
To grow flowers, you should first learn to water the following four kinds of flowers. The more frequently you water them, the more prosperous they grow.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, People who grow flowers all know that flowers should "rely on fertilizer for one third and water for seven percent". What does this mean? In other words, there are two key points in growing flowers, one is fertilization, the other is watering. Especially if you water the flowers, if you don't water them well, they will have yellow leaves and rotten roots.

People who grow flowers all know that flowers should "rely on fertilizer for one third and water for seven percent". What does this mean? In other words, there are two key points in growing flowers, one is fertilization, the other is watering. In particular, if the flowers are not watered well, they will have yellow leaves, rotten roots or even no blossoms, but if they are well watered, they will flourish and the flowers will bloom in pots. Some people also say that it is not good to water flowers without long-term accumulation after three years of watering. The reason why flowers are all watered to death also comes from here. So, what's so particular about watering flowers? Which flowers are suitable for watering frequently? These basic knowledge must be understood. Next, share the following three kinds of flowers with flower friends, all of whom need to be watered frequently. The more frequently they are watered, the more prosperous they will grow.

Hanging orchid

Flower friends who raise hanging orchids all know that the leaves of this plant are slender and oil-green, and raising in the living room can not only beautify the environment, but also purify the indoor air. It can be said that it is a potted foliage plant worth raising. Maintenance of hanging orchids, the need to pay attention to the details are actually not many, after all, it is relatively easy to maintain. There are two main points that need to be paid attention to. One is ventilation. If the orchid is in an unventilated position, such as an indoor corner or a bedroom with no windows, it is easy to have yellow leaves. The second thing to pay attention to is watering. Hanging orchids like a warm and humid environment, and the soil must be kept moist for a long time. Without water, not only will it not grow well, but even the leaves will be dim. Watering the orchid is recommended every two days, and more water is sprayed on the leaves every day to maintain a high air humidity.

Tongqian grass

Some flower friends may have said that Tongqian grass is not raised in water, why does it need to be watered frequently? As a matter of fact, the hydroponic culture of Rabdosia angustifolia can of course be done. Frequently watering means frequently giving water to the leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia. For example, more water should be sprayed on the leaves. In addition, the water in the water bottle of copper money grass should not be less than 1/3, otherwise it will lead to the growth of copper money grass. In addition to hydroponics, it is more suitable for mixed soil and water culture or direct soil culture. Remember the details of raising copper grass, more water supply must be right, the basin is waiting for you year after year.

Green pineapple

Green turnip potted plant is the most common potted plant in the family, the reason why everyone is raising, one is cheap, one pot is only dozens of yuan, and the other is that it is easy to raise and green has vitality. No matter at home or in the office, green apple is indispensable. To raise this kind of plant, you don't need to apply fertilizer every day, as long as you give the green radish loose and fertile nutrient soil when changing the pot, such as using rotten leaf soil, peat soil mixed with barnyard manure and so on. In the usual conservation of green pineapple, in addition to paying attention to the light, the most important thing is this watering. Only when the green apple is well watered and the air is humid, it will become more and more exuberant. Remember to spray water on the leaves every morning and evening, which can not only remove the dust, but also keep the oil bright for a long time.

The three kinds of flowers mentioned above are often raised at home, and they are good for the environment and good for health. In addition, they are green all year round, adding a lot of vitality. In addition to raising these kinds, you can also raise some large foliage plants, such as happiness tree, peace tree and fortune tree, which means good and evergreen all the year round.

This is the end of the knowledge about flowers. Thank you for reading!

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