
If you buy bonsai to collect, then you have to read this article.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, There is a way to collect bonsai. What do you know? Let's take a look at teacher Fu Quan's advice on bonsai collection-in recent years, a large number of bonsai collectors have emerged in the Chinese bonsai world. They spend a lot of money on bonsai, and some even build it.

There is a door to the bonsai collection, what do you know? Let's take a look at Teacher Fu Quan's instructions on bonsai collection_

In recent years, a large number of bonsai collectors have emerged in China. They spared no expense to purchase bonsai, some even built private bonsai gardens, hired craftsmen to manage bonsai, hired literati to publicize bonsai.

Because the purpose of these bonsai collectors is different, or interest, or investment in pursuit of economic value, or fashionable and elegant, or both, plus their quality and bonsai appreciation level is uneven, bonsai speculators take advantage of the gap, bonsai market for a time appeared all kinds of hot speculation and quick success phenomenon: banyan fried elm, pine and cypress has not been fried, but also launched Podocarpus; Yesterday advertised literati trees, big floating branches bonsai, today praise relic stem bonsai. Their propaganda dominates the popularity of bonsai in the region, and they are able to convince large bonsai collectors (i.e., collectors who can buy bonsai at high prices) that the highest price for bonsai in the region is the bonsai market.

Just like the clothing market, every year when the season changes, merchants always vigorously promote new styles in order to make money; no one buys a piece of clothing for 58 yuan, and the label for 580 yuan is sold out in an instant; elegant music, bel canto and excellent folk songs are now rarely interested, while singers who sing pop songs have become millions of people like "singers","kings" and "divas". A similar phenomenon is occurring in today's bonsai: a century-old bonsai created over several generations is rarely asked for, while a large tree planted in the field for less than 10 years can be sold at a high price.

In contemporary China, economy is developing and society is progressing. All kinds of commodities and art markets are undergoing a process of evolution from disorder to order, from dryness to rationality. Bonsai, a high-level work of art with independent aesthetic value, has not only entered thousands of households and markets, but also entered the collection field in the unique form of living works of art.

For bonsai collectors, if they blindly buy some popular bonsai as if they were buying ordinary goods, then every time they change seasons, they must sell them at low prices and buy them at high prices, bringing economic losses to themselves. The bonsai garden will become as messy as a bonsai shelter. Therefore, we must adjust our mentality, clarify our thinking, invest in a planned and purposeful way, purchase rationally, and collect bonsai rationally.

First, collection is a constant social and cultural entertainment needs, the purpose of collection is to cultivate sentiment, feel the most beautiful.

Bonsai is a living work of art that contains literature, gardening, painting, biology and other multidisciplinary knowledge, and has an incomparable interest in other collections. With the growth of people's leisure culture demand, the desire and demand for collecting bonsai will also grow day by day. The core of cultural entertainment is to create an inner experience. A true bonsai collector tries his best to collect bonsai in order to cultivate sentiment, return to nature, fade away from worldly affairs and feel the beauty.

Second, the collection of bonsai must choose fine, distinctive masterpieces to be meaningful.

The process of collecting is a process of learning, discovery and excavation. Collecting bonsai fine works can explore the footprints of masters, famous techniques and styles of various places, obtain perceptual knowledge from them, and then accumulate materials and write books. Whether it is a social celebrity, a wise collector, or an ordinary bonsai collector, as long as they work hard, purposeful rather than blind collection, they can continuously improve the level of bonsai appreciation and obtain the bonsai in their minds in the complicated bonsai market. These fine works will become an integral part of Chinese bonsai art, add color to the times, add luster to Chinese bonsai art, and contribute to the promotion and development of Chinese bonsai art.

Third, calmly treat the economic value of bonsai.

In recent years, due to speculators 'market speculation and media propaganda, some collectors regard collecting bonsai as a means of profit, and some bonsai profit tens of thousands of yuan between resale. Although art is priceless, it is difficult to determine the value of a potted plant, but there are still rules to follow. Natural and flawless bonsai is very rare.

The bonsai currently seen on the market can be roughly divided into three categories:

One is to cultivate bonsai from an early age in a pot after artistic processing;

Second, it is processed after mining in the mountains;

Third, commodity trees for mass production. The prices of these three types of bonsai are different. Bonsai cultivated in pots from childhood generally takes decades or more than a hundred years. If the shape is natural, poetic and picturesque, and can reflect the small and medium of bonsai, its artistic content is high. Such a bonsai is top grade;

The bonsai processed after mining on the mountain will generally have wounds or defects. If the hands of skilled masters work skillfully and color according to the type, the unique beauty of the tree will be displayed, which is also a first-class bonsai. Due to the development of modern science and technology, there are many ways to quickly cultivate tree materials. No matter which kind of bonsai sells well, it can be produced in large quantities soon. How many, how big, what kind of bonsai is made, this kind of bonsai is a commodity tree. A bonsai collector must be able to distinguish between them so as not to be cheated. The most important basis for judging whether a commercial tree is the age, and there are many ways to judge the age, such as the color of the bark, the wrinkles of the branches, etc., especially for the bonsai created by the method of storing branches and cutting stems, the commercial tree is impossible to achieve one inch and three bends.

The sign of maturity is rationality.

Bonsai collectors need to be good at learning, good at thinking, accumulate experience in the collection process, and learn to collect rationally. At the same time, they can create bonsai art by themselves and understand the creation process and techniques of bonsai, which not only adds fun to collection, but also makes them better at collection.

Bonsai collection is to judge the past with a historical perspective, to examine the present with an artistic perspective, and to open up the future with a developmental perspective. Wave wash sand, contemporary bonsai collectors need to have the vision of Gao Shi, reach people's mind, and the innovative spirit of keeping pace with the times, in order to withstand the test of the market economy. In this process, a group of bonsai collectors with strength and courage will be created, and they will also become excellent bonsai artists, making achievements worthy of the times and adding luster to the cause of Chinese bonsai art.

(This article was originally written by Teacher Fu Quan, and the copyright belongs to Teacher Fu Quan)

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