
Gaining weight is only one of the most urgent things to raise succulent plants this season.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The 25th? Qian Yan love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply to "Community" and 20W meat friends to bask together! Backstage reply "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, disinfestation, black rot" view phase.

25 July


Foreword Qian Yan

Love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply "Community" to share with 20W meat friends!

The background replied "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil allocation, disinfestation, black rot" to view the relevant maintenance knowledge.

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Editor / succulent plant sink

The weather is getting colder and colder, and it's time to put the work of raising succulent plants on the agenda.

This year's summer war has basically come to an end, and we are now faced with a period of time when succulent plants are best preserved.

In this cool autumn, all aspects of succulent maintenance can be put on the agenda. Such as succulent fattening, coloring, reproduction, changing pots and so on.

Succulent and fattening

After a summer of high temperature and humidity, the lack of light tortured succulent, some did not withstand the direct immortal, some let it wind and rain, I stood still, and a large part, although not dead, but haggard do not want, not only lost color, meat also lost weight.

When they are thirsty, they will drink saliva, which is what we call water control. Finally, don't forget to use root pots or deeper flowerpots.

Succulent coloring

Autumn and winter is the best time for succulent plants to color, because the temperature drops in autumn and winter, it can give sufficient light, and the temperature difference between day and night is large, which is conducive to coloring.

However, for autumn rainy weather in the south and other regions, this is not the best time to paint, the best time to color should be in late winter and early spring.

In the north, it is early in autumn, the air humidity is small, and there are more sunny days, which is more suitable for succulent coloring. And at present, many places in the north have taken the lead in ushering in the low temperature mode, which grows slowly but is easy to be compact. Even the northern winter comes early, so it is necessary to provide heating and anti-freezing in advance.

When you have "the right time and the right place", you still need "people's harmony". If there is no scientific maintenance method, everything will still be in vain. Meat friends had better observe their own conservation environment and combine the experience of their predecessors to find out a set of courses suitable for their own succulent succulent plants.

The most important factors for coloring, such as light, temperature, temperature difference and water control, should be frozen as much as possible without freezing the meat, together with the most sunshine and proper watering. To put it simply, it means basking in the sun more.

Succulent leaf cuttings

After the end of the summer, the loss is inevitable, and a new round of leaf insertion, sowing and reproduction can also begin.

If you only grow succulent plants in summer, you can roll off healthy leaves and use them to insert them. It is not a dream to become a succulent family this autumn. Keep the growing point of the leaf near the root when breaking the leaf!

Then put the healthy leaves under scattered light and dry them for 3-5 days. After the wound heals, put the leaves in suitable soil and containers and wait for them to germinate.

Succulent change basin

At the end of the summer, those old, weak, sick and disabled succulent plants can be collectively replaced with pots and soil. Here is another question about the shop floor, many meat lovers are easy to ignore the shop floor, but this is definitely necessary.

Because the existence of the shop surface is not only to increase the beauty, but also has many advantages, such as isolating the nutritious soil from the outside world, which, in a certain sense, can prevent diseases and insects from laying eggs, has a certain effect of "purifying water", and can also inhibit the growth of weeds.

The commonly used paving stones are: Maifan stone, red jade soil, river sand and so on.

Succulent watering

Now we can gradually return to the normal watering pattern. Combined with the weather conditions in recent days before watering, the climate has been unstable this year, dying of drought and waterlogging. It is suggested that meat friends in areas with less rain can store Rain Water for watering, and pay attention to rain protection, waterlogging and drainage in rainy areas.

There are succulent basin friends had better develop the habit of watching the weather forecast every day, according to the weather conditions to make accurate maintenance judgment, if there is bad weather can also make various measures in time.

Prevention of diseases and insect pests

The work of pest prevention should not be relaxed all the year round, and it is necessary to maintain the mode of small defense in January and big defense in two months. Usually watering mixed with carbendazim, pre-buried small white medicine in the soil, and so on, are essential work.

Succulent fertilization

Proper fertilization is beneficial to the growth of succulent plants. After September, the "winter type" succulent plants gradually began to grow, and attention should be paid to fertilization to provide sufficient nutrients and promote the growth of succulent plants. Fertilization is usually done in the morning or evening on a sunny day.

Here is a quote from Rashen's "explanation on the use and interrelationship of succulent growth regulators, special liquid fertilizers for succulent plants and granular slow-release fertilizers".

1. The difference between succulent growth regulator and special liquid fertilizer for succulent plants

First of all, it needs to be emphasized that the succulent growth regulator is not fertilizer, its effective ingredient is a variety of plant growth regulators; and succulent plant special liquid fertilizer, as the name implies, it is a professional fertilizer designed and developed for succulent plants.

After using this product of succulent growth regulator, many meat lovers found that the originally growing meat began to become short and fat, the leaves became thick and the lateral buds began to burst, and they thought that it must be because the regulator was fertile enough to make these gratifying changes in their meat, but it wasn't.

The effective components of succulent growth regulators are various plant growth regulators, which can change the concentration of various plant growth regulators to a certain extent.

So that the characteristics of meat meet our aesthetic needs, such as short and fat plants, thick leaves and full lateral buds, which are the result of the interaction of plant growth substances and have little to do with fertilizer.

The special liquid fertilizer for succulent plants is a fertilizer specially designed and developed for succulent plants, and its effective ingredients are various elements needed in the growth process of succulent plants. And specially provided the formula of high potassium and low nitrogen for succulent plants.

"the common sense of fertilizing meat (especially those of crassulaceae) is to use fertilizers that are low in nitrogen. Low nitrogen can effectively prevent meat from growing and fading. "

"the main role of potash is often described as promoting flowering and fruiting, which may not sound meaningful to succulent plants, but what many Huayujing do not know is that potash is an omnipotent element in plants.

Why the omnipotent element? Because the plant is like a huge and complex chemical plant, behind every chemical reaction, there are one or more biological enzymes at work, and potassium has now been proved to be the activator of more than 60 biological enzymes.

How do you understand it? For example, biological enzymes make various chemical reactions work normally, while potassium can make these biological enzymes work better. In this way, we can understand the importance of potassium.

two。 The problem of combined use of growth regulator and Special liquid Fertilizer

The two have different ingredients and different functions, so there is no problem with using them on the same strain of meat. However, the use of the two methods are similar, will involve spraying blades, so the use of time is recommended to be separated.

For example, there are 4 weeks in a month, you can use these two products at the pace of 1 birth, 2 fertilizers, 3 fertilizers and 4 fertilizers, so as to give full play to the efficacy of the medicine.

3. The difference between granular slow-release fertilizer and special liquid fertilizer for succulent plants

I generally use granular slow-release fertilizer as a base fertilizer, which can be added every six months for daily use. It can provide slow and long-term nutritional supply to meat, but in the peak season of meat growth, such as spring and autumn (the growing season is also after heating in winter in the north).

The fertility provided by granular slow-release fertilizer can not fully meet the needs of meat growth, so we need to supplement it with liquid fertilizer.

In a simple analogy, granular slow-release fertilizer is equivalent to our daily staple food. You can't starve to death by eating rice every day, but it doesn't grow well, and special liquid fertilizer is equivalent to supplementary food side dishes, and only staple food with dishes can meet all kinds of nutritional needs.

I hope that this autumn, meat friends will be able to raise succulent plants as they like.

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