnip, daisy, marigold, black chrysanthemum, iris, cherry and so on. In addition, greenhouse flowers such as cyclamen, primroses, golden lotus, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, four seasons begonia, Fulang flower, bao flower, can also be sown at this time, but to spend the winter in a plastic shed.

2. The species of flowers and trees that can be moisturized and propagated in the courtyard by using half sand and half chaff ash as cutting substrate are as follows: fire thorn, ten meritorious works, Michelia mollissima, leaf flower, sea immortal, peach leaf coral, hanging crabapple, Qionghua, snowball, brocade flower, mandarin duck jasmine, jasmine, pearl orchid, golden vein bed, coral flower, rubber tree, goose palm wood, Zhu banana and so on. Using general sand as seedbed, woody flowers that can be cut and propagated are: boxwood, purple magnolia, hypericum, Spiraea, pomegranate, hibiscus, crape myrtle, snow spray, eight immortal flowers, French holly, Phnom Penh privet, red leaf Berberis, bamboo, figs, oleander, June snow, gardenia, star anise plate, peony, peony and so on. Can also cut some grass flowers, such as a string of red, thousand red, marigold, sulfur chrysanthemum, cold chrysanthemum and so on.

3. Grafting can be carried out for the grafting and propagation of the following flowers and trees: peony with peony root as rootstock; peach, apricot and other seedlings as rootstocks to propagate elm leaf plum, green peach, Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling, red leaf peach, plum blossom, etc.; green maple seedlings as rootstocks, bagged wet branches to red maple, feather maple, etc.; Magnolia magnolia seedlings as rootstocks, bud grafting excellent varieties Magnolia, Erqiao Magnolia Potted purple magnolia as rootstock, white orchid; citrus seedlings as rootstock, kumquat buds, etc.; tassel as rootstock, sweet-scented osmanthus; potted wintersweet as rootstock, wintersweet plum as rootstock.

4. the ornamental flowers and trees that can be reproduced by striping are: Begonia, brocade flower, eight immortal flowers, gardenia, oleander, spring, golden bell, sweet-scented osmanthus, purple magnolia, jasmine, Michelia, camellia, pearl orchid, French holly, snowball, Qionghua, snow spray, Spiraea and so on.

5. The ornamental plant species with feasible ramets are: Chunlan, Cymbidium, Jianlan, peony, peony, Guangdong evergreen, purple Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum, tiger tail orchid, little angel, many green emperors, silver back silk grass, kidney fern, southern bamboo, begonia, purple magnolia, crabgrass, one leaf orchid, Ophiopogon japonicus and so on. In addition, hyacinths, tulips, freesia, calla lilies, Lycoris radiata and Mediterranean blue bell flowers can also be used to cultivate flowering bulbs at this time.

Management of flowers planted in courtyard

1. Because the temperature is still high in September, it is not necessary to transplant flowers and trees in the courtyard. For example, for the layout of the new courtyard or the transformation of the old courtyard, transplanting can also be carried out on the premise of bringing a good earth ball. Species such as oleander, dragon cypress, Michelia, Shu juniper, sweet-scented osmanthus, camellia, red leaf Berberis, golden leaf privet, yellow poplar, hypericum, French holly, safflower? Wood, sprinkled golden peach leaf coral, etc. Transplanting should carry out intensity pruning, and strengthen watering, spraying and shading management in order to ensure that transplanting is foolproof. Some grass flowers can still be planted or potted for viewing in October in golden autumn. Species are: red, thousand-day red, marigold, peacock grass, longkou flower, chicken crown flower, Catharanthus roseus, sulfur chrysanthemum, Xiaoli, marigold, short canna, morning chrysanthemum and so on.

2. Pruning continues to prune the garden hedges and ball ornamental plants with strong growth and budding, which is also the last pruning of balls in the growing season in the northern region this year. The main species of courtyard hedges and color blocks suitable for pruning are: boxwood, French holly, spinulosa Photinia, privet, lobular privet, red leaf Berberis, gold leaf privet, Phnom Penh Platycladus orientalis and so on. Suitable for pruning ball ornamental plants are: Dragon cypress, Shu juniper, yellow poplar, bayberry, wolfberry, holly, heather, Haitong, firethorn, Admiralty and so on. The ones that can be planted on the ground are: a string of red, thousand-day red, sulfur chrysanthemum, ground skin, marigold, peacock grass and so on. It is appropriate to pick the heart every 10 days to promote it to form a plump plant shape, and give birth to more inflorescences on the lateral shoots, and stop picking the heart after late September. For woody flowers that bloom continuously for a long time, such as variety rose, abundant rose, miniature rose, rattan rose, crape myrtle, pomegranate, five-color plum, triangular flower, etc., the stump should be cut off in time, and the branches that have flowered should be appropriately shrunk to effectively promote them to blossom again.

3. Watering in September, the climate is relatively dry. To continue to do a good job in watering and spraying the trees and shrubs transplanted in the spring in the courtyard is one of the key measures to consolidate their survival effect. The first is to water the roots to keep the soil moist, but not to accumulate water; the second is to spray water on the grass rope wrapped around the trunk to create a locally moist protective layer for the trunk; and the third is to spray water on the crown to reduce foliar transpiration and increase the humidity of the local space. In addition, for the newly planted grass flowers, it is also necessary to do a good job of spraying water and moisturizing.

4. Fertilization on colored foliage plants planted in the ground, such as golden leaf privet, red leaf Berberis, red maple, safflower? Wood, alpinia officinalis, alpinia mandshurica, golden peach leaf coral, red mulberry, red leaf dwarf cherry, red leaf plum, red leaf peach, etc., in order to keep its bright leaf color, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied properly. For land-planted flowers and trees that blossom continuously or watch flowers and fruits in autumn, such as crape myrtle, rose, cinnamon, tangerine, pomegranate, leaf flower, hibiscus, chrysanthemum, canna, dahlia, plum, southern bamboo, firethorn, cinnabar root, kumquat, etc., as well as a large number of autumn grass flowers, it is appropriate to apply balanced available fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. For the flowering kumquat, cinnamon, cinnamon and so on, fertilization can be stopped during the flowering period.

5. Pest control can control green diamondback moth that harms crape myrtle, pyracantha, begonia and other flowers and trees, spray 1000 times liquid of trichlorfon crystal, and insert poison label from wormhole to control longicorn beetles that harm crape myrtle, papaya and begonia. Powdery mildew on rose and chrysanthemum plants can be controlled with 1000 times of carbendazim wettable powder at the initial stage of the disease.

6. The woody ornamental plants that can be collected are mainly flowers and trees of Magnoliaceae. Such as Tiannu, Michelia, Magnolia, Magnolia, Yunshan Magnolia, Lechang Michelia, Michelia mollissima, Michelia mollissima, Magnolia magnolia and so on. In addition, there are seven-leaf trees, crape myrtle, cloves, begonia, bauhinia, rhododendron, yew, bright-leaf wax plum and so on. The seeds of Magnoliaceae, yew, seven-leaf tree, begonia, etc., must be stored in wet sand until early spring next year, and then sow in the field after the seed crack. The seeds of grass flowers that can be harvested are: marigold, zinnia, impatiens, purple jasmine, cockscomb, Catharanthus roseus, wheat straw chrysanthemum, emerald chrysanthemum and so on.