
A brief talk on the planting method of Lotus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pruning October to November, let the lotus pond water dry, after three or four days, people can not step on it, you can cut off the ground. The trimmed lotus can avoid frostbite. After pruning, cover with water for about one meter, which can protect the root of lotus root from freezing to death. In the north, it is generally covered with water after Frosts Descent and before the Beginning of Winter.


From October to November, let the lotus pond water dry. If you can't step on it after three or four days, you can cut off the ground. The trimmed lotus can avoid frostbite.

Covered with water

After pruning, about one meter of water should be covered to protect the root of the lotus root from freezing to death. In the north, water is usually covered after Frosts Descent and the Beginning of Winter.


Effective measures to ensure the exuberance of lotus. The roots of the lotus grow fast. Within two years, the pool will be full. If no measures are taken, he will slowly die of lack of fertilizer and water. In March and April, Ching Ming Festival let the water dry and bask in the sun for a few days, planed all the roots of the lotus root and picked up the old and residual lotus roots. Choose young lotus root with full bud eyes and strong young lotus root. Cut it into 2-8 sections, flatten the ground, water it into mud, and plant the lotus root in the mud. Plant the terminal bud downward, cover with water 10-15 cm after planting, wait for the bud to grow and then slowly add water.

Enter the room

Potted lotus plants should enter the house before and after Frosts Descent. Indoor temperature 3-5 ℃ can safely survive the winter, water storage in the basin 3 to 4 cm, no light. Move to the outdoor sun in mid-May of the following year and add 10 cm of water after budding.

A brief talk on succulent plants suitable for planting in summer

Although succulent plants, known as "lazy flowers", are clean and labor-saving for meat fans, it is not easy for them to grow safely and maintain a beautiful appearance with the advent of summer.

Succulent plants suitable for planting in summer

Fire sacrifice

Also known as autumn fire lotus, it is a succulent plant of the genus crassulaceae. Under the condition of sufficient sunshine, the edge of the leaf begins to turn red, especially from late autumn to spring. Due to the large temperature difference between day and night, the color of the leaf is more bright and very beautiful. Fire sacrifices like a sunny environment and should be given plenty of light all the year round.

White peony

White peony is one of the succulent plants that are very easy to raise. When watering, try to pour it in the soil. If the leaves are stained with water, they will affect their appearance and are easily burned by the sun.

first love

It is a succulent plant of the genus Euphorbia of Sedum family. First love is a relatively easy to maintain varieties, more afraid of heat, summer should pay attention to shade ventilation and water control, extend the watering interval, and even wait until the leaves feel a little soft before watering. Watering too hard may cause leaves to fall. It is normal for the lower leaves of first love to turn yellow and wither slowly in summer, so don't be afraid.

Obscure moon

Also known as pink leaf stone lotus, gemstone flower, pink Walian, for the sedum family windmill genus. Obscure moon likes to have plenty of sunshine, avoid stagnant water, bear barren, and should grow in sandy loam soil with good drainage. Long-term lack of light will make the leaves small and sparse.

The above is the succulent garden editor for everyone to organize suitable for summer planting succulent, I hope to help you!

A brief introduction to the cultivation techniques of Tulip bulbs in 9 ℃

Tulip, also known as lotus, musk, turmeric, as the national flower of the Netherlands, is also known as "the queen of flowers in the world". Its variety is extremely rich and colorful, so that countless people are fascinated by it. Tulips need to be treated at low temperature for a certain period of time, and their stems can not blossom until their stems are fully grown. If the tulip bulb is treated with low temperature before the normal winter, it can blossom ahead of time. This technique is called "facilitative cultivation". The key to tulip cultivation is temperature management. Temperature will affect plant height, leaf shape, florescence, flower size and Internode thickness. the higher the temperature, the faster the flowering. Generally, the daytime temperature is above 25 ℃, and the night temperature is 15 Murray 18 ℃. Different treatments can make it blossom between December and February of next year.

Bulbs first need different time of transition temperature treatment, and then start cold treatment. The transition temperature refers to the temperature used after the flower has been fully developed until the beginning of cold treatment. the time of transition temperature treatment depends on the variety and usually takes 2 to 8 weeks. 20 ℃ is the best transition temperature, which has a good effect on the quality of flowers and the growth of roots. The process of fully treating dry bulbs with low temperature for a certain period of time before planting is called cold treatment process. At present, there are mainly two series of tulip bulbs imported from China: 9 ℃ treatment and 5 ℃ treatment. The effect of low temperature cold treatment is to make the flower stem shorter, the flower larger, the bud and root develop faster, and the flower plague less.

After understanding the treatment process of tulip bulbs, we can choose different treatments for cultivation. The following 9 ℃ treated tulip bulbs are taken as an example to introduce the cultivation techniques.

I. the source and preparation of planting balls

Most of the tulip bulbs in China are imported from the Netherlands. Every October, we must select the varieties to be planted and send out the order in time. The goods will be received at the end of October or early November. After receiving the goods, the seed balls will be placed in a 5 ℃ storage room for temporary storage.

Second, the preparation of seedling bed

In the greenhouse, mix well with loam, peat and soil fertilizer at 4:1:1 and spread it out and rake it flat. The thickness is about 10 cm, and it is covered with a layer of coarse river sand about 5 to 7 cm thick. The width of the strip nursery bed is generally no more than 3 meters for later management. The seedling beds should be disinfected and sterilized 10 to 15 days before sowing, and the soil is generally disinfected with methyl bromide or fumigant.

Third, sowing seeds

The sowing time is generally between November 15 and December 15. Due to rooting problems and poor quality, do not plant after December 15. Peel the seed ball before sowing and then disinfect it. Soak the seeds with 0.2% carbendazim or 0.5% potassium permanganate aqueous solution for 10 to 15 minutes, then soak them in clean water for 5 to 10 minutes, remove and dry before sowing. The sowing density is 8 × 12 cm and the depth is to cover the top of the bulb with about 1 to 2 cm. Irrigate immediately after planting to prevent the bulb from drying and dehydration.

Fourth, management after sowing

Keep the soil moist and prevent the bulbs from drying and dehydrating. The seed bulbs that were pushed out of the sand layer due to root growth were replanted back into the sand layer in time. Erase lateral buds. The day and night temperature in the greenhouse is controlled between 12 ℃ and 22 ℃, and the relative humidity does not exceed 80%. The greenhouse should be ventilated regularly. The growth of the bulb and the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse should be recorded in detail.

V. Disease and control

1. A flowering stem or plant lodging. The reason is that the relative humidity in the greenhouse is too high, or the rooting of the bulb is too poor, and the water absorption is reduced. Control method: do not have too low temperature in management, do not let plants grow too fast in high temperature, ensure normal root system, and avoid high relative humidity (more than 80%).

two。 The blind bud is dehydrated, the petals remain green, the leaf tips are white, the stamens and pistils are dry, and the flowers cannot fully open. The reason is that the cold treatment is not enough, the temperature during storage and transportation is too high, the relative humidity in the greenhouse is too high, incorrect watering methods lead to root asphyxiation and so on. Control method: in every link, we should strictly prevent the occurrence of the above phenomena.

3. When the root rot is slightly infected, some of the roots rot, and the severe infection will cause the flowers to wither. The infected root usually turns waxy and browns the soil around the root, and finally the whole root turns brown. The reason is infected with Pythium. Control method: disinfect the soil before planting. The heavily infected seed balls should be removed in time. Ensure that the greenhouse soil has a good soil structure and drainage system. For the first two weeks of planting, keep the greenhouse temperature below 10 ℃ or 10 ℃.

4. In the early stage of soft rot, the infected bulb tissue became soft and pink, and released a special smell; in the later stage, the soft rot was characterized by the cessation of plant growth, yellowing of leaf tip, dehydration of flowers and so on. Due to infection with Pythium. Control method: fully disinfect the bulb and disinfect the soil before planting. Ensure that the greenhouse soil has a good soil structure and drainage system. Remove the infected plants in time and disinfect the infected soil.

5. Water-immersed green spots appear on burned flowers and leaves, and gradually become large white or brown spots, which can lead to plant sterility or hinder flowering in severe cases. The reason is infected with staphylococci. Control method: remove the bacterial bulbs before planting and disinfect the soil. The infected soil was treated with routine sterilization. Keep the leaves dry during cultivation, especially at night. It is best to pour water directly on the soil.

VI. Methods of reproduction

It is commonly used to divide balls and sow and propagate.

1. Divide the ball to breed. After growing in one season, the mother ball planted in that year can produce 1-2 large bulbs and 3-5 small bulbs around it at the same time. It can be planted separately according to the size of the seed bulb, the big bulb can blossom in the same year, and the small bulb can blossom for 1-2 years.

2. Sowing and reproduction. The sowing and propagation of tulips are mostly used to cultivate new varieties. The seeds are harvested before the capsule is ripe and dehiscent, and the seeds are stored and sown indoors in October. Keep it moist and sprout the following spring. It blossoms for about 3-4 years.

Conclusion: the above is the introduction of the cultivation techniques of tulips under the condition of low temperature. I hope it will be helpful to the flower lovers who plant tulips.