
The fire is hidden in here.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, "Gollum." The fox stole a glance at the little panda, hoping that the little panda did not hear the sound made by his belly. "Oh, I thought you ate a lot." The little panda walked beside him, his ears trembling. The fox did not speak.


Noo-Noo. "

The fox stole a glance at the little panda, hoping that the little panda did not hear the sound made by his belly.

"Oh, I thought you ate a lot." The little panda walked beside him, his ears trembling.

The fox said nothing and bowed his head slightly.

"so you gave me everything, didn't you?" The little panda laughed. "did you lie to me that you had eaten?"

"I." The fox thought for a moment, "I'm not hungry." It's okay for me not to eat for two or three days. "

"I'm not that weak." The little panda said, tilting his head and glancing at the fox. "you think I can't stand it when I don't eat all day?"

"No." The fox hastened to deny, "I just think. You are not used to walking on the road, but you have to keep up with me and trot all the time. "

"minor problems." The little panda waved his hand, "it's faster this way." I can take it. But it's you. "

The fox shook his head slightly and said nothing.


The panda stopped and said, "wait, what's that smell?" Can you smell the fox? "

The fox also stopped and smelled it carefully. "it's still the smell of grass. Do you smell something? "

The little panda shook his head. "I don't know, but it feels a little familiar. Come here. Come here. "

Instead of following, the fox sat down and looked up at the sky.

The sun has gone down, and the orange on the horizon has receded into a thin line. The sky turned blue again, from light blue to dark blue, to the black of the horizon far behind. Some stars can't wait to wake up, blinking slowly and looking gently at the land.

The gentle wind brushed the fox's fur with the coolness of the night. The fox smelled the river, the grass, and the bugs in the grass. These smells are stacked together, but they are like a key to open the door of memory. In that door, the fox saw himself lying on the grass chatting with rabbits and beavers. The firefly flew by, and the three bright spots on the stomach were clearly seen.

"Gollum." It was the belly protest that brought the fox back to reality.

The little panda has been out for a while and is wrinkling its nose and smelling it carefully. "AHA!"

The fox took a big stride after it. "what did you find?"

"there is something to eat. Just around the comer. I smell it. " The little panda's eyes sparkled. "it's right over there!"

The fox looked in the direction of the little panda and saw something vaguely. It's not a tree, it's not a house, it's like a thin, tall grass. If it were thicker, it would be like climbing onto the shelf of passion fruit.

"then." The fox swallowed. "is it passion fruit, too? Why is it so thin? "

"it won't be." The little panda smiled and shook his ears. "you don't smell passion fruit either, do you?" That's a recommendation, but it also climbs on the shelf. When I smell it, I think it should be right. "

"Grass." The fox scratched his ear. "can I eat?"

"there will be some trouble." The little panda's voice hesitated. "but since I'm hungry, there's nothing I can do about it."

The fox nodded, did not ask again, and followed the little panda to those thin shelves.

It's just the purr in my stomach, it's getting louder and louder.

"well." The little panda asked, with that hesitation in his voice. "are you afraid of fire?"

The fox was stunned for a moment. I didn't see a fire nearby, nor did I smell smoke.

"I. I've seen it. " The fox said slowly, "I have seen it from a distance in the woods." The whole forest is burning. It looks terrible. I've seen it in the rabbit's stove, but I'm far away. "


The beaver looked at the little panda, inexplicably.

"I can't help it. after all, you're hungry." The little panda looked up and looked into the fox's eyes. "wait a minute, if you're afraid, stay away."

"here. Do you have a light? " The fox looked around and still found no sign of fire. "I didn't smell it or see it."

The little panda stood still and thought about it as if he had made up his mind. "I can get fire."

The fox's eyes opened wide. "can you get it? Where? Be careful, don't be... "

The little panda felt out two stones. One piece has some luster, the other is just black and gray, there is nothing special at all. "this is it."

The fox looked at the little panda's eyes and looked at the stone in the little panda's hand. The fox carefully stretched out his finger, touched it, and immediately took it away.


"it's not fire." The fox breathed a sigh of relief. "the fire is hot, runs faster than the fastest animal, and burns trees and grass."

"mm-hmm." The little panda said, "the fire is hidden in here. You'll see it later." If you want to eat something like that, you need a fire. So, we have to make some preparations. "

The fox opened his eyes wide and looked at the little panda. The expression of the little panda has not changed. The fox looked at the stone in the little panda's hand again and shook his head.

"all right." The fox said, "what preparations are you going to make?"

"you need to find some big stones and something that can hold water. You can't leak." The little panda carefully put up the two stones. "there is still a piece of open space, not too big, as long as it is dry and without grass."

The fox turned around and saw a white cow skull, half hidden in the grass. "well. There should be no problem.

"leave the rest to me." The little panda clapped his hands and said, "just put them on the open space."


The beaver nodded and watched the little panda walk towards the thin shelf with its short legs.

The fox pricked up his ears, listened to the wind, closed his eyes and thought, chose a direction, and ran over.

A small piece of sandy land should meet the requirements of the red panda. The fox pulled out the few remaining grasses and threw them aside. After thinking about it, he pulled out a blade of grass and held it in his mouth.

Rabbits often do this. The fox smiled.

By the time the little panda came back, the fox had found everything. A few big stones were scattered in the sand, and there was a huge cow skull with long horns stuck in the ground.

The little panda threw a pile of things in his arms on the sand and looked carefully at the cow's skull. "it should work." The little panda clapped his hands with satisfaction. "fill this thing with water."

The fox nodded. There is a stream nearby, and the sound of water has been heard. The fox pulled up the cow's skull and walked to the river and saw the little panda piling up several stones, leaving a space in the middle.

When the fox came back, there was only half of the full water left. "it's heavy." The fox gasped and wanted to complain a few more words, but froze.

The little panda has started a fire in the middle of the stone. The flames were beating, and the shadow on the face of the little panda was uncertain, which was completely different from that of the little panda during the day.

This is really hot. The fox looked at the leaping flames. Did the little panda really get the fire out of those two stones?


The panda came over to help the fox and put the cow skull on the fire. He looked at the dazed expression on the fox's face, and his eyebrows frowned into a question mark. "what's wrong?"

"Fire." Asked the fox in a low voice, taking a few steps back. "did it really come out of those two stones?"

"Yes." The little panda answered. "it's just that many animals are still afraid of fire, so I seldom take it out and use it."

"Why don't you take something so terrible with you?" The fox's voice trembled a little. "the rabbit will turn off the fire in the stove."

"well, it's not scary when you take it with you." The little panda waved his hand, "I'll teach you next time." The water is boiling. "

The little panda broke something from the grass and threw it into the water, and the rest was fed to the fire. The crackling sound became louder.

"if this kind of food hadn't been eaten raw and you were hungry, I wouldn't have taken it out." The voice of the little panda sounds a little embarrassed. "it scares you, doesn't it?"

"No." The fox took several deep breaths. "fear came second and was more surprised." I can't believe you can take the fire with you. That's amazing. "

"really?" The little panda raised his head and looked forward to it. "is it really good?"

"well, it's really good." The fox nodded. "such a powerful force."... "

The little panda didn't seem to hear the second half of the sentence. He was busy using two branches to fish out what he had thrown in the boiling water. "Don't eat until it's cold, be careful not to be hot."

The fox did not go on, but just looked at what he had fished out and swallowed. "what is this?"

"Pea pods." The little panda continues to fish, "it's delicious when it's ripe." I picked a lot. Don't give way to me this time. "

The fox bit one and tasted it. Then I ate another one, and then the third one. "well." The fox has no time to say complete sentences.

The little panda laughed.

It was not until there was only a thin layer of water and only ashes of the fire that the fox sighed. "it's delicious."

"is that right?" The little panda sat on one side, rubbing his stomach. "then. Fire. Are you scared? "


The beaver thought for a moment and shook his head. "it looks like there's no need to be afraid. It only burns inside the stone... It would be very useful in winter. "

"Yes." The little panda said, "as long as you don't get too close, it's okay."

"next time, you teach me."

With a bang, the fox was startled. The fox turned and looked over, and the cow's skull on the stone split in half. The water fell on the ashes and steamed out a stream of steam.

Both the little panda and the fox laughed.

"I can't believe you can still do this." The fox looked at the cracked skull and an idea suddenly came into his head.

"OK, I'll teach you next time." The little panda smiled, "but don't tell other animals, after all, many animals are afraid of fire."

"so this is. A secret? "

"well, secret." The little panda nodded. "our secret."


To be continued