
Health | keeping a pot next to a computer TV has a wonderful effect on eye protection without sore eyes, dizziness or dizziness.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I believe that many flower friends are the same as Huahua, watching TV and using the computer for a long time makes their eyes dry and dizzy, and adults feel better. Children are physically developing, so it is easy to be myopic! We can put it next to the TV and computer.

I believe that many flower friends are the same as Huahua, watching TV and using the computer for a long time makes their eyes dry and dizzy, and adults feel better. Children are physically developing, so it is easy to be myopic! We can put green potted plants next to televisions and computers, take a few glances and relax our eyes and have a fresh nap.

Green pineapple, classic NO.1

Recommended index: ★

The leaves of green pineapple are green and shady, so they are very suitable for keeping beside computers and televisions. Flower friends who want to raise green apple just need to pinch a few green radish branches and put them in the water. Pay attention to three maintenance methods:

1 、

Change the water every 2-3 days, dry the tap water to remove chlorine and reuse it.

2 、

Adding iron nails and ferrous sulfate to the water can avoid yellow leaves.

3 、

Beer wiping green apple leaves can be greener and more luxuriant.

A piece of copper grass grows in the water.

Recommended index: ★

Copper money grass grows fast, easy to feed, round leaves are more regular, eyes easy to look at the screen fatigue, a few eyes copper money grass can alleviate a lot! For copper grass raised near electronic products, pay attention to the following points:

1 、

You don't have to change the water too often. Change it once a week in summer.

2 、

Try to put it on the good side of the light, which is conducive to rapid growth.

3 、

Add nutrient solution or soaked rice water every half a month.

Hanging orchid, eye protection and dust removal

Recommended index: ★★★★

Hanging orchids on televisions and computer desks can not only relieve visual fatigue, but also absorb the smoke emitted by the operation of electrical appliances, killing two birds with one stone:

1 、

The orchid is resistant to drought, so it is recommended to water less and dry is better than wet.

2 、

It is best to spray water on the leaves every day to avoid dry and withered leaves.

3 、

Can pour cooked Amoy rice water, hanging orchid is fat and strong.

The tortoise-backed bamboo is the most popular.

Recommended index: ★★★★

If your home space is relatively large, it is recommended to enlarge the turtle back bamboo, the leaves are big and green, so that the eyes immediately relax. TV cabinets and computer desks with small space can put smaller Xiandong turtles with bamboo on their backs:

1 、

Avoid strong light and stick to foliar spray to moisturize.

2 、

The potted soil should be kept dry and do not accumulate moisture.

3 、

Soy bean water, rice water and beer can all be watered.

Tiger Pilan is a must for lazy people at home.

Recommended index: ★★★★

Tiger Pilan is suitable for beginners and lazy people. It can be easily raised, and it doesn't take up space next to televisions and computers. If you want Tiger Pilan to grow quickly, do the following three points:

1 、

The basin soil should be loose and breathable, and the basin bottom had better be covered with ceramsite and pebbles.

2 、

Don't water too much, the soil is dry and then thoroughly watered.

3 、

When the leaves are cut off and inserted into the soil, they can reproduce and take root.

Make a fortune tree, protect your eyes and have good luck

Recommended index: ★★★★

Small wealth trees are easier to raise. Hydroponics and soil cultivation are fine. Putting them next to televisions and computers can not only relieve fatigue, but also attract good luck. With only three tips, you can keep showing new leaves:

1 、

If you put it in a place with light, it has the best ventilation.

2 、

Spray water to the leaves every day to moisturize, but also wipe beer to promote growth.

3 、

The yellow leaves should be removed in time to avoid infection.

Ivy, purify the air.

Recommended index: ★★★★

Ivy is evergreen all the year round, and it can purify the air at home. It is suitable for hanging and raising in pots, as well as the full style of Internet celebrities. If you want it to climb the vine quickly, pay attention to the following three points:

1 、

Keep the soil and air moist, water in time and spray occasionally.

2 、

After soaking in water for 1 month, the pericarp can be irrigated with water.

3 、

Reduce watering on cloudy and rainy days and put it in a ventilated place to avoid disease.

Pocket coconut, tropical style

Recommended index: ★★★★

Pocket coconut is very southern style, lush and unique shape, placed next to televisions and computers to relieve visual and psychological fatigue, give you three tips to keep it green:

1 、

Don't be exposed to the sun, spray water to moisturize every day.

2 、

Soil cultivation must use loose sand and water frequently.

3 、

You can add nutrient solution once a month to grow new leaves immediately.

Dryopteris Dryopteris, forest oxygen bar

Recommended index: ★★★

If you are in a darker room, you can try to grow a fern, as if you are in a dense forest to make you feel comfortable sitting in front of the screen.

1 、

Spray water on the leaves every day to keep the air humid.

2 、

Water frequently and keep the basin soil moist.

3 、

It is best to place it to the north to avoid the sun.

Acorus calamus, retro Chinese style

Recommended index: ★★★

Like to have charm, temperament of eye protection potted plants, you can choose calamus, a small pinch, with a few pieces of moss and stone can upgrade the whole room:

1 、

Acorus calamus has short roots and is suitable for shallow flowerpots.

2 、

Water should be poured into the basin, and the leaves will rot easily.

3 、

Gladiolus grows faster and stronger in the sun for 1-2 hours every morning.

These eye protection potted plants

If you don't have it in your house,

Just put it away quickly.

Keep a few pots as you like.

The picture comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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The name of the plant (eg a fortune tree)

Check the culture method

For advice on flower cultivation problems, please add personal Wechat:


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