
This kind of plant is very common, its name is auspicious and popular, and its stems and leaves are poisonous. Be careful.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dishui Guanyin, also known as wild taro, its rhizome can be used as medicine, warm, pungent and poisonous. The Compendium of Materia Medica calls it "treatment of malaria, swelling, wind and leprosy". It should be noted that the juice in the stems and leaves of dripping Guanyin is poisonous and should not be eaten by mistake or enter the eye.

Dripping Guanyin, also known as wild taro, its rhizomes can be used as medicine, warm, spicy, poisonous. "Compendium of Materia Medica" said its "treatment malaria, toxic swelling, wind leprosy." It should be noted that the juice in the leaves of Guanyin is poisonous and cannot be eaten by mistake or entered into the eyes.

dripping Guanyin

Other names: Guanyin taro, taro.

Origin: Tropical Asia.

Habitability: like warm, not cold, good wet, suitable for semi-cloudy environment in the acid soil.

Flowers: July to August.

Features: vigorous growth, shield-shaped huge leaves full of tropical flavor.

Conservation tips

1. Planting

Potted calla can be used decayed leaf soil, peat soil, river sand

Add a small amount of decomposed cake fertilizer mixed with nutrient soil cultivation, after planting to irrigate water, placed in semi-shade culture. Usually loose basin soil once a month, keep basin soil in good condition. Change pots once a year in spring.

dripping Guanyin

2. Fertilization

Colocasia esculenta grows fast and prefers fertilizer. Apply thin liquid fertilizer 1~2 times a month. The fertilizer is mainly nitrogen fertilizer. Add some phosphorus, potassium and ferrous sulfate appropriately. After the end of autumn, the fertilizer should be stopped when the temperature is lower than 15℃.

3. Watering

During the growing season, we should pay attention to ensuring the supply of water and keep the pot soil moist. In addition to watering, spray water regularly on the ground around the plant to keep the relative humidity of the air at least 60%. After the end of autumn, to control watering, do not water, pot soil too wet, easy to rot roots.

dripping Guanyin

4. Temperature/Light

The optimum temperature for the growth of calla is 25℃~28℃, and the room temperature in winter can be kept above 8℃ for safe overwintering. In order to keep the leaves green, it is best to place them in the balcony shade in spring and autumn, avoid direct sunlight in summer, and place them on the windowsill with good indoor ventilation and facing north in winter, so as to receive good light.

dripping Guanyin

5, reproduction

The most common method of propagation of calla is the rationing method. After the spring, the plants with sprouts at the base of the stems are cut off, and it is best to apply plant ash on the incision for disinfection before planting. Then shade and spray moisturizing, generally 1 month after the root growth. After the seedlings survive, after a period of maintenance, they can be transplanted to the basin.

6. What should I do if the potato tuber rots?

6.1 Thoroughly remove the rotten parts, dry them, insert them into clean fine sand, and drench them with water once in two days.

6.2 Keep the substrate at 60% humidity and avoid excessive watering.

6.3 If planted directly into the culture soil, disinfect the culture soil with a 500-fold dilution of metalaxyl.

6.4 During the growth period, sufficient water should be supplied to prevent sunburn. If you want to make the leaves big and thick, it is best to put it in a bright position by the window, and don't forget to spray the leaves regularly.

dripping Guanyin

Dripping Guanyin is very common in our lives. Because of its auspicious name and good luck, it is very suitable for indoor beautification. It is loved by everyone.