
stunts| Tiger orchid dig some soil rubber tree cut pieces of skin swish straight buds can also support the pot without fertilization

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Tiger orchid raised half a year, do not send new bud how to do? Rubber tree is always 1 bare rod, do not send lateral bud how to do? Recently, many flower friends have asked these two questions. Huahua will give you two strokes today to ensure that your tiger skin orchid rubs new buds and oak trees.

Tiger skin orchid has been raised for half a year, but what if it doesn't sprout? Rubber tree is always a bare rod, what if it doesn't sprout laterally? Recently, many flower friends have asked these two questions. Huahua will give you two tricks today to ensure that your tiger skin orchid rubs new buds and rubber tree brushes grow lateral buds!

Dig some dirt on the tiger skin orchid root, the small bud can prop up the basin!

When many people raise tiger orchid, they will find that their tiger skin orchid does not move for several months, it does not grow, nor does it grow new buds. What is the matter? we might as well check the flowerpots of tiger skin orchid.

Operation steps

1. Tiger skin orchid root system is shallow, underdeveloped, and many families raise tiger skin orchid, is this kind of deep basin, very stuffy, is not conducive to tiger skin orchid root breathing, for a long time, tiger skin orchid not only does not sprout, but also may rot roots.

two。 In this case, we can dig out some of the soil in the tiger Pilan basin, but not too much, just expose a little root system, a depth of about 2-3 cm.

3. Tiger Pilan, which shows a little root system, will rub off a lot of buds after a month.

4. After the small buds emerge, we fill the soil originally dug out and fill it back to fix it, so as to prevent the tiger skin from askew.

5. Tiger Pilan is a shallow root plant, when we usually maintain, do not use a deep basin, use a shallow basin, so that it is easy to sprout without rotting roots.

Rubber tree cut pieces of skin, new buds rub off, no longer be bachelors!

Many families raise rubber trees, easy to develop a pole, straight bar old high, do not send lateral buds, but also easy to grow crooked, head-heavy. How to solve it? Simple, use a blade, cut a piece of bark and do it!

Operation steps

1. Find out where you want the rubber tree to grow lateral buds, make sure there are bud spots or leaves, and if there are leaves at the promoting point, remove the leaves.

two。 Above the budding point

At 0.5-1 cm, two wounds are carved horizontally with sharp gardening scissors or blades. The length of the wound is about half the circumference of the branch, and the depth is about 0.2 cm to the xylem of the bark.

3. After about a month, the bud point under the engraved bud can germinate.


Carving buds on rubber trees will hinder the nutrient transport of rubber trees, inhibit the growth of upper branches, and promote the germination of lower bud points. In this way, the rubber tree will not have a straight pole, but multiple side branches will grow to form a beautiful tree like an umbrella.

Flower friends, your tiger orchid and rubber tree

Is there a problem of not sprouting?

If there is, you can try the method above Huahua!

In addition, we have APP in the collection of flowers.

Search for the collection of flowers in each application mall and you can download it.

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The name of the plant (eg a fortune tree)

Check the culture method

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