
What kind of soil is fertile to grow flowers? It's not rotten leaf soil, but this kind of soil.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, With the improvement of living standards, more and more people grow flowers now. As a part of life, flowers can be said to be a very interesting thing, which can not only add color and vitality to the room, but also delight the florists.

With the improvement of living standards, more and more people grow flowers now. As a part of life, flowers can be said to be a very interesting thing, which can not only add indoor color and vitality, but also please the mood of flower growers. However, this flower cultivation is also a technical work, only by mastering some basic knowledge of flower cultivation can flowers grow more and more prosperous. What is the most important thing when growing flowers? In addition to watering, light and fertilization, "nutritious soil" is also important. Some flower lovers who have raised flowers for many years actually do not use rotten leaf soil, but use the following soil. Any flower can be fed.

What kind of flower soil is so easy to use?

What kind of flower soil is this? In short, it is a kind of loose, fertile, breathable and nutritious soil, which is most suitable for growing flowers. It is actually a mixture of many substances. The rotten leaf soil commonly used by flower friends is only one of the materials of this kind of nutritious soil. When making this kind of nutritious soil, you should also prepare the following substances. They are: rotten barnyard manure, peat soil, pine needles and some gravel. Among them, peat soil and rotten leaf soil contain a lot of humus, which is conducive to the growth of plants. Pine needles and gravel can play the role of breathable and draining water. It goes without saying that barnyard manure is solid organic fertilizer.

What details should be paid attention to in changing the soil for flowers?

After the nutritious soil is self-made, there is also a lot of attention to changing the soil for potted flowers. If it is not operated properly, it will lead to rotten roots, withered branches and leaves. Changing soil for potted flowers is mainly divided into three steps. First: in the early stage of soil change, we should pay attention to stop watering, otherwise the basin soil will adhere to the root system, resulting in damage to the root system during soil change. Second: during the soil change, we should first check whether the root system of flowers is rotten. If there is any rot, we must remember to clean and trim it first and then sterilize it with potassium permanganate solution. Third: after changing the soil, the potted plants should not be put in the sun immediately, but should be placed in a cool and ventilated place for a day. At the same time, water should be watered in time after changing the soil.

When to change the soil, flowers are not easy to die?

Changing pots and soil for flowers is tantamount to giving it an operation, and all environments have to be re-adapted. Therefore, many people do not want to change the soil, so they are afraid that the yellow leaves will die after changing the soil, but if they do not change the soil, the roots will explode and the soil will become more and more barren. In addition to the details mentioned above, we should also pay attention to the time of soil change. From a large point of view, soil replacement is proposed to be carried out in spring and autumn every year. From a small point of view, soil change is recommended in the morning or when it is cooler in the evening. At this time, the environment is the most suitable, and the survival rate of flowers will be high.

This is the end of the knowledge about growing flowers. Thank you for reading!

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