
How to raise lilies to burst the pot? How do lilies keep seeds? when do lily seeds be planted?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Have you ever planted lilies? Do you know how to get the seeds of lilies? In fact, the lilies can pour out the seeds directly when the leaves are dry. But under normal circumstances, seed planting will not be required, because the germination rate of seed planting is very low. Then how to grow it?

Have you ever planted lilies? Do you know how to get the seeds of lilies? In fact, the lilies can pour out the seeds directly when the leaves are dry. But under normal circumstances, seed planting will not be required, because the germination rate of seed planting is very low. So how to plant lilies in order to burst the pot, and when is the best time to plant lily seeds? The suitable planting time is from August to September.

Generally use bulb reproduction, choose a deep pot to plant lilies, plant 3 bulbs in the basin, if very large, then reduce the number. Lily likes fluffy and fertile soil, which can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, sand and garden soil at the ratio of 1:1:1. Lily watering keeps the soil moist, once a day or two in summer, four or five days in spring and autumn, and once a week in winter. If you apply fertilizer, just use a sufficient amount of base fertilizer.