
Do you know how to solve the most common problems of asparagus?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Flower lovers who have raised asparagus should know that it is a relatively special plant. So, do you know how to solve the following most common methods of asparagus? The first and most common problem of asparagus is the crazy growth, when the culture at home.

Flower lovers who have raised asparagus should know that it is a relatively special plant. So, do you know how to solve the following most common methods of asparagus?

The first and most common problem of asparagus is crazy growth. When the family asparagus has been raised for three years, it will grow excessively. Sometimes, its branches can grow to a height of one or two meters, and some flower lovers think this is good, but if it comes to bonsai, its ornamental value is less.

If you want to slow down the growth of asparagus, you need to use dwarf element, mix it with water, and then irrigate the root of asparagus, which can inhibit the growth of asparagus and make its plants look short and green.

If you do not want to use medicine to control, you can use topping to control the growth of asparagus, when its plant is particularly tall, pinch off some of its branches to control its height.

Many asparagus raised by flower friends have dry pointed yellow leaves, and there are three reasons for this. The first is due to the problem of potted soil. Many flower friends use garden soil for cultivation, this soil is relatively strong, it is easy to harden, thus affecting the absorption of water.

The second is watering. When watering asparagus, many flower friends always wait until the pot soil is completely dry before watering it, which will affect the growth of asparagus. Therefore, in normal times, it is necessary to keep the basin soil slightly wet to avoid affecting the growth of its leaves.

The last reason is that the light is too strong. Asparagus likes to grow under astigmatism. If you put it on the south balcony for maintenance, it will have dry-pointed yellow leaves because of the strong light, either in the north window or in the living room.

If you find that your asparagus is unshaped, it needs to be trimmed at this time. Cut off all its messy branches and keep its plants tall and scattered, and the branches on the left and right sides are more evenly distributed. In this way, asparagus will look very stylish and have high ornamental value.