
Is it bad to raise orchids? Look at the way the little gardener raised the orchid. No wonder it's so good.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to breed the orchid? Hanging orchids are actually very easy to feed. Because it is not easy to die in the process of raising him. Its root system is very developed. We want to raise it well. It is necessary to give him enough light according to its habits.

How to breed the orchid? Hanging orchids are actually very easy to feed. Because it is not easy to die in the process of raising him. Its root system is very developed. We want to raise it well. It is necessary to give him enough light, fertilizer and watering according to his habits in order to raise it well.

Because the orchid is very easy to raise, many flower friends bring it to hydroponics. It can also grow normally, and it grows very fast, but the hydroponic hanging orchid has no radish root. And to change the water regularly, when changing the water, add a little bit of nutrient solution to make it grow well and grow normally.

If we use soil to cultivate Cymbidium, choose fertile soil as much as possible. Be sure to keep the soil loose and ventilated. Because the growth process of Cymbidium is to raise roots first, and when there are enough roots in the basin soil, he will gradually grow more new leaves, and then continue to divide small lateral buds and blossom. It is possible to prepare loose, breathable and nutritious soil for him. Rotten leaf soil, river sand or cinder can be used, and rotten leaf soil and river sand can be allocated in a ratio of one to one. Can also be used perlite, vermiculite, peat soil 1: 1: 3 ratio to mix, these two kinds of soil is OK, raise hanging orchid is very good, and gradually gap is large, can let him grow enough radish root, after the root system is good, he can have enough nutrients to grow leaves and divide lateral buds.

Cymbidium will continue to grow as long as the temperature reaches, it must be given sufficient light in the process of growth, some flower friends say that there can be no light, no light its leaves will grow slender, and easy to break. Sufficient light can make his leaves dark, oil-green and shiny without breaking. We can avoid the direct sun at noon and show him the light at other times, so that the orchid can grow well.

In the process of breeding, be sure to fertilize him regularly. To use fertilizer for the orchid, try to choose a multi-element mixed fertilizer with a balanced content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which is what we often call a general fertilizer. This fertilizer contains both nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, because the gondola has to grow branches and leaves, and it also allows it to divide more lateral buds to have a good hanging effect. This requires us not to lack all kinds of elements, let it be balanced to supplement, in order to balanced growth, can lateral buds, long burst basin. Water the orchid and adhere to the principle that the basin soil is dry and thoroughly watered.

This is the only way to keep a good hanging orchid, but it must be well ventilated. Poor ventilation, watering for a long time will cause rotten roots or rotten leaves and black leaf tips and so on. Give enough light, fertilize and water regularly, and raise it with loose and breathable soil. Raise the hanging orchid, it's as simple as that.

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