
I went to see my boyfriend for the first time and his parents were criticized for being useless. He was stunned to see him six months later.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, When I went to see my boyfriend's parents for the first time, he was criticized for being useless. Half a year later, he was stunned. In our lives, we can often see some women who just rely on men to live, and even say that a good job is not as good as marriage. But in my opinion, female.

The first time I went to see my boyfriend's parents, I was criticized for nothing. When I met him again half a year later, he was stunned.

In our lives, we often see some women who only rely on men to live, and even say that work is better than marriage. But in my opinion, girls should also be self-improvement, only their own masters, do not rely on others, in order to be welcomed and favored by others.

When I was a child, I had chronic stomach problems, so I needed to take medicine for a long time. Due to long-term hormone use, my weight began to skyrocket from my teens, far more than girls of the same age, often ridiculed by my classmates, which made me feel inferior, class activities have been afraid to participate, although the family is very good, but for those who like dare not confess, afraid of being rejected.

I had a crush on my boyfriend until I started dating him. Once he borrowed a book for me with a note saying he liked me, I couldn't believe it. I thought no one would like me fat, let alone he was so good. I responded carefully to him, and in this way, he became my boyfriend. But in the process of this communication, my boyfriend is neither hot nor cold to me, and I don't feel the feeling of love. Unlike other couples who loved each other and held hands to go shopping. But I didn't take it seriously. After all, I was very satisfied to have him as my boyfriend.

Later graduated, he offered to take me to see my parents, I was happy, but also nervous, afraid that I grew fat because of their family and despise me. For this reason, I specially learned makeup from the Internet, but also learned a few cooking, I hope they can like it. To his home, I actively performance, let uncle aunt rest, I went to the kitchen show, busy all morning, washing dishes cooking dishes. But aunt has been looking at me sideways, can see that I am not very satisfied with, I am very panic, afraid of a little mistake, but also keep secretly observing his parents 'words and deeds. After dinner, their family said we weren't right for each other because I wasn't good-looking enough for my boyfriend. Although speaking dialect, but I still understand, in order to be able to communicate with my boyfriend's mother, I secretly studied. However, my boyfriend's answer let me completely give up, he told his mother, and I am together because my family is good, more suitable for marriage. I listened to disheartened, after dinner I took the initiative to break up with him.

And then to make people think highly of me. I run every morning and go to the gym every night to slim myself down. Then go to the speech contest, improve their own connotation, no longer self-esteem. After a few years of persistence, I finally no longer self-abased, walk on the road, all exude a confident atmosphere. One day, my boyfriend and I met, he was surprised to see my current state, said very regret and I backhand, want to retain me. But I refused. But from this incident, I realized that the happiness of girls depends on their own efforts and cannot rely on others.

(From readers 'contributions, pictures in this article come from the Internet)