
This kind of flower blossoms into balls most likely to burst into pots.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What we want to say today is hydrangea, hydrangea is easy to feed, colorful, blossom into balls, clusters, very beautiful! The following is to introduce the breeding methods of hydrangea! The culture method of hydrangea: (1). The temperature requires hydrangea to be the most suitable.

What we want to say today is hydrangea, hydrangea is easy to feed, colorful, blossom into balls, clusters, very beautiful! The following is to introduce the breeding methods of hydrangea!

Culture methods of hydrangea:

(1)。 Temperature requirement

The most suitable temperature for hydrangea is between 18 and 28 degrees, so that the plant grows stronger and blossoms bigger and brighter. In winter, timely move to indoor maintenance or do a good job of warm measures, indoor maintenance temperature is controlled above 5 degrees, otherwise the plant is easy to frostbite.

(2)。 Soil requirement

Hydrangea requires loose and thick acid soil with good air permeability. 4 parts of leaf soil, 3 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of river sand and 1 part of cake fertilizer can be used as culture soil, which can meet the needs of plant growth.

(3)。 Lighting requirement

Hydrangea like shade plants, so do not need sufficient light, avoid exposure, especially in summer to prepare for sunscreen, autumn appropriate increase in light, winter can be placed in the indoor sunny place to maintain, conducive to the winter.

(4)。 Moisture requirement

Hydrangea likes to wet plants, watering to keep the soil moist, do not water too much, there is stagnant water, this will cause waterlogging, the most likely to damage plant roots, affecting flowering and growth. You can increase watering in spring and summer to keep it moist. Reduce watering in autumn and winter, improve cold tolerance and help plants survive the winter.

(5)。 Timely pruning

Hydrangea needs to be pruned during the growth period, and too many branches will be cut off, otherwise it will not be conducive to the healthy growth of hydrangea and consume nutrients. Before the advent of winter, hydrangea can be properly cut short, so that the plant can survive the winter safely.