
These 4 kinds of flowers are now cutting roots and will have to wait another year if they are missed.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, After several heavy rains, the weather began to cool off. Did the hearts of the little friends start to sprout? Now is a good season for cuttage, today flowers to introduce you to several kinds of flowers can now cuttage, like hands-on flowers...

After several heavy rains, the weather began to cool off. Is the heart of the friends' hands-on operation beginning to sprout? Now is a good season for cutting, today Huahua will introduce to you several kinds of flowers that can be cut now, and flower friends who like to do it can operate it!

Triangular plum is so inserted into the soil that the white root grows all over the basin!

1. Soak the coconut bricks for cuttings with water, mix with some rooting powder and carbendazim, stir evenly, pinch and dry with your hands, and then put into disposable plastic cups.

2. The cutting branches are strong and green, cut into about the length of 10cm, 1-2 pairs of leaves are retained and inserted into the substrate, and the twigs can retain more leaves.

3. Load the inserted branches into a transparent plastic box and put them in a bright, cool and ventilated place. Spray on the plastic box wall, keep the water droplets on the box wall from dripping, and seal the plastic box.

4. Open the cover twice in the morning and evening every day to check the status of the leaves and the humidity in the box. The blade is straight, and it is best to have water droplets on the box wall. According to the variety and specific environment of triangular plum, the rooting time is about 15 days-1 month.

5. Wait for the triangulated plum root system to be slightly more and then put on the basin, so that the coconut bran in the cuttage cup will not spread and can be poured out completely to reduce the damage to the root system.

The gardenia is thrown into the water, and the big white root is shedding!

The main results are as follows: 1. Select the tender branches of Gardenia jasminoides in the same year, cut the lower end of the cutting branches into a 45 °oblique mouth, and retain more than two leaves.

2. Prepare a thin foam board and use chopsticks to evenly insert several small holes on the foam board.

3. Insert the cutting branches of Gardenia into a small hole and put them in a foam box filled with clear water. after placing them, put a plastic bag on the foam box.

4. After cutting, put the foam box in a cool and ventilated place to avoid sun exposure. Gardenia can produce tiny white roots in about 10 days.

5. Wait more than a week, and after the gardenia has more roots, it can be put on the pot. After potting, it is now maintained in a shady place for about a week, wait for Gardenia to adapt to the new environment, and then put it in a place with good light for normal maintenance.

Sweet-scented osmanthus cut everything, fragrance will fill the courtyard next year!

1, select the same year semi-lignified new branch cut, the length is about 10 cm, the bottom flat cut oblique cut can be, but the incision must be smooth.

2. Perlite can be selected as the cutting substrate. First, poke several holes in the substrate with chopsticks, then put the cuttings into the cuttings, the depth is about 1x3 of the cuttings, pour water after the cuttings are finished, and then cover them with plastic bags.

3. Put it in the astigmatism ventilation place after insertion. Now the temperature is still relatively high. In about 3 weeks, the sweet-scented osmanthus will take root.

4, wait another week or so, put the rooted sweet-scented osmanthus on the pot, if it is a large pot, it is recommended to plant two in a pot, pour water, and keep it in a cool and ventilated place.

The camellias are so cut that their blossoms are bigger than their fists!

1. Prepare vermiculite as a cutting medium into a disposable plastic cup, fill the bucket with water, add carbendazim solution and rooting powder, and soak the cup.

2. Cut the cuttings into 7cm or so, keep two leaves, and cut the bottom of cuttings at 45 °oblique with scissors.

3. Insert the cuttings into vermiculite with a depth of about 3cm, compacted by hand and maintained in a cool and ventilated place.

4. Camellia takes a long time to take root, which takes about 2-3 months. During this period, as long as you keep the cutting substrate in a slightly moist state, just wait patiently for rooting.

This is the end of these cutting tips.

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