
These rich flowers are raised in a pot at home. They grow strong and mean good.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Sometimes raise flowers ah, really can not be casually raised, raise some lucky prosperous luck, in order to make the family's wealth constantly, good luck again and again, such as: fortune tree, money tree, clivia, orchids, etc., do not be too distressed money, after all, bought these flowers,...

Sometimes when you grow flowers, you can't raise them casually. Only by raising some people who attract wealth and good luck, can you keep your family's fortune and good luck, such as: wealth tree, money tree, gentleman orchid, orchid and so on. Don't worry too much about money. After all, buying these flowers may bring you more money.

Rich tree, I wish you a lot of money!

Wealth tree is recognized as a wealth town flowers, whether it is a family or a company, will put at least 1 pot, meaning a wide range of financial resources, fortune and wealth!

Key points of maintenance:

1. Rich tree roots are weak, do not like stagnant water, usually a month about twice on the line, and must be placed in the window and other ventilated places, otherwise easy to rot roots.

two。 If the branches and leaves of a rich tree wilt and grow, and the shape is not good-looking, you can cut off all the branches and let it sprout again! The buds that grow like this will be very strong.

Gentleman orchid, I wish you prosperity and flowers bloom!

Gentleman orchid leaves thick green, flowering gorgeous atmosphere, symbolizing the noble and elegant character, raising a pot at home, not only make friends with gentlemen, but also promote wealth.

Key points of maintenance:

1. Gentleman orchid fleshy roots, watering can not be diligent, before watering, knock on the edge of the basin, hear the sound is relatively crisp, it is time to water thoroughly!

two。 Gentleman orchid should be placed in a place with astigmatism and ventilation, and can not be exposed to the sun. You can wipe the leaves with beer every month to make the leaves bright and thick.

Happy tree, I wish you happiness!

The happiness tree means: family happiness. It is a kind of flower that can flourish. The greener and denser the branches and leaves are, the more prosperous they are.

Key points of maintenance:

1. Happy trees like water and are afraid of dryness. They can be watered 1-2 times a week in summer, but they should be careful not to accumulate water. At ordinary times, they can spray water around the leaves sooner or later to moisturize.

two。 If you want to be happy, you can add some potassium dihydrogen phosphate to the water every month and spray the leaves of the happiness tree.

Money tree, I wish you a lot of money!

Gold tree leaves, strung together, like ancient coins, implying a wide range of financial resources, prosperity and wealth, deeply loved by Chinese families!

Key points of maintenance:

1. The money tree is dry-resistant and does not need to be watered too frequently. It can be watered once in 5-7 days in summer, once in 10 days in spring and autumn, and once in 15-20 days in winter.

two。 It is best to change the basin and soil once in 1-2 years, and the soil can be prepared according to the ratio of garden soil: cinder = 3:2. By the way, the money tree can also cut leaves or branches, and one pot becomes more than one pot!

Orchid, I wish you good luck!

Orchid flowers fragrance, elegant branches and leaves, symbolizing noble, beautiful and precious. The people who raise orchids at home must have good temperament, dignified conduct and elegant appearance!

Key points of maintenance:

1. Orchid watering should be careful, because it is fleshy root, watering too much is easy to rot, usually Bala open the soil surface 2-3 cm, dry to water thoroughly, not dry on a few days to water again.

two。 If you want to raise orchids well, you must pay attention to the allocation of soil, must be loose and breathable, we can use mature peanut shells and rotten leaf soil, perlite, according to the proportion of 4:4:2, not easy to rot roots.

Tiger Pilan, I wish you all the best!

Tiger Pilan, the leaf is tall and straight, symbolizes healthy masculinity, it is like a sword leaf shape, can ward off evil spirits, so Tiger Pilan is a great home flowers!

Key points of maintenance:

1. Tiger Pilan resistant to drought, watering too much easy to rot roots, usually to control watering, summer once a week on the line, autumn and winter, can be irrigated 2-3 weeks once.

two。 Tiger skin orchid Xiguang, usually bask in the sun, in addition to pour a cup of rotten rice water every month, or bury a few cooked soybeans, tiger skin orchid will rub up tall!

These "have money to spend"

Do you have all the flowers in your family?
