
These five kinds of green plants are too easy to raise and you don't have to take care of them to see if you have any.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, These five kinds of green plants are so easy to raise that you don't have to take care of them. Let's see if you have any. Which green plants are easier to raise? To tell you the truth, there are too many green plants that are easy to raise. Xiao Qi talked about five kinds of green plants that are more suitable for indoor farming. We are the best in the market.

These five kinds of green plants are so easy to raise that you don't have to take care of them. Let's see if you have any.

Which green plants are easier to raise?

To tell you the truth, there are too many green plants that are easy to raise. Xiao Qi talked about five kinds of green plants that are more suitable for indoor farming.

Our most common in the market is green pineapple. Green pineapple is very easy to raise, and her requirements for light are not very strict. even if the light is not enough, he can grow normally, but the branches will grow a little bit. If you put it indoors where there is scattered light, you can grow well, as long as we fertilize and water regularly to keep up with it, and the effect of doing a vertical basin or climbing a wall is very good.

Duck paw wood. Duck palm wood should be a relatively common flower, it is the best to raise, the cutting is easy to survive, put indoors, even if not watered is not easy to die, her requirements on the soil are not strict, no matter what soil you use to plant can grow normally, as long as regular fertilization and watering, it can grow very well, her lighting requirements are not very strict. But plenty of light is very beneficial to the color of his leaves and the growth of his plants.

In fact, there is one of the best is the cactus. As long as the cactus grows big enough to leave it there unwatered for a year or two, it will be a little soft at most. It's not easy to die. As long as you pour water, his sphere will be full. Raise the cactus as long as the soil gives him loose air, give her fertilizer regularly once a month or two, put it in a place with plenty of light, he will be able to blossom all the time, and grow very well, some flower friends will say that the cactus has thorns and stab people. Not suitable for indoor cultivation, but there are many varieties of cactus, there are no thorns, such as Fengyu Xingdou is no thorns. Raising a pot can not only purify the air, but also blossom, which is very good.

Cymbidium is also a common plant in our family, and it is very cheap and easy to breed. There are many kinds of hanging orchids, such as Phnom Penh, green leaves, golden orchids, bamboo plums and so on. Their maintenance habits are the same. As far as possible to configure loose and breathable soil, regularly use fertilizer two or three times a month, keep the basin soil moist, give him some scattered light can grow normally, and can play a role in purifying the air.

Rubber tree, we should be no stranger. This is a typical foliage plant, the leaves are big, fat and shiny, especially the house the family has just bought, decorated, put on a pot of rubber trees, but also can absorb formaldehyde. Play the role of purifying the air. The rubber tree is also very easy to raise. We give it fertilizer once or twice a month and put it in a place with plenty of light. The basin soil is dry and then pour water through it, so it must be able to raise very well.

Domestic green plants, we must remember one thing, no matter what the plant, must have good ventilation. Good ventilation is the key to raising plants well. If the indoor ventilation is poor, give him regular monthly spray mancozeb and root irrigation. It can play a preventive role, so it is easy to raise any plant. If the indoor ventilation effect is very poor, watering must be controlled to water the basin soil directly when it is about to dry out. Do not let the basin soil wet for a long time, the basin soil is not dry, directly and continuously watering it will cause rotten roots, this is a key.

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