
Names and pictures of insectivorous plants-- Red bottle grass (sweet bottle grass, red bayberry bottle grass)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, English name: red bottle grass alias: sweet bottle grass, bayberry bottle grass Latin name: Sarraceniarubra family: bottle grass genus distribution: American red bottle grass is a relatively large, elegant insectivorous plant with bottle-shaped erect leaves and bright colors

English name: red bottle grass

Also known as: sweet bottle grass, bayberry bottle grass

Latin scientific name: Sarracenia rubra

Families and genera: Pyrrhaceae

Distribution of origin: United States

Red bottle grass is a relatively large, elegant insectivorous plant, with bottle-shaped erect leaves and bright colors, a total of five subspecies. The bottle is between 26 and 61 centimeters high, mostly green, some with red pinstripes, and some all red. The shape is similar to the cage of pitcher plant, which can secrete honey and digestive juice. insects induced by honey fall into the bottle, and the digestive juice in the bottle will digest and absorb the insects. Like warmth, require high humidity, suitable for growing in semi-overcast, sheltered environment. Red bottle grass is often used to watch potted plants, decorating indoor windowsills, balconies or several cases, which is very novel and interesting.

Red bottle grass / sweet bottle sketch guide: how to raise red bottle grass / sweet bottle grass / how to propagate red bottle grass / sweet bottle grass Chinese scientific name: red bottle grass, sweet bottle grass, bayberry bottle grass Latin name: Sarracenia rubra Walt. Origin: American cultivation substrate: bottle grass is more suitable for pot soaking in the growing season, can use 1 part of peat, add 1 part of perlite or coarse sand mixed substrate survival temperature: 7 ℃ 35 ℃ suitable temperature: 21 ℃ humidity: > 50% introduction: red bottle grass is also called sweet bottle grass, because it is not only beautiful but also has a sweet smell. The leaves are basal, funnel-shaped, up to 60 cm long and narrowly winged; the mouth edge of the insect sac is wavy and smooth, like a narrow red lip, easy to identify because there are no flares on the slender red bottle leaves. Red bottle grass (scientific name: Sarracenia rubra Walt.) is a relatively large, elegant insectivorous plant, with bottle-shaped erect leaves and bright colors, a total of five subspecies. The height of the bottle is between 26 and 61 centimeters, the whole red. The shape is similar to the cage of pitcher plant, which can secrete honey and digestive juice. insects induced by honey fall into the bottle, and the digestive juice in the bottle will digest and absorb the insects. Born in a lowland swamp. Bottle grass has the habit of not afraid of cold, especially suitable for ordinary home cultivation without greenhouse or greenhouse, coupled with strong fecundity and easy management, it has become a widely popular pot insectivorous plant in Europe and the United States. Wild plants are native to the United States. English name: red bottle grass Latin name: Sarracenia rubra alias: sweet bottle grass, red bayberry bottle grass kingdom: plant boundary gate: angiosperm phylum: dicotyledonous plant outline: rhododendron family: bottle grass genus: bottle grass genus species: red bottle grass subspecies: 5 subspecies English name: Sweet Pitcherplant1, morphological characteristics red bottle grass is also called sweet bottle grass, because it is not only beautiful but also sweet smell. The leaves are basal, funnel-shaped, up to 60 cm long and narrowly winged; the mouth edge of the insect sac is wavy and smooth, like a narrow red lip, easy to identify because there are no flares on the slender red bottle leaves. The bottle cap is roughly round and bright red. The petals are dark red with large green sepals. It is a perennial herb with prostrate rhizomes and many fibrous roots; the leaves grow into rosette foliage, the leaves are tubular and erect, the bottle-shaped leaves have a trap sac, the opening of the cyst wall is smooth, and there are nectaries that secrete sweet nectar to lure insects to come and fall into the sac. the cyst wall is smooth and contains digestive juice, which can secrete digestive enzymes to decompose the insects, and then absorb the proteolytic enzymes broken down by glands composed of parenchyma cells in the inner wall. In addition, bottle grass grows sword-shaped leaves in autumn and winter, which have no insect sac and produce nutrients only through photosynthesis. Flowers are bisexual flowers, inflorescences drawn from the base of leaves, a loose raceme, composed of several large flowers, the core consists of a helmet-shaped stigma, 3-celled ovary and 50-80 stamens, red flowers, the lower part of the petals is usually green or brown, there are red stripes in the center, and the lower edges of some flowers are all red. The flower opens downward, and the calyx is 5-piece, round, located below the petals. The fruit is a capsule, rough, with a multi-jointed surface, containing a large number of small seeds, which automatically dehiscence and eject seeds at maturity. 2. The growing environment likes warmth and requires high humidity, so it is suitable to grow in semi-overcast and sheltered environment. 3. The bottle-shaped leaves of bottle grass are effective insect traps. The cystic bottle-shaped leaves have bright colors, and their openings often secrete sweet honey to attract insects to come to pick and eat. once the deceived insect climbs to the top and tries to climb across the mouth of the bottle into the inner wall, it is slipped into the bottle because the inner wall is very slippery and falls into the digestive juice in the bottle, and the insect trying to climb out of the bottle is blocked by the inverted stinging hairs of the inner wall. Finally, he fell back into the digestive juice and drowned because he struggled and was powerless. The digestive juice of bottle grass contains proteolytic enzymes secreted by the glands of the bottle wall, which can dissolve the protein of drowned insect corpses and turn them into nutrients and amino acids are absorbed by the bottle wall. 4. Geographical distribution was born in lowland swamps, distributed in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Gulf Coast, Georgia (9 counties). 5. Cultivation techniques the original places of the genus Puccinia are mainly peat marshes and thin-ridged wetlands, which are in a wet state all the year round. Therefore, in the artificial cultivation of bottle grass, the first choice is live white water moss, followed by dry white water moss, which can be directly used as plant material after absorbing water. In addition, peat soil can also be directly used to plant bottle grass, and it will have a better effect if it can be mixed with acid coarse sand of 1x3 to facilitate the ventilation of its roots. In the cultivation pot, because the bottle grass needs a little water soaking will grow better, should choose a half waist water flowerpot planting is better. This kind of basin is less on the market, make it by yourself, the method is to put a daffodil basin on the ordinary plain red brick basin or plastic basin, the key is that the daffodil basin should be in the upper half of the planting basin, that is, the "waist". So that the water leaking out after watering is immersed in the waist of the planting basin. In addition, bottle grass is generally planted in hanging pots or plastic pots, and it will be very beneficial to choose a waist water dish for cultivation after buying it back. The substrate bottle grass is more suitable to be planted by basin soaking in the growing season, and the mixed substrate of 1 part of peat and 1 part of perlite or coarse sand can be used. The dormant period needs to be removed from the water plate to maintain a dry state to prevent rotting roots. You can also use a mixture of pure water moss, 2 parts of peat and 1 part of perlite or coarse sand. Nutrients use water sources with low mineral concentration, and pot soaking is suitable for planting in the growing season to maintain high humidity of the substrate. During the growing season, spray the foliage with a general compound fertilizer 4000 times or fill the bottle with 1par 3 height, 1-2 times a month. To often spray water, maintain high air humidity, avoid ten hot wind and thick fertilizer in summer, prevent the water temperature from being too high, otherwise it will cause rotten roots. The growth period of autumn and winter should be fully exposed to light, but it should be properly shaded in the middle of summer to avoid burns in the leaf tube under strong light exposure. The bottle-shaped leaves of red bottle grass grown in plenty of sunlight in the open field are greener and more beautiful than those grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. Sometimes leaf spot disease and red spider damage occur. Leaf spot disease was sprayed with 500 times of 50% topiramine wettable powder. The red spider was sprayed with 2000 times of omethoate EC. In order to successfully plant bottle grass, it is very important to understand the required temperature. Generally speaking, the temperature required should be 21 Mel 35C in summer and 1.7 Mel 713 in winter. It is worth noting that all plants of the genus Rabdosia have the ability to tolerate light frost. Therefore, artificial cultivation does not need to move into the greenhouse in winter, except when it is extremely cold. Humidity bottle grass is a wet insectivorous plant, which can grow in marshes for many years in the wild, so it needs a very wet environment for its growth to flourish. Under the condition of artificial cultivation, if planting in the basin with waist water, the water can be poured directly into the basin or until the basin is full. If planted in leaky ordinary flowerpots, it is necessary to keep watering and spraying once a day in the vigorous growth season, so as to create high humidity environmental conditions, especially in hot summer, the watering times can be appropriately increased to 2 times to make up for the lack of rapid transpiration in the hot sun. When it comes to the winter dormant period, watering can be controlled and the plant material in the basin can be kept slightly wet. The light is in the natural growing place, and the bottle grass grows luxuriantly in sufficient and direct sunlight. Keeping its underground soil cool under sufficient sunlight is very beneficial to its growth. But when it comes to dormancy, the light can be reduced to a minimum or dormant in a completely lightless environment. Therefore, for artificially cultivated bottle grass, it is best to have 6 to 8 hours of sunlight every day. If the light is not enough, the potted bottle grass will become dark and overgrown, and the original bright red color of the plant will disappear and turn dark green. Fertilizing in the wild, bottle grass grows in barren marshes and is absorbed by trapping insects with its insect-trapping sac as a supplement. In the artificial cultivation environment, although there are many insect sources, regular fertilization is necessary in order to make the potted bottle grass grow rapidly. Generally speaking, during the peak growth period, fertilization should be applied every 3 to 4 weeks. The application method can be sprayed or drenched, or diluted liquid fertilizer can be poured into the pest bag for absorption. When some people cultivate bottle grass, they artificially catch some dead insects and put them into their pouch for supplementary nutrient absorption. Some even put the chopped pork or beef into the insect bag, thinking that they can digest and absorb it. In fact, this is counterproductive. Not only can the effect of supplying nutrients not be achieved, but also the meat will wither early due to the decay of the meat. In other words, the bottle bag will be corroded into a big hole by the rotten meat. The fertilization concentration of bottle grass is generally 2000-5000 times, and the application of dilute liquid fertilizer is beneficial to the rapid absorption of the plant, especially the concentration of liquid fertilizer should be paid more attention to. Once the winter dormancy period is reached, fertilization can be stopped until the coming spring comes back to life. Pest control the diseases and insect pests of bottle grass are mainly caused by poor cultivation environment, such as poor ventilation, too shady, too cold or overheating and air pollution. Common pests are red spiders and aphids, which can be sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate or dicofol. The disease is mainly due to root rot caused by water moss rot. At this time, the pot should be changed in time, the old plant material should be removed, the rotten root should be cut off and then replanted with new plant material. In addition, if poor ventilation and overcast can easily lead to black spot, the environment should be changed, the diseased leaves should be cut off, and then sprayed with chlorothalonil or stone sulfur mixture. 6. Subspecies introduction of red bottle grass (5 subspecies) 1. Sarracenia rubra ssp, Alabama. Alabamensis2. Sarracenia rubra ssp. Gulfensis3. Jones bottle grass Sarracenia rubra ssp. Jonesii4. The named subspecies Sarracenia rubra ssp. Rubra5. Rowing red bottle grass Sarracenia rubra ssp. Wherryi7, the main value garden landscape red bottle grass is often used for potted ornamental, decorated with indoor windowsill, balcony or several cases, very novel, very interesting. You can also open up rectangular flower grooves in the courtyard to plant red bottle grass with different colors to compete for Qi Douyan. have a style of one's own. An insectivorous plant that uses traps as traps, usually with honey to attract insects. On the trap of red bottle grass, there are many nectaries near the mouth of the bottle, which can secrete juice containing fructose. However, this juice is not a good food, but a dangerous poisoned wine! In addition to fructose, the juice used to lure insects also contains a substance called coniine, which is used to kill insects. When insects eat this venom, they will lose their senses, or become paralyzed or die, which is why pitcher plants and red bottle grasses can easily catch so many insects. However, the pitcher plant seems to be kinder, and the honey is less toxic, so most of the ants that come to feed can safely return to the nest, and only the most careless or poisoned ants will fall into the bottle. By contrast, red bottle grass is much more dangerous. Its honey is usually a deadly venom, and insects can be poisoned to death and fall into the bottle. [/ td] [/ tr] [/ table] [Waxberry Picture] when is the bayberry ripe? how to eat the bayberry?

Red bayberry is a kind of shrub plant and small tree plant in the genus Myrica of Myricaceae. It is also known as tree plum, white plum and Shengsheng plum. It is a kind of plant with very good practical value and medicinal value. Red bayberry is native to Yuyao, Zhejiang Province, China, but it is distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan and East China. There are more than 50 varieties of bayberry, including hairy bayberry, Bai Yanmei, bayberry, dwarf bayberry, green bayberry and so on, and bayberry has very good economic value. Let's take a look at when the bayberry will mature and how to eat it. [introduction of Waxberry] Waxberry is a precious fruit variety, which is very popular in summer. Its branches and leaves are very luxuriant, and the crown is very round, in early summer will grow red fruit, appears to be very lovely, very attractive, but the combination of landscaping production of excellent varieties. Bayberry is generally planted in the courtyard, lawn, isolated planting, roadside and other locations, or the use of close planting and space to play a shielding role. Red bayberry has very good economic value, its pulp is sour, sweet and delicious, it can be directly practical, and it can be processed into dried bayberry, candied fruit, sauce, brewed into bayberry wine, and so on, which can help the human body to digest, invigorate and quench thirst, beauty and beauty. [medicinal value of bayberry] the flesh of red bayberry is rich in glucose, malic acid, oxalic acid, fructose, lactic acid, wax, citric acid and so on, as well as anthocyanin monoglucosides and a small amount of glucosides. Leaves are rich in tannins, volatile oils and so on. The nature and taste of red bayberry is sweet and sour, warm, compared into the lungs, stomach meridian, and stomach digestion, Shengjin to quench thirst and so on, mainly for dysentery, abdominal pain, thirst, vomiting, drunkenness, cleaning intestines and stomach, abdominal pain and so on. The main fruits of bayberry are dysentery, diarrhea, stomachache and so on. [when does red bayberry mature?] the fruit of red bayberry usually ripens in May, while the picking time of red bayberry is usually after the Dragon Boat Festival, and it usually grows in areas with relatively low altitude and high temperature. And the ripe time of red bayberry is relatively early. However, if it grows at a higher altitude and has a lower smell, especially in a mountain area of more than 1,000 meters, the ripening time of red bayberry fruit will be much lower, which is likely to be postponed to the end of May of the lunar calendar, and some varieties will also be delayed to the sixth month of the lunar calendar. [how to eat bayberry] the red flesh of red bayberry is very attractive, and the taste is very sour and sweet, it can be used directly, and the nutritional value is also very high. Of course, red bayberry can also be processed into dried bayberry, candied fruit, sauce and so on, and it can also be brewed into red bayberry wine, which tastes very good and has a very good health care effect. it can also help digestion, invigorate body to quench thirst, and stomach to stop vomiting, digestion and diuresis, astringent intestines to stop diarrhea and so on. Let's learn about the production method of bayberry wine and olive bayberry soup: 1. Bayberry wine: the first materials you need are red bayberry, two bottles of liquor, rock candy and a honeypot. Put the bayberry into the light salt water and soak it for a period of time, then remove it and drain the water, then put the bayberry into the variety, add some rock sugar in it, then pour into the liquor, soak the bayberry, and then seal the bottle. Then shake it well and put it in a cool place for a period of time, usually half a month later, but the bayberry wine after soaking can no longer be used. When drinking bayberry wine, soda and ice can be added to it to increase its flavor so that it can be drunk directly. two。 Olive bayberry soup: first of all, choose the right amount of bayberry and raw olives in it, wash the fresh olives and bayberry and put them into the world, then add the right amount of water and use warm water to boil it. If you think you can add the right amount of rock sugar to make it. Olive bayberry decoction has the effects of invigorating body and relieving thirst, clearing heat and detoxification, etc., mainly for the treatment of acute tonsillitis, acute pharyngitis, cough and phlegm, chest irritation and thirst, alcohol detoxification, summer heat, indigestion and so on.

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