
How should the dormancy period of summer plum blossom be maintained?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The plum blossom has an obvious dormant state in the summer day: the leaves curl and stop growing. Curling leaves is a normal phenomenon of bud pregnancy. Some people mistakenly think that there is a lack of water to roll the leaves, so they try their best to water them more, resulting in over-wet leaves. Some people think that defoliation in the summer is a sign of death. If they think it is useless, they just put it aside and ignore it.

The plum blossom has an obvious "dormant" state in the summer day: the leaves curl and stop growing. Curling leaves is a normal phenomenon of bud pregnancy. Some people mistakenly think that there is a lack of water to roll the leaves, so they try their best to water them more, resulting in over-wet leaves. Some people think that defoliation in the summer is a sign of death and think it is useless, so they put it aside and ignore it.

When the plum blossom is dormant, it is necessary to master the principle of no dry and no watering in the water management. If the green leaves fall off is too dry, the leaves are yellow and fall off is too wet.

Plum blossom occurrence of aphids, do not use dimethoate, otherwise, all the leaves will be bare after three days, the light will affect the flowering, the heavy will wither. Aphids can only be sprayed with 1000 to 1200 times of dichlorvos or 800 to 1000 times of dichlorvos and quick kill. It is necessary to protect the curled leaves until the Autumn Equinox before the flower buds have been formed, and then the leaf shedding has no effect on flowering. As a result, you can pour enough water. Every 10 to 15 days, 30% fertilizer solution and 70% water are applied to make the flower plants strong.

Key points of bud maintenance of plum blossom in autumn and winter and matters needing attention in autumn and winter maintenance of plum blossom

Flower bonsai network guide: today's flower bonsai network is about plum blossom autumn and winter buds maintenance points, plum blossom autumn and winter maintenance points for attention, friends who like plum blossoms come to have a look.

Plum blossoms will blossom more in winter, and it is very important to bud before the beginning of winter. Next, the editor will talk about several aspects of plum blossom to promote bud.

Plum blossom should be fertilized reasonably

After entering autumn, we need reasonable fertilization. We can apply organic fertilizer to plum blossoms every 10 days, mainly with phosphate fertilizer, and we need to cut off the tender shoots that sprout in autumn. These shoots just grow out and cannot mature in winter. On the contrary, they will consume a lot of nutrients and can be pruned in time to retain more nutrients for flowering.

The potted soil of plum blossoms should not be too dry and too wet.

After autumn, plum blossoms need to be watered in a controlled manner. Plum blossom is sensitive to water, the soil can not be too wet, too wet will lead to its yellow leaves, fallen leaves, and too dry, but also easy to cause fallen leaves, which will affect the bud blossom of plum blossom. So at this time watering is best to see dry and wet, follow the principle of no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly, as the temperature drops, watering should be gradually reduced.

Plum blossoms need to be pruned properly.

Plum blossom buds can be pruned properly, mainly by thinning branches and shaping. Prune the side branches of the plum blossom properly, prune the long branches and thin branches, overlapping branches, etc., and cut the branches properly in autumn, so that the beautiful tree shape of the plum blossom can be maintained and there will be more blossoms.

Attention to the maintenance of plum blossoms in autumn and winter

In the autumn and winter season, we also need to pay attention to the plum blossom often loosen the soil, the soil is breathable. And in autumn and winter, diseases and insect pests have been less, but also to reduce pesticide spraying. Be careful to avoid strong winds, because strong winds will cause fallen leaves and buds, so you can put the potted plants in a place of shelter.

Because of the severe cold in winter in northern China, it is difficult to overwinter, so it is suitable for overwintering growth in cold greenhouse. Propagation of surviving plum seedlings, cultivated in the open field for one to several years, can be put into pot before the year. The basin soil should be loose, fertile and well drained, and the bottom of the basin should be fully fertilized. Potted plum is more sensitive to water, and its requirements are relatively strict. if the potted soil is too wet, the root system will be poorly developed, the leaves will fall yellow, and if it is heavy, it will damage the root and destroy the tree. If it is too dry, it will damage the root and destroy the tree. If it is too dry, it will damage the root and destroy the tree. If it is too dry, it will damage the root and destroy the tree. If it is too dry, it will damage the root and destroy the tree. If it is too dry, it will damage the root and destroy the tree. If it is too dry, it will damage the root and destroy the tree. If it is too dry, it will damage the root and destroy the tree. If it is too dry, it will damage the root and destroy the tree. During the growing period of new shoots, excessive branching should be avoided. Before flower bud differentiation in early summer, water should be properly controlled to facilitate the formation of flower buds and flower buds. Normal watering should be done in summer, when the lack of water is easy to fall leaves and affect flower bud formation. After defoliation in autumn, reduce watering times, keep the soil not dry and wet, in order to enrich branches, properly increase watering in late winter and early spring, we can get the effect of full branches.

Potted plum has been applied enough fertilizer, and do not like big fertilizer, when the new tip grows to about 5 cm, you can apply pancake fertilizer and water to promote the growth of branches. When spreading leaves after flowering, the fertilizer and water should be sufficient, and the rarefied liquid fertilizer should be applied once every 5 weeks. Fertilizer should be controlled when the branches grow to 20 cm. In order to promote flower bud differentiation, topdressing was applied in late summer and early autumn. It should be watered after each fertilization.

Potted plum blossoms should be kept in a ventilated and sunny place, too dense or shaded in the environment, so that the plants are tall and thin, and the flower buds are full and sturdy, colorful and beautiful in winter. If the shape of the tree is controlled to promote the young trees to blossom earlier, it is necessary to trim and reshape in time. The flower buds of plum blossoms are formed on the annual new branches. generally, when the seedlings grow to 25-30 cm, cut off the top, leave the top 3-5 branches as the main branches after sprouting, and when the branches grow to about 20 cm, pick the heart to make the flower buds full. In the following year, 2-3 buds at the base should be re-cut after flowering, and the direction of the cutting buds should be paid attention to, and the extroverted buds and introverted buds should be selected correctly. After germination, cut off the crossed branches, overdense branches and overlapping branches. Because the potted plum is straight without appearance, regular without scenery, dense without state, it should be pruned according to the principle of "sparse, curly and curved" without affectation.

Potted plum blossoms should be pruned after early spring blossoms every 1-2 years to change pots and soil. If you make the potted plum blossom blossom during the Spring Festival and put it into the outdoor natural dormancy after defoliation in winter, New Year's Day then move to the sunny part of the greenhouse, keep the room temperature at 8-12 ℃, sprinkle water on the branches every day, and keep the potted soil moist, and increase the temperature to 15-20 ℃ after the flower bud appears color, then the Spring Festival can bloom. If May Day blossoms, the whole winter should be kept in a cold room slightly higher than 0 ℃ without direct light, and the basin soil will remain relatively dry until the first ten days of April and then gradually move to the outside.

Experience summary of maintenance skills of flowers in the hottest July in summer

In July, the hottest month in summer, many flowers wither due to lack of careful breeding. How to keep the flowers safe in the hot summer? Today, the editor is here to share with you a collection of summer flower conservation.

1. Moderate watering

The temperature is high in summer and the water evaporates quickly, so potted flowers should be watered in time. However, different flower varieties have different characteristics and different requirements for water.

Flowers that like moisture, such as daffodils, tortoise-backed bamboos, calla lilies, etc., need plenty of water.

Most flowers that like to be moist, such as Milan, jasmine, oleander, mulberry and so on, are usually watered once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

But most succulent plants have to control water in summer, and it is easy to cause black rot if they are watered too much.

2. Lighting and shading

The summer weather is hot, the sun is strong, which is not conducive to the growth of flowers, especially flowers in the hot sun for a long time, it is easy to be damaged or die, of course, some flowers like the sun, can appropriately extend the sunshine time. Therefore, it should be treated differently according to the sex of different flowers in summer.

Flowers that like light, such as poinsettia, variable leaf wood, pomegranate, Milan, figs, rose, Fusang, Magnolia, etc., can be preserved in a sunny place.

But we should also pay attention to the appropriate shade when the sun is too strong, such as Milan, Prynne, Fusang, chrysanthemum and so on. For orchids, hairpins, southern stars and camellias, they need to be maintained in low light or astigmatism with good ventilation. At the same time, we also need to give shade to flowers to cool down and prevent heat.

3. Pay attention to ventilation

When the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, indoor flowers should pay attention to ventilation, open the windows and let fresh air flow into the room to cool down and prevent heat.

4. Fertilization

The growth rate of flowers in summer is very fast, so it is necessary to provide sufficient fertilizer for flowers in time. Fertilization also needs to be treated differently according to different flower varieties. General flowers can be treated with mature dilute liquid fertilizer every 7-10 days; for flowers in acid-loving soil, alum fertilizer can be applied every 10 days or so. Be careful not to splash fat and water on the leaves when fertilizing, otherwise it is easy to damage the leaves. Summer fertilization should be carried out in the evening. Before fertilization, attention should be paid to loosening the soil, which is not only conducive to root absorption of fertilizer and water, but also conducive to the reproduction and growth of microorganisms, promote the accelerated decomposition of organic matter in the soil, and provide more nutrients for the growth and development of potted flowers. Pay attention to watering the next day after fertilization.

5. Pruning

Potted flowers are mainly pruned in summer, such as heart picking, bud wiping, leaf picking, flower thinning, fruit thinning and so on. For some spring sowing grass flowers, when they grow to a certain height, they should pick their hearts in time to promote them to be more branched and blossom.

For some woody flowers, such as kumquat, it is necessary to pick the heart when the branches grow to 15-20 cm, so as to concentrate nutrients, which is conducive to flowering and fruiting.

In summer, adventitious buds often occur on the stem base or stem of some flowers, disturbing plant shape and consuming nutrients, so they should be removed in time.

For some ornamental flowers, such as chrysanthemum, camellia, rose, etc., too many buds should be removed so that the flowers can bloom large and bright.

For pomegranate, kumquat, bergamot and other ornamental fruit flowers, if you need to pick off some young fruits in time, generally short fruit branches only need to leave one fruit, so the fruit will grow big and colorful because of rich nutrition.

In addition, the overgrown branches of the plant should also be cut off in time and reshaped.

6. Reproduction

Summer is the best time for cutting some evergreen flowers, such as Milan, jasmine, rhododendron, Fusang and other flowers can easily survive in this period. For plum blossom, green peach and other flowers, summer is a good time for them to bud, and it is a good time for Magnolia.

Summer is also the best time for some potted flowers to sow. For example, pansy is sown in July and can blossom around National Day. The melon leaf chrysanthemum is sown from July to August and can bloom in the severe winter season with few flowers. Paulownia and carnation are sown from August to September and can blossom in the following summer.

Winter ornamental flowers, such as primroses, Zhu Dinghong and geraniums, should be sown in June and July.

Begonia, rhododendron, camellia, Milan, gardenia, honeysuckle and some tropical foliage flowers are cut in June and July.

Flowers such as calla lilies and rhododendrons can propagate separately in summer.

Flowers such as rose, kumquat, camellia and some cactus can be grafted in summer.

Flowers such as plum blossom, rhododendron, sweet-scented osmanthus and jasmine can be pressed in June and July.

7. Pest control

After the beginning of summer, all kinds of diseases and insect pests do great harm to the growth of family potted flowers.

Germs multiply faster when the weather is too muggy or humid. The prevention and control of insect pests, such as itchy spicy seeds, skin worms and red spiders, often appear at flower gatherings such as rose, rhododendron, five-needle pine and Luohan pine, and a small number can be caught or sprayed with trichlorfon and other drugs.

Pomegranate, yellow poplar and other flowers are mainly harmed by pomegranate and yellow poplar, and trichlorfon can be sprayed or caught manually.

Rose, impatiens and other easily infected powdery mildew, there will be yellow leaves, withered leaves, twisted shoots and other symptoms. We should pay attention to the ventilation and light of flowers, and we can apply less nitrogen fertilizer and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Plants that have just contracted the disease can be sprayed with 15% strychnine, 700 times of water and 1000 times of water.

8. Carefully protect dormant flowers

For example, some succulent plants, cyclamen, Admiralty, paulownia, calla lilies, geraniums, and lotus flowers are dormant or semi-dormant in the high temperature season, when metabolism is slow and growth stagnates. According to the growth characteristics of these flowers, careful care should be taken so that they can get through the dormant period smoothly. Put these flowers in a cool and ventilated place to avoid bright light and Rain Water, otherwise it is easy to rot the roots and even cause the whole plant to die because of the damp soil.

In addition, we should also control watering, otherwise the basin soil is too wet, it is also easy to rot the roots; of course, do not water too little, otherwise the roots will shrink, just keep the basin soil slightly moist. For these dormant flowers, do not need fertilizer, otherwise it will easily cause rotting roots, or even lead to the death of the whole plant.

The above is all I know today about the methods of summer flower conservation. I hope it will be helpful for flower friends to read this article. If you want to know more about summer flower conservation, please continue to pay attention to succulent flower beds. We will provide you with more related knowledge!