
Sweet potato vine control has no effect, vine control agent is the right solution.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When I was a child, when I was growing sweet potatoes at home, I often had to turn the vines in the sun, especially on rainy days, the first thing it rained was to quickly turn the seedlings of sweet potatoes. Why should sweet potato seedlings be turned over if they are good? The purpose of turning the seedlings of sweet potatoes is actually.

When I was a child, when I was growing sweet potatoes at home, I often had to turn the vines in the sun, especially on rainy days, the first thing it rained was to quickly turn the seedlings of sweet potatoes. Why should sweet potato seedlings be turned over if they are good?

Turning sweet potato seedlings is actually a means to prevent sweet potato seedlings from growing. Because if the sweet potato seedlings grow too much, it will cause unreasonable nutrition supply. And sweet potato vines are easy to grow small sweet potato pieces, turning seedlings can reduce the formation of small sweet potato lumps. However, at present, the method of turning seedlings to control prosperity is no longer used.

Because at present many sweet potato varieties belong to short sweet potato, the stem of sweet potato grows to about one meter at most, unlike the sweet potato vine before, it will grow to two or three meters long. There is no need to turn the vine for this kind of sweet potato variety with short vines.

In addition, the sweet potato vine is very easy to cause sweet potato vine damage, breaking the normal growth of sweet potato, affecting the sweet potato vine growth and nutrition supply. This not only does not have the effect of increasing the yield of sweet potato, but will easily lead to the reduction of sweet potato production.

How to better turn the vine?

Personally, I do not recommend turning sweet potatoes over vines, for the reasons mentioned above. Here we mainly talk about the sweet potato vine which can have the same effect as the sweet potato vine. Sweet potato vine extraction needs to consider the growth status, weather conditions, sweet potato varieties and so on. Generally speaking, when there is a lot of rainy weather, the number of vines is relatively more, and the varieties of long-vine sweet potatoes with more exuberant growth should lift more vines.

Sweet potato varieties with short vines can be raised less or not. Generally speaking, it can be carried out two or three times during the growing period of sweet potatoes. For the sweet potato plots mentioned above that do not need to carry out too many vines, it is generally enough to mention them once. When the sweet potato enters the late growth stage, the vine lifting work can be stopped.

When lifting the vine, be careful not to hurt the stem of the sweet potato, lift the vine of the sweet potato about ten centimeters, and then put it down. In addition, when lifting the vine, it can be carried out with topdressing, weeding and watering to promote the growth of sweet potato stem.

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