
She found out that she had married a man who had divorced six times.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chapter one: move out of the mansion tonight. "divorce." After five years of marriage and a four-year-old child, Su Zinuo did not expect that these three words were the first words Lord Zhan took the initiative to say to her. He said that the light in the fundus did not move when he got divorced.

Chapter one: move out of the mansion tonight

"get a divorce."

After five years of marriage and a four-year-old child, Su Zinuo did not expect that these three words were the first words Lord Zhan took the initiative to say to her.

He said that during the divorce, the fundus of the eyes did not move, the military uniform was erect, the pine branches on his shoulders and Venus represented his supreme dignity and ruthlessness, and the bright military boots could reflect her tears.

"20 million." War Lord raised his hand, the guard quickly sent the check to Su Zinuo's hand, Su Zinuo subconsciously reached out his hand.

Lord War has no idea of property, 20 million, all the income of his five-year marriage empire.

"move out of the mansion tonight." When it comes to the battle, Lord's voice continues to ring.

"what about hey?" Su Zinuo looked up hastily, the white skin was clean and flawless, and the light amber pupil was pure and clear enough to see to the end.

War Lord's heavy eyes paused, and Su Zinuo smiled bitterly: "Hi, our child."... "

Hey, she called her milk name for five years, but he couldn't respond to it at all.

"the blood of warriors should not be allowed to wander out." The war lord frowned.

Su Zinuo's eyes quickly turned red, and his eyes, which were still trembling, were suddenly fixed.

"pack up your things, A Gan will send you away, and the divorce certificate will be delivered by someone." The figure of the Lord stood up and went out without looking back.

This woman is the result of his overnight spring breeze. Five years ago, he was not as meticulous as he is now. He was infiltrated by hostile forces and had an affair with this woman overnight.

Only once, I didn't expect Su Zinuo to be pregnant.

The Don did not like his girlfriend, Bo Youyu, and when this happened, he did not hesitate to force him to marry Su Zinuo.

There is no Suzinuo in the heart of the Lord of Warfare.

Marriage registration Su Zinuo is a person, pregnant in October Su Zinuo is a person, labor pains, pain several times fainted, wake up in front of the hospital bed, Su Zinuo is still a person.

After five years of marriage, no one knows that Su Zinuo is the wife of Lord Zhan, and Lord Zhan sees her as a stranger.

Chapter 2: she never gets into trouble

The only satisfaction was her silence.

That's the only reason he agreed to get married: she never got into trouble.

He never set foot in her room for five years, and she was silent; for his birthday, she had prepared gifts for nearly a month and was thrown into the dustbin by him, and she bowed her head; she worried about him for half a year when he was on duty abroad, but he never saw her when he returned home, and she remained silent.

"wait a minute!"

This time, Su Zinuo will no longer be silent: "Why?" Why divorce now? "

"she's back." The Lord stood and did not look back.

She's back?

Su Zinuo's slender figure shook.

"Honor Shao." Su Zinuo has an astringent feeling in his throat.

She's back, so she's not even qualified to dream.

She wants to ask whether the husband and wife of five years, ah, growing up hi, are really no match for Bo Youyu?

"I, I don't want to get a divorce, young Honor. I actually did it a long time ago."

"Miss Su." Lord War's low voice sounded, the voice mellow and deep: "I can put up with five years of marriage, this woman can be anyone, but I can't stand Youyu being sad because of a misunderstanding."

Su Zinuo went round and round for a while.

"I hope Miss Su will leave within three days. If she is forced to struggle, any result will be worse than divorce."

The voice fell to the ground, and the Lord of War left without looking back.

The light in Su Zinuo's eyes was like a candle in the cold wind, gradually extinguished.

"Ten years, Lord, you may never know that I have loved you for ten years." Su Zinuo buried his head, and his thin figure trembled: "longer than you have been in love with Bo Youyu."

"I thought even a stone could heat it." Su Zinuo looked up little by little, and a spirit was rising at the bottom of his gray eyes: "Thank you, Lord War, for letting me go."

"Mommy, are you taking me away from home?" On the plain big bed, a small turnip stood in the middle of the big bed. The round steamed stuffed bun face was not yet as sharp as the Lord's, but the nobility of circulation and the elegance of his gestures had been soaked into the bones of the little guy, so that one could not move his eyes at a glance.

Her big eyes flashed and her face was confused, which made Su Zinuo hesitate a little. Should she take the high away on her own initiative?

War Lord asked her to leave within three days, Su Zinuo only three seconds to understand, not to mention five years of marriage, even if five hundred years, the Lord of War does not like or do not love.

Chapter 3: war II is not for you

Let go of delusions, it is very painful for Su Zinuo, but she also understands that the long pain is not as good as the short pain. Only through it can the road become clear in front of her.

"it doesn't count as running away from home. You're leaving here with Mommy to start a new life. "

"Mommy, didn't you say that even Daniel Wu. To lead you, won't you give up Zhan II? "

Ah. Su Zinuo almost bit his tongue!

"I'm not giving up, I'm being abandoned, okay?" Su Zinuo took a coat and hurriedly put it on for him: "Hey little comrade, now I ask you, do you want to go wandering with me?" If you walk out of this villa with me, you will no longer be a noble young master, and you will no longer have a large group of servants to take care of you. "

"it's all gone?" Hey, big eyes looked at Su Zinuo and wondered, "will we be together forever?"

"Yes, we'll be together, but now you can choose."

"Mommy, nothing is more important than us together." Ah, hi to interrupt Su Zinuo, said firmly.

"besides, I already said that Zhan II is not for you. He made you not like you. Mommy is witty and brave, but she is not a young lady who is submissive in the face of war and dare not even raise her head. "

"Oh, hi." Su Zinuo looked at the little face that resembled Lord War with a headache.

She wanted to say it was your father, but in fact, hey, I haven't had a chance to call Lord War Dad until now.

"so now it's time for us to abandon War II and let him regret it!"

In an hour.

"the young lady and the young master are gone?" Fight the Lord and look around for a week.

The whole Dragon Castle is no different, only two figures are missing.

Lord Zhan, who could not say why, stepped into Su Zinuo's room for the first time. Her room was very simple and clean, indicating that the woman had really left.

"Yes, the young lady and the young master left you a letter and a check." At this time, he Gan came forward and presented a stack of papers.

The first time Lord Zhan saw the check, he frowned. The woman didn't take it away.

When Lord Zhan turned the document to the second sheet, he frowned even deeper, and another transfer certificate showed that the 1 million he paid each year after five years of marriage remained intact.

Lord Zhan remembers that Su Zinuo did not have a job and his mother's family was poor, so why did he take nothing from his "household"?

Lord Zhan strode out of Su Zinuo's room and glanced at her letterhead: "Hey, Lord Shaw, the divorce agreement has been signed. If you give me three days, I'll leave completely in 30 minutes. Are you surprised?"

Such a tone could not be associated with a woman who had only dared to secretly look up at her, but an idea slipped through the Lord's mind, as if that was what she had been like.

"I haven't touched a penny of your things, but I've taken all my things with me. Yes, from today on, we will be apart from each other, and we will not owe each other. "

Lord Zhan looked at the beautiful handwriting on the paper label, and his big hand turned over, and there was a crooked small print on the back of the paper: "I won't forgive you for bullying Mommy like this. I can't come back after I left with Mommy. Take it as if you had SHE me on the wall in the first place."

Lord Zhan's temple jumped, and for the first time in his life he had the idea of bringing the two men back.

"have you no idea when you left?" Cheered the Lord of War.

Chapter 4: do you need to catch up with the young lady immediately?

"when the young lady finished talking to the young lady, the young lady went back to her room, and then there was a cry in the room, and we dared not disturb it." The housekeeper came forward trembling and said, "it was not until we felt that the young master should eat and entered the room that it was such a thing that made intermittent cries, and the young lady had already left."

Lord War jolted a section of white object handed over by the butler, and the sharpness of the Lord's soldier, and systematic training, quickly distinguished that it should be a bone of some kind of bird, light and hollow, polished and pierced, and once there was air flow, there was an intermittent suppressed "crying" sound.

Such things are used on the battlefield and can interfere with the enemy.

That woman did this? A small bone held back the attention of the training housekeeper. For 30 minutes, she left the war house without looking back.

"Hsun, do you need to catch up with the young lady right away?" He Gan came forward and asked.

The eyes of Lord Zhan's eyes sank, and just raised his hand, the satellite phone rang.

"Youyu? Isn't it a plane three days later? "

"early? All right, stay where you are and don't go anywhere. " As he spoke, the tall figure had gone out.

"won't young Xun go after the young lady? The young master is the lifeblood of a warrior. " Pursued the housekeeper.

"Miss Bo returned home ahead of schedule, and the young lady had already left, or she would have been forcibly sent away." He Gan quickly followed Lord Zhan and said, "as for the young master, it was only an unexpected result five years ago." Of course, it is impossible for the warriors to treat the young master badly, but for Hsuan Shao, maybe he and Miss Bo's children are the children. "

Bulletproof Hummers and military Gyibug drove mightily away from their warriors and headed for the international airport.

Bo Youyu is dressed in Burberry's khaki trench coat, smiling sweetly and elegantly in the camera.

Bo Youyu is the apple of the eye of the Bo family of medicine, and the militant of Juntong and the Bo family of medicine can be called the combination of killing gods and saving the world.

Chapter 5: hold on a little longer

Bo Youyu, who has just turned 25, has already won several international medical awards.

With her perfect birth, beautiful face, wisdom and goodness, people do not hesitate to believe that she must be a blessed woman.

And dozens of kilometers away in the Tibetan dragon villa area.

It rained heavily, and Su Zinuo's pale skin was almost transparent by the heavy rain. She desperately wrapped up the little man in her arms, but she still could not stop shivering.

"Hey, hang on. Hang on, mom will find a way to take a taxi right away. " The heavy rain almost masked Su Zinuo's voice: "when you get in the car, you will be warm."

She held hi all the way down, and she could see the nearest bus stop in the distance.

It rained heavily and spared no effort to pour it down.

"Sorry, I'm sorry." Su Zinuo tried his best to tuck it all into his arms, but he still soaked his eyelashes.

Su Zinuo suddenly regretted leaving in such a hurry.

"Mommy!" Hi in her arms raised her head, and her black jewel-like eyes were washed brighter by Rain Water: "Hey, it's not cold. Mommy doesn't need to blame herself. if Mommy has anything to blame, Mommy is thinking she should leave me behind."

"but your life with Mommy will be very hard, not only without a warm and beautiful room, not only without delicious and exquisite food, but also with Mommy and even starve."

Su Zinuo is of course ready, she will use the bravest posture for the rest of her life, but hey, he didn't have to bear this.

To be continued.

The space of Wechat is limited, the follow-up content and plot are more exciting!