
Open the unwanted pillow and take out some of the flowers in the flowerpot to rub against the succulent and fat toot.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Now there are all kinds of pillows on the market, physiotherapy pillows, cassia seeds, lavender tea, but the most primitive ones are buckwheat and even rice chaff. I remember that when I was at school, the pillow was made of rice chaff, and I could turn over the pillow.

Now there are all kinds of pillows on the market, physiotherapy pillows, cassia seeds, lavender tea, but the most primitive ones are buckwheat and even rice chaff. I remember that when I was at school, the pillow was made of rice chaff, and the pillow would rustle when I turned over. This kind of pillow is not easy to get damp, so you need to do a good job! But if you don't use it for a long time and want to replace it with a new one, it will be of great use.

Buckwheat husk

Buckwheat tastes good, and buckwheat husk is of many uses! Buckwheat husk is rich in rutin and vitamins, as well as various trace elements, which is a good raw material for phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Throwing it into the flowerpot can promote the growth of plants. In addition, buckwheat husk put into the flowerpot, but also can increase the permeability of the soil, flowers grow better!


Loose and breathable: take out the buckwheat skin directly, dry it, and mix it with the soil, because the buckwheat husk without any treatment is difficult to mature in the soil, so it can only be used as a breathable plant material, so you don't have to worry about burning roots, don't worry about bold planting!

Make nutritious soil: it takes time to use buckwheat husk as a nutrient. Steam buckwheat husk in a pot for as long as possible. If there is a pressure cooker or pot at home, pour water and steam for 2-3 hours. Then mix it with the garden soil, seal it, expose it in the sun, and you can plant flowers after a month!

Rice husk

Rice husk is rich in potassium carbonate, in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and other trace elements, is a natural high-quality fertilizer. Before buckwheat and other pillows appeared, rice husks were the best raw material for pillows.

Think about it: when farmers harvest wheat every year, some of the wheat straw will be left in the field to fend for themselves. In fact, the fermentation of wheat straw releases nutrients, which can not only cause air pollution by burning, but also add nutrients to the soil.


Lay out the rice husks and expose them to the sun.

(first remind, the rice husk takes a long time to mature) according to the way of making nutritious soil, one layer of soil, one layer of rice husk, water, and then another layer of soil layer of rice husk until the container is filled. Then expose it to the sun, every month, open it and take a look at the maturity. Mature rice husk soil is a good nutritional soil, mixed with peat, garden soil, loose and breathable, can be used to raise succulent plants, orchids and other plants.