
Give the flowers a big pill, the roots are covered with small gourds, and the flowerpots are all burst!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Two days ago, a flower friend sent a photo to Hua Hua. The tiger skin orchid at home had such a strong root system that it burst the plastic flowerpot! In fact, not only tiger Pilan, but also other flowers are the same. Only when the roots grow strong, can the leaves be greener and the flowers more gorgeous! So, today Huahua is going to teach you how to make your flowers and roots burst!

Tiger Pilan eat some ripe soybeans, and the root system will burst immediately!

Look at other people's tiger Pilan, the long root system has cracked the plastic flowerpot, is it super envy? Then quickly take a look at how people raise the root system of Tiger Pilan to support the explosion pot!

Method of operation:

1. If you want tiger skin orchid to explode quickly, you can add some cooked soybeans. Soybeans had better use those moldy, shriveled soybeans, if they are full and edible, then don't use them, or what a waste!

2. Boil moldy soybeans in clean water to the extent that you can mash them with chopsticks, and then fish them out to dry.

3. Poke 3-5 small holes on the edge of the flowerpot away from the root of the tiger skin orchid, bury the cooked soybeans directly in the tiger skin orchid pot, and then cover it with soil. Ripe soybeans contain enough nitrogen fertilizer. Tiger Pilan absorbs nitrogen fertilizer, and the root system grows stronger and stronger, which will soon burst the flowerpot!

Green pineapple eat some urea, the root system grows crazily to break the basin!

Huahua always thought that the root system of green radish was so small, how could it burst the pot? Until later, when I saw the roots of other people's greens, Huahua was really dumbfounded!

How to do it?

1. If there is urea at home, especially agricultural urea, the content of nitrogen fertilizer is very rich, which is very suitable for the use of foliage flowers like green pineapple.

2. Poke 2-4 holes in the edge of the green radish basin, and then sprinkle 3-5 grains of urea on the edge of the green radish basin. When watering, let the urea permeate into the soil with hydration, or pour the urea into the soil according to the ratio of 1: 1, 000. After dilution, the green pineapple can replenish nutrients for the green pineapple and make the root system grow more and more!

The gentleman orchid eats some peanuts and melon seeds, and the roots are covered with big flesh worms!

When Huahua changed the pot for the gentleman orchid at home for the first time, she was simply scared! The root system of the gentleman orchid is entangled together, which is like a big fleshy worm. It's so shocking!

The bottom of the basin mixed with peanuts and melon seeds, the root system!

1. Cymbidium especially likes oil crops. When changing pots for Cymbidium, you can grab a handful of peanuts and melon seeds and throw them at the bottom of the basin. Pay attention to peanuts and melon seeds had better use the original flavor, those with salty, sweet taste should not be used.

2. After putting peanuts and melon seeds on the bottom of the basin, cover it with a thick layer of soil, and then put the orchid on the pot! Note that the root system of Cymbidium must not come into direct contact with peanut seeds to prevent root burning.

3. Peanuts and melon seeds are all oil crops. After the orchid is used, the root system will grow, and the whole flowerpot will soon be filled!

The money tree eats some slow-release fertilizer, the root is full of small gourds!

Huahua raised a large pot of money tree at home. When I changed the pot two days ago, I found that there were a lot of small gourds growing on the root system of the money tree. It was said that it was well raised.

How to do it?

1. You can go to the supermarket to buy a bottle of slow-release fertilizer, sprinkle the money tree directly on the basin, and when the money tree is watered, the slow-release fertilizer permeates into the basin soil with the water, thus replenishing nutrients and making the root system grow stronger and stronger!

2. If you can't buy slow-release fertilizer at home, that kind of agricultural compound fertilizer is also fine! Dig a hole along the basin edge of the money tree and bury 2-4 grains of compound fertilizer, which can also replenish nutrients for the money tree and make it grow gourd roots twice as fast!

The hanging orchid eats some bone powder, and the radish root bursts the basin!

Every time I saw that other people's hanging orchids had sturdy radish roots, the flowers envied them until they got the secret recipe from the old florist. in fact, the radish roots of hanging orchids are very easy to raise, as long as they feed it some bone powder!

How to do it?

1. If there is any bone residue left over from eating at home, it is best to boil the salt, analyze the salt, and then dry it in the sun, or directly dry it in the microwave oven.

2. Smash the bone powder with wood, or break it into pieces in a wall breaker, dig a hole in the basin of the orchid and bury 2-3 tablespoons. Let the nutrients of bone meal permeate into the soil with water, thus replenishing nutrients for the root system!

3. Don't throw away the leftover rice water at home. After the water is ripe in the bottle, pour it directly into the basin soil at 1:20 with water. It can also replenish nutrients for the orchid and make its radish roots stronger and stronger.

Orchids eat some pine needles, the roots of orchids are white and strong!

Raising orchids is a technical task, so those who can raise orchids well are basically great gods, not to mention making the roots of orchids as white and strong as ham!

How to do it?

1. If you want to raise orchid roots well, you must first ensure that the pot soil is loose and ventilated. So we can mix some pine needles in the orchid pot. Usually go under the tree to peel off the pine needle on the surface, the black part at the bottom is the mature pine needle!

2. after soaking and disinfecting the pine needles picked up home with carbendazim, mixed with rotten leaf soil, and adding a little charcoal or river sand, it becomes a loose and breathable nutrient soil. When changing pots for orchids in autumn, use the configured pine needle soil directly, the soil is loose and breathable, and the orchids will not rot!