
If you find these five signs in your body, you have depression.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Depression has become a common symptom in today's stressful social life conditions, and although it is common, it is also a particularly frightening condition. People with depression are generally affected by physical, psychological, or multiple...

In today's stressful social life conditions, depression has become a very common symptom, although very common, but also a particularly terrible disease. Patients with depression are generally caused by physical, psychological or a variety of social and environmental factors, the most serious point is that patients with severe depression are also likely to commit suicide, so we must know what symptoms depression has in the end to take precautions.

Five major symptoms of depression:

1. I was depressed at first.

The most common phenomenon of depression in the early days is that there is a negative and pessimistic attitude towards everything. People with mild depression often become depressed and slowly lose interest in many things they used to like. People with severe depression can also put themselves in a feeling of pain, which is likely to lead to suicide.

two。 Loss of consciousness and cognition

This symptom is very much like "laziness", unwilling to do anything, often in a passive state. Serious people even reject anyone around them and don't want to get along with them. If patients with severe depression are likely to even eat and drink Lhasa will be affected to a certain extent. Generally speaking, people with severe depression will appear: "suicide is a relief to one's own life!" This idea.

3. The mind gradually becomes dull.

Depression patients are generally slow thinking, blocked thinking and other phenomena. People who suffer from depression will gradually reduce their language, and initiative will be greatly effective. One of the most obvious features is that normal language communication will become more difficult, in the process of communication with people will obviously feel that the speed of speech is relatively slow.

4. Cognitive impairment

The same conclusion can be drawn from many patients with depression that cognitive function will be impaired to a certain extent. The reactions include learning difficulties, gradual decline of memory, poor fluency of language, poor coordination of limbs, and so on.

5. Mental symptoms

Generally speaking, patients with depression will slowly develop some mental symptoms. Some will have sleep disorders, which is what we often call insomnia; some will also lose their appetite, although they used to like to eat food, will not bring up much interest; severe depression patients will also affect their own organs, such as sometimes nausea, vomiting, breathing difficulties and other symptoms.

The above are the five major characteristics of patients with depression, friends who have such a situation must pay more attention to it!