
What is local bonsai? The characteristics and Development potential of Local Bonsai

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bonsai is an advanced art, which requires exquisite pots and exquisite frames, while the cultivation and modeling of pile scenery is not a day's work, which scares many people. Although he sincerely likes it, he does not dare to set foot in the garden of bonsai creation, which hinders the development of bonsai. How to dispel concerns

Bonsai is an advanced art, which requires exquisite pots and exquisite frames, while the cultivation and modeling of pile scenery is not a day's work, which scares many people. Although he sincerely likes it, he does not dare to set foot in the garden of bonsai creation, which hinders the development of bonsai. How to eliminate worries, stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in bonsai creation, promote commercial production of bonsai, and prosper bonsai market is a realistic problem faced by bonsai workers.

In recent years, I have tried the local resources to show the local scenery, eulogized the local bonsai of the local culture with the local title, and put it on the market, which is very popular. Better economic benefits have also been achieved.

What is local bonsai?

It is a pile landscape cultivated with local mountain trees familiar to the masses, planted in bonsai made of local materials and displayed on several self-made frames; it is authentic from head to toe (landscape, basin, frame). A bonsai work with a strong local flavor. I call it a local bonsai.

Characteristics of vernacular bonsai

1. Distinctive local characteristics. The material is born and raised, and it has obvious regional characteristics. It grows vigorously, has strong resistance, has few diseases and insect pests, and adapts to local climatic conditions. People "don't see it early, but see it later." it is familiar with temperament, has a sense of intimacy, and eliminates worries.

two。 Rich in resources and low in cost. Use local materials, facilitate creation, reduce transportation costs and market transit links. The material is fresh, the cost is low, and it is easy for the public to accept.

3. Simple and fresh, wild and fun Tiancheng. The local bonsai does not use valuable tree species, mahogany frames and high-grade bonsai, but adopts local homemade pots and shelves, which shows the local scenery, local culture, easy to come by, and wild fun, which breaks the mystery of bonsai creation and is loved by the broad masses.

4. Skillful and clumsy use each other, both elegant and popular. The local bonsai material is simple, simple and approachable. The composition emphasizes the natural interest and charm, and creates the scenery with emotion. Although the level of appreciation can be divided into high and low, it is popular and natural, everyone can understand, and everyone likes to watch. Everyone resonates with it because of its deja vu. "which village is it like us", "it is a poem", "it is a painting", evoke people's good memories and achieve the goal of enjoying both elegance and popularity. Arouse people's desire to buy, thus increasing the value of goods.

The artistic style of local bonsai

Tree species: mainly composed of common miscellaneous trees in the local mountains and fields, supplemented by nursery cultivation. Such as: Chinan, Jimu, crape myrtle, holly, June snow and so on.

Modeling: multi-pole co-planting (individual defects of each plant can complement each other), jungle-based (fast shaping, easy to show).

Technique: give priority to scissors and tie as a supplement.

Processing material: the wire is treated into rust color, which is close to the bark, so it is easy to watch and watch, and it is easy to remove the thread later.

With the basin frame: with the pile scene, self-made irregular cloud-shaped basin (depending on the scene, according to the talent), the basin and the scene are integrated. Display in the self-made bamboo and wood several shelves, coupled with their own seal cutting inscription, can better reflect the theme, full of charm.

To sum up, the artistic style of local bonsai is simple, natural, simple, fresh, wild and interesting, elegant and popular.

The development potential of local bonsai

Local bonsai, based on the native land, rich in resources, low cost, fast shaping, easy to show, less investment, early results, close to life, a wide range of subjects, can stimulate the creative enthusiasm and purchase desire of the masses; promote the commercial production of bonsai (can be in the family workshop, complete a full set of production), promote the development of bonsai cause. King, basin and frame can be self-made at will, flexible and changeable to meet the needs of the market. It is unpretentious and has a unique personality. This natural and wild style is very charming.

Local bonsai has strong vitality, competitiveness and development potential. Local bonsai is worth advocating.

Characteristics of bonsai of fruit trees

Fruit tree bonsai is a kind of art that condenses the scenery of nature into a basin close at hand through artistic processing and rational layout of all kinds of fruit trees, rocks, components and other materials. It is an ingenious combination of the principle of fruit tree cultivation and Chinese traditional potted plant and bonsai art. Fruit tree bonsai technology is the integration and development of fruit tree cultivation techniques and Chinese traditional bonsai art. The excellent works of fruit tree bonsai not only have the harvest beauty of fruit tree cultivation, but also have the artistic beauty of Chinese traditional bonsai, which has its own distinct style and characteristics.

First, the characteristics of bonsai of fruit trees

1. It has both shape and fruit, and is gorgeous.

Bonsai of fruit trees is equal to shape and fruit, that is to say, it must not only have plastic arts such as root, pile, shape and spirit, but also have a sufficient number of fruits, both of which are indispensable. In the bonsai of fruit trees, fruit is an important part of the type, and the number, layout, size and color of fruits constitute an important part of the bonsai art of fruit trees. In particular, the large fruit bonsai developed in recent years, such as apples, pears, peaches, persimmons, Hawthorns and oranges in local fruit trees, carry fruit by type, shape with fruit, and have a lot of fun.

2. Full of interest in life

The roots, stems, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits and types of bonsai of fruit trees constitute an ornamental whole. Especially the bonsai of northern fruit trees developed in recent years, its spring flowers are exquisite and graceful; autumn fruits are numerous and colorful; winter is sparse branches and bones, showing vigor; and summer coincides with the period of fruit development and luxuriant leaves, and the green branches and green fruits change their new appearance in ten days, which is full of interest in life and natural flavor.

3. Rich in resources and convenient for production

China is rich in fruit tree resources. The rootstocks, seedlings and abandoned trees in fruit tree production can be used, and all kinds of wild fruit trees and their rootstock resources in the mountains are rarely developed and utilized, especially to make up for the lack of bonsai resources in the north of our country. develop local bonsai with local characteristics according to local conditions. There are many kinds and varieties of fruit trees, and the fruit shape, size, color and maturity of different tree species and varieties are different, which is suitable for a variety of shapes. Due to the use of local materials, each tree species are adapted to the local ecological conditions, without special maintenance facilities, and management examples, convenient for production, without much investment to enter the business.

4. Rough and natural styling style

Different from the general foliage bonsai, the cultivation of fruit tree bonsai should not only study the modeling, but also pay attention to the cultivation of flowers and fruits. On the other hand, the culture of flowers and fruits needs branches with certain growth potential and certain leaf area, that is, certain nutritional conditions. In addition, the flowers and fruits of some fruit trees are just at the top of the branches. All this determines that the bonsai of fruit trees can not prune and cut the branches and leaves as much as they like. The law of bonsai of fruit trees determines the rough and natural style in modeling and pruning. In terms of specifications, it can be miniaturized, but it is difficult to be miniaturized; in the treatment of branches and leaves, it can be layered, but it is difficult to become "slices"; in the overall shape, its basic shape can be as it pleases, but the details are difficult to fine-tie; the number of fruit of bonsai fruit trees changes every year, and the position of the fruit changes every year, and it is necessary to re-cultivate flowers and fruits every year, not once and for all. Cultivating bonsai of fruit trees requires certain skills, which is where its charm lies.

5. the technology is unique.

The bonsai technology of fruit trees is not only different from the general foliage bonsai, but also different from the general fruit tree cultivation techniques. In principle, it is the integration of the two, in terms of technology, it is the development of the two. Different tree species have their own growth and development rules. In the bonsai technology of fruit trees, the utilization of wild stumps and abandoned trees in production, transplanting old fruit trees (stakes) into pots to improve cultivation techniques, overwintering techniques and comprehensive measures such as nutrition management to promote and control growth and development, early forming results through grafting, pruning and other measures, expanding the cultivation area through the control of environmental factors, and so on, have greatly enriched the content of fruit tree cultivation and traditional bonsai art.

2. Growth and fruiting characteristics of bonsai fruit trees.

The growth and development of bonsai fruit trees is not only different from general bonsai trees, but also different from field fruit trees.

1. Root system

The root system is not only an organ for fruit trees to fix and absorb nutrients and water, but also an organ for storage and synthesis of organic nutrients. Strong root system is the basis of normal growth and fruiting of bonsai fruit trees.

Under the pot condition, due to the centrifugal growth habit of the root system and the superior soil ventilation conditions near the basin wall, the root system grew around the basin wall and bottom, forming root cushions and root clusters. 2After 3 years, with the root elongation and the increase of root quantity, the root mass filled the basin. This aging root mass reduces the proportion of soil in the basin and directly affects the absorption and transport of nutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to change the basin in time, trim the root system and replace the new culture. The number of years of changing the basin should be flexibly controlled according to the growth of root system and aboveground part, which is generally 2 Mel for 3 years.

Compared with the deep and wide root distribution of fruit trees in the field, the adaptability and resistance of pot trees to external environment, such as temperature and humidity, soil ventilation, fertilization concentration, harmful substances and diseases and insect pests were greatly reduced. Poor environmental conditions and improper management often lead to root damage, weakness and even death. When the growth of the potted tree is weak, the leaves become dark, yellow, lose luster, and the fruit is stunted or even shedding, we should first check whether the root system is damaged and take timely measures to remedy it.

Introduction to the characteristics of bonsai of fruit trees

Fruit tree bonsai is a kind of art that condenses the scenery of nature into a basin close at hand through artistic processing and rational layout of all kinds of fruit trees, rocks, components and other materials. It is an ingenious combination of the principle of fruit tree cultivation and Chinese traditional potted plant and bonsai art. Fruit tree bonsai technology is the integration and development of fruit tree cultivation techniques and Chinese traditional bonsai art. The excellent works of fruit tree bonsai not only have the harvest beauty of fruit tree cultivation, but also have the artistic beauty of Chinese traditional bonsai, which has its own distinct style and characteristics. First, the characteristics of fruit tree bonsai 1, both shape and fruit, brilliant fruit tree bonsai is equal to modeling plus fruit, that is to say, it must not only have roots, piles, shape, spirit and other plastic arts, but also must have a sufficient number of fruits, both of which are indispensable. In the bonsai of fruit trees, fruit is an important part of the type, and the number, layout, size and color of fruits constitute an important part of the bonsai art of fruit trees. In particular, the large fruit bonsai developed in recent years, such as apples, pears, peaches, persimmons, Hawthorns and oranges in local fruit trees, carry fruit by type, shape with fruit, and have a lot of fun. 2. The roots, stems, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits and types of bonsai of fruit trees with rich interest in life constitute an ornamental whole. Especially the bonsai of northern fruit trees developed in recent years, its spring flowers are exquisite and graceful; autumn fruits are numerous and colorful; winter is sparse branches and bones, showing vigor; and summer coincides with the period of fruit development and luxuriant leaves, and the green branches and green fruits change their new appearance in ten days, which is full of interest in life and natural flavor. 3. it is rich in resources, which is convenient for the production of fruit trees in China. The rootstocks, seedlings and abandoned trees in fruit tree production can be used, and all kinds of wild fruit trees and their rootstock resources in the mountains are rarely developed and utilized, especially to make up for the lack of bonsai resources in the north of our country. develop local bonsai with local characteristics according to local conditions. There are many kinds and varieties of fruit trees, and the fruit shape, size, color and maturity of different tree species and varieties are different, which is suitable for a variety of shapes. Due to the use of local materials, each tree species are adapted to the local ecological conditions, without special maintenance facilities, and management examples, convenient for production, without much investment to enter the business. 4. the rough and natural modeling style is different from the general foliage bonsai in that the cultivation of fruit tree bonsai should not only study the modeling, but also pay attention to the cultivation of flowers and fruits. On the other hand, the culture of flowers and fruits needs branches with certain growth potential and certain leaf area, that is, certain nutritional conditions. In addition, the flowers and fruits of some fruit trees are just at the top of the branches. All this determines that the bonsai of fruit trees can not prune and cut the branches and leaves as much as they like. The law of bonsai of fruit trees determines the rough and natural style in modeling and pruning. In terms of specifications, it can be miniaturized, but it is difficult to be miniaturized; in the treatment of branches and leaves, it can be layered, but it is difficult to become "slices"; in the overall shape, its basic shape can be as it pleases, but the details are difficult to fine-tie; the number of fruit of bonsai fruit trees changes every year, and the position of the fruit changes every year, and it is necessary to re-cultivate flowers and fruits every year, not once and for all. Cultivating bonsai of fruit trees requires certain skills, which is where its charm lies. 5. Unique fruit tree bonsai technology is not only different from the general foliage bonsai, but also different from the general fruit tree cultivation techniques. In principle, it is the integration of the two, in terms of technology, it is the development of the two. Different tree species have their own growth and development rules. In the bonsai technology of fruit trees, the utilization of wild stumps and abandoned trees in production, transplanting old fruit trees (stakes) into pots to improve cultivation techniques, overwintering techniques and comprehensive measures such as nutrition management to promote and control growth and development, early forming results through grafting, pruning and other measures, expanding the cultivation area through the control of environmental factors, and so on, have greatly enriched the content of fruit tree cultivation and traditional bonsai art. 2. the growth and fruiting characteristics of bonsai fruit trees the growth and development of bonsai fruit trees is not only different from ordinary bonsai trees, but also different from field fruit trees. 1. The root system is not only the organ for fixing and absorbing nutrition and water of fruit trees, but also the organ for storing and synthesizing organic nutrients. Strong root system is the basis of normal growth and fruiting of bonsai fruit trees. Under the pot condition, due to the centrifugal growth habit of the root system and the superior soil ventilation conditions near the basin wall, the root system grew around the basin wall and bottom, forming root cushions and root clusters. 2After 3 years, with the root elongation and the increase of root quantity, the root mass filled the basin. This aging root mass reduces the proportion of soil in the basin and directly affects the absorption and transport of nutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to change the basin in time, trim the root system and replace the new culture. The number of years of changing the basin should be flexibly controlled according to the growth of root system and aboveground part, which is generally 2 Mel for 3 years. Compared with the deep and wide root distribution of fruit trees in the field, the adaptability and resistance of pot trees to external environment, such as temperature and humidity, soil ventilation, fertilization concentration, harmful substances and diseases and insect pests were greatly reduced. Poor environmental conditions and improper management often lead to root damage, weakness and even death. When the growth of the potted tree is weak, the leaves become dark, yellow, lose luster, and the fruit is stunted or even shedding, we should first check whether the root system is damaged and take timely measures to remedy it. If the root system of fruit tree meets its needs, it can grow continuously all the year round, and its growth peak often alternates with that of the crown, that is, there is a peak of root growth before each new shoot occurs or before the new shoot speed for a long time. The occurrence of roots in this period has a direct impact on the growth of new shoots. The roots of fruit trees have a strong ability of regeneration, and after cutting off, it is easy to grow a large number of new roots near the wound. The factors affecting root growth and absorption are as follows. ① temperature. In general, the root system of fruit trees began to move above 0 ℃, the optimum temperature for growth was 15 ℃ 25 ℃, and the growth was inhibited when the soil temperature exceeded 30 ℃. With different tree species, the temperature requirements of roots are also different. For example, the apple root system began to grow at 1 ℃ 2 ℃, while the citrus root system began to grow at about 12 ℃, the optimum temperature was about 26 ℃, and the highest temperature was 37 ℃. After thawing in early spring, the roots of potted trees such as apple, pear, peach and Hawthorn began to grow, and a large number of new roots appeared before the rapid growth of new shoots. The new roots of citrus, persimmon, jujube and some southern fruit trees occurred late in spring, and the root system grew slowly. In winter, the root system of northern deciduous fruit trees is in a state of resting eyes, and only maintains the lowest physiological activity. Similarly, the root activity of southern evergreen fruit trees overwintering in greenhouse is relatively weak in winter. The cold resistance of root system is related to the heredity of tree species. It is related to the level of storage nutrition in the same tree species. The perennial roots with strong roots have strong cold resistance. Under the same overwintering conditions, young trees in the new pot are easy to strip or even freeze to death, which should be protected during cultivation. The pot trees placed on the cement floor on the balcony, roof, front steps and so on in summer, because of the local high temperature fumigation and the heat conduction of the cement floor, the basin soil temperature is often too high and damage the root system, especially when the crown is small. this situation is more serious when the shielding degree of potted trees is poor or the soil moisture is low. It can be adjusted by means of ground water spraying and basin bottom humidification pad. ② moisture. The water content of basin soil, which is most suitable for root growth, is about 60% of the maximum soil water holding capacity. 80%. The drought resistance of roots is much lower than that of leaves. Under drought conditions, leaves get a lot of water from the roots, resulting in root damage and even death. Due to the limitation of basin soil capacity and large loss area, the loss rate of water in basin is 5 times higher than that of topsoil in field orchard. Negligence in management can easily lead to water loss. The smaller the basin, the larger the crown, the higher the temperature, the sunnier and drier the climate, especially in the hot and dry wind season, the faster the rate of water loss, the more attention should be paid to replenishing water to the basin in time. ③ ventilation. The physical structure of basin soil is composed of soil particles and pores, small capillary pores are occupied by water, and large non-capillary pores are occupied by emptiness. The respiration, growth and other physiological activities of fruit tree roots require adequate oxygen supply in the basin soil. Under the condition of hypoxia in the basin soil, the normal respiration and physiological activities of fruit trees were blocked, and the growth stopped. At the same time, the accumulation of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases caused root poisoning, resulting in root death. The most suitable soil composition for the growth of fruit trees is that soil pores account for about 50% of the total bulk density of the soil, and the water and air in the pores account for about half. The aeration and permeability of potted nutritious soil (referred to as permeability) indicates the proportion of soil pores. When preparing, the materials can be selected according to local conditions, and can be adjusted appropriately according to different tree species and pots. For example, the root system of peach has strong respiration, high oxygen consumption and high permeability to basin soil, while the root system of jujube is not very strict on oxygen and can adapt to clay heavy culture soil with poor ventilation. The wall permeability of the bonsai basin with purple sand or hanging glaze is far less than that of the plain burning basin made of clay, so the permeability of the basin soil should be increased. In addition, the raw materials are different in different places, so the preparation of nutritious soil should be adjusted flexibly according to the physical properties of the raw materials. ④ nutrition. The growth and development of root system is related to the supply of soil nutrients and aboveground photosynthate. "root depth" and "Yemao" are cause and effect and promote each other. For example, when the potted trees bear too much fruit and the supply of photosynthates exceeds the demand, the root growth is obviously weak, but taking reasonable fruit retention measures to reduce aboveground nutrient consumption can obviously promote root growth. Similarly, taking leaf protection measures and foliar fertilizer spraying for sick and weak trees can not only promote leaf function, but also promote the growth of roots. The pH of ⑤ basin soil. The pH value of soil directly affects the growth and absorption of roots. In the basin soil with high acidity, the absorption capacity of roots to elements such as phosphorus, calcium and magnesium decreased. In the basin soil with strong alkalinity, the absorption of manganese, iron and zinc by roots was blocked. Most fruit trees prefer the environment of micro-acid-neutral-micro-alkali (pH value 6.5 Mel 7.5). Excessive acid or alkali in basin soil may lead to element deficiency, affecting the growth and fruiting of fruit trees. However, different tree species have different requirements for the acidity and alkalinity of basin soil, which should be paid attention to when preparing soil. 2. Buds all branches, leaves, flowers and fruits are developed from buds, which are the primitive bodies that form these organs. when propagating, the grafted buds can form new plants. There are the following types of buds: they can be divided into terminal buds and lateral buds according to where the buds are planted on the branches. The terminal bud is born at the top of the branch and has a strong germinating power, which can generally germinate in the second year. The lateral bud is born between the branches and leaves, also known as the organ bud, the germination ability is poor, often can not germinate in the second year. According to the number of buds born on the same node, they can be divided into single buds and multiple buds. Those who have only one bud on a node are called single buds, such as apples, pears and persimmons. A section with more than two buds is called compound buds, such as peach, plum and apricot buds are often composed of four buds. In addition, on the side or base of lateral buds such as apple, pear, jujube and Hawthorn, there is a small and difficult to find lateral bud, which is mostly in a state of resting eyes, and can germinate when the main bud is damaged. According to the nature of the bud, it can be divided into flower bud and leaf bud. Leaf buds can only branch and send leaves, but flower buds can blossom and bear fruit. In the external shape, the flower buds are generally more fat and full, and the bud scales are tighter. Different tree species and varieties have different characteristics of flower buds and lateral buds. Potted plant workers must accurately identify. Some fruit trees, such as grapes, peaches, apricots, plums and other buds formed in that year can germinate, called early-maturing buds. It can make the branches grow many times and increase the branching order of the whole tree, so the fruit trees with precocious buds generally bear fruit earlier. Due to the differences in environmental conditions and nutritional status in the process of bud formation and development, the quality, growth potential and shape characteristics of buds are different. For example, the buds at the base of branches are formed in early spring, when the temperature is low and there are few leaves, so the buds formed are shrunken buds with a "ring mark" at the base of the branches. Since then, with the increase of air temperature and leaf area, the quality of buds formed in the middle of branches became better, and the buds were large and full. Similarly, at the junction of the spring and autumn shoots, the buds formed when the autumn shoots just began to grow are not full, which is commonly known as the "Blind Festival". The quality and plumpness of buds significantly affected the growth potential of new shoots. Full strong buds, big buds produce strong branches and long branches; weak buds and small buds produce weak branches and short branches. In shaping and pruning, this characteristic of buds is often used to change the length of branches and the ratio of long to short branches, so as to promote shaping and early fruiting. 3. Branches are an important part of crown and tree shape. They not only bear leaves, flowers and fruits, transport water and nutrients, but also play an important role in nutrient storage. Sturdiness and sturdiness is an important guarantee for potting trees to bear fruit year after year. Some fruit tree branches can produce adventitious roots under suitable conditions, such as grape, citrus, lemon, pomegranate, fig and so on. Branches can be divided into vegetative branches (growing branches) and fruiting branches. Those with only leaf buds are vegetative branches. This kind of branch generally grows strong, the bud is full, and can form the skeleton of the tree. Bearing flower buds or regular mixed flower buds and leaf buds are fruiting branches. The number of fruiting branches determines the yield of potted trees, therefore, unfruited trees should cultivate enough fruiting branches as soon as possible, and fruiting trees should cultivate strong fruiting branches while raising good fruit, so as to ensure flowering and fruiting in the following year. The branching order has a direct effect on the growth and fruit. The young apple trees with few branches grow vigorously and are difficult to form flowers. Pruning and grafting, increasing the branch order and relaxing the growth potential are important ways for early flowering and early fruiting. The ability of buds to germinate into branches is called sprouting power. The ability to pull out growing branches after sprouting is called strong branching ability and branching ability, and can form a satisfactory tree shape in the same year, while Hawthorn is weak; the same tree species has strong branching ability in young trees and weak branches in older trees. According to this characteristic, in pruning, more branches should be thinned to reduce the number of branches with strong sprouting and branching power, and on the contrary, they should be cut more short to promote branching, so as to adjust the shape and quantity of branches. The apical advantage of the branch is that the terminal bud or stem tip often inhibits the germination and growth of the lower lateral bud, and the branch formed by the terminal bud germination is the strongest, weakening downward and even unable to germinate. Removal of apical bud or tip could promote lateral bud germination and lateral branch growth, but the first lateral bud at the top still maintained apical dominance. The vertical dominance of branches showed that the upright branches grew vigorously, the oblique branches grew weaker and the branches increased, while the horizontal or drooping branches grew less, and the branches became shorter and weaker. In addition, after pulling the branches, the upper dorsal branches or buds growing upward in the twisted parts of the branches are very easy to germinate and grow. By making use of the top advantage and vertical advantage, the crown can be expanded rapidly and shaped purposefully. However, the resulting strong branches often make the shape rate of dwarf pots chaotic, especially for molded trees and fruiting trees must be strictly controlled. Methods such as changing the direction and angle of branches, picking hearts in time or even thoroughly dredging them can be adopted to prevent the situation of "growing trees on trees" and overflourishing trees, only growing branches and leaves without flowers and fruits. The relationship between branch growth and fruit shows that the unfruited tree grows vigorously; once it bears fruit, the growth potential of the branch weakens and the crown size is easily controlled; excessive fruiting, the branch growth weakens, the proportion of short branches increases, and the flower branch decreases. The relationship between branch growth and rootstock is also very close. When the same variety of the same tree species was grafted on the Arbor rootstock, there were significant differences in the growth potential, growth duration, number of branches, the ratio of long and short branches and the occurrence of flower buds. Therefore, although the varieties are the same, but the rootstocks are different, the technical management measures should be different accordingly. In addition, the growth of branches and the use of pots have great influence. The big basin is not only nutritious, but also has a large root system, which shows strong branches. As the root growth keeps a certain balance with the aboveground growth, reducing the root volume can also effectively control the vigorous growth. The smaller the pot, the shorter the growth of the branches, the slower the thickening of the branches, and the easier it is to control the size of the crown. 4. 90% of the dry matter of branches, buds, flowers and fruits of leaf fruit trees is synthesized by leaf photosynthesis. Without enough photosynthates, it can not blossom and bear fruit. Therefore, the quality of leaves and the size of the total area are very important to the growth and development of potted trees. The leaf is second only to the root nutrient absorption organ, which can absorb all kinds of mineral elements. In the management of potted trees, foliar fertilizer spraying is often used to apply nutrition to the trees. The growth of leaves is directly affected by fertilizer, water and light. When the water supply is insufficient, the single leaf area becomes smaller obviously, the leaf color is dull, the leaflets turn yellow and fall off prematurely, and when serious, the big leaves become dehydrated and withered. The supply of fertilizer is about the size, thickness and efficiency of the leaves. After foliar fertilizer spraying, the leaves became thicker, the color was dark green, and the photosynthetic efficiency was high. Light is an important factor affecting the growth, development and function of leaves. When there is not enough light, the leaf color is lighter, the thickness becomes thinner, and the function is reduced. The leaf quality of potted tree is higher, which is directly related to its small body and good light, which is also an important reason why potted tree has more fruit and better fruit development. After a long overcast and sudden sunny in summer, the strong sun often wilts and scorches the young branches and leaves. The main reason is that the air humidity is high in overcast or light rain weather, the leaf transpiration is less, and the wet surface of the basin soil covers the lack of water in the middle and lower parts. After the sudden clearing, the transpiration suddenly increased, the contradiction of insufficient water supply of roots intensified, coupled with the tender tissue of new branches and leaves, large transpiration, so the first performance and rapid damage. Therefore, in such weather, we should pay attention to timely watering the basin, if necessary, spray water to protect the leaves. 5. Flower and fruit flower and fruit are not only important characteristics of fruit tree bonsai, but also an important part of fruit tree bonsai modeling and appreciation. There are differences in flower and fruit shape, planting position, flower promotion method, flower and fruit protection method and flower and fruit development law of different tree species and varieties, and the technical measures around flower and fruit protection are different, which is one of the key technologies of fruit tree bonsai.