
An introduction to the characteristics of Lingnan bonsai: style and modeling features

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, China has a vast territory, vast territory and abundant resources. Due to the different geographical environment and climate in different regions, the plant growth in different regions has its own characteristics, the tree species are different, and the themes and techniques of bonsai creation are also different. As the bonsai art is the reflection of the author's subjective thinking and emotion, the bonsai creation in various regions

China has a vast territory, vast territory and abundant resources. Due to the different geographical environment and climate in different regions, the plant growth in different regions has its own characteristics, the tree species are different, and the themes and techniques of bonsai creation are also different. As bonsai art is the reflection of the author's subjective thinking and emotion, bonsai creation in various regions naturally forms various schools and styles.

Lingnan takes Guangzhou as the center, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, Guangxi, Fujian and other places. They are located in the subtropics, with abundant rainfall all the year round, like spring all the year round, suitable for the growth of all kinds of plants. It is based on Jiuli incense, sparrow plum, Fujian tea, elm, Mantianxing and other highly germinating tree species. Therefore, Lingnan bonsai triggered the production technique of "cutting dry and storing branches". In addition, it is deeply influenced by the art of "both form and spirit" of "Lingnan painting School". In addition, Lingnan bonsai is located in a special geographical location and has more contact with the outside world. Lingnan bonsai makes Lingnan bonsai unique in style, constantly innovative and perfect.

The creation of Lingnan bonsai emphasizes that "it comes from nature and is higher than nature". Take the natural and simple tree forms in nature as a teacher to create a variety of works of art. Lingnan bonsai pursues "both form and spirit, expressing emotion and meaning", which requires not only the beauty of "resemblance", but also the unique demeanor and artistic conception of the work. For example, the roots of the old banyan are tangled, the torso is old and rugged, the branches are stretched and spread, the branches are luxuriant and covered with whirling. Reminiscent of the long years, life is easy to grow old; the branches of the red cotton tree are vigorous, majestic and straight, full of ambition; the oblique tree is light and unrestrained, elegant and elegant, full of movement, making you detached from vulgarity and washing away all your troubles. Also like the trunk of the double-dry tree, branches and branches chase each other, like the love and love of the world, exposed; cliff trees with steep ups and downs, hanging roots and claws, the courage to move forward, inspire people to fight with heaven and earth, rather die than surrender.

Bonsai is a living art, any kind of modeling will not be absolute, there should be change and development. The following is the Lingnan bonsai plastic art which has been explored for a long time and recognized by the industry on the basis of absorbing the natural scenery and according to the principle of traditional Chinese painting. For your reference only!

1. Cliff type-the shape of the cliff canyon should give people a sense of being upright and patting the sky. We should pay attention to "ups and downs and potential", that is, no matter from any angle of the space, we have to see that the trunk bends and extends in different directions; the trunk hangs downward, and the tree head and root clench the edge of the basin; the extension of the trunk should be smooth, section by section shrinking, and there should be a strong sense of rhythm; the end of the tree should be alive, the branch support position is appropriate, and the size proportion is reasonable. Most of the branch types are chicken claw branches, with natural branches between them.

two。 Hydraulic type-the impression that Gu Yingsheng gives people, or a clear spring, a bay of lake water, or a small river tree with ripples firmly rooted in the bank, the treetops lying on the surface of the water, looking for self-pity with the water as a mirror. The shape is mainly to imitate the recumbent trees on the bank of the river. the roots always grow to one side and are connected with the roots, and the "dragging sand" of the root revealing the mud surface counterweights the tree. The crown had better have a large floating branch, and the branch method should be refined, facing the water and floating the Buddha, reflecting with the trunk. The matching of the branches should have the feeling of swaying and creating wind. The branch type mainly uses deer horn branch, chicken claw branch, floating branch and natural branch and so on.

3. Kapok type-through the sky a tree red cotton pull towering, proud shore vigorous, twig knot hovering, potential such as long Fen. If unmodified to use the technique of shrinking the dragon into an inch, there will be no artistic conception, and we must carefully depict the vigorous, vigorous and sturdy of the red cotton tree. The trunk of the red cotton tree should be straight and straight, the head of the tree should be large and more "board roots", the tail of the tree should be reduced gradually, and the top of the tree should be flat, either single or double trunk. In the branch method, we should pay attention to the method of striving for concessions, look forward to affection, length and length, and extend smoothly.

4. Single-stem enterprise tree type-rising upright in the barren mountains and wilderness, there is a kind of big tree that stands upright against the wind and against the mountain. Although it is not more vigorous than the red cotton, there is no lack of Gangyang spirit. This is the single-stem enterprise tree. The modeling feature of the single-stem tree is that there is no "opposite branch", the position of the branch support has no obvious rules, the proportion of size should be basically appropriate, but it does not have to be sorted completely according to the column, and it is necessary to deliberately match one or two falling branches or drooping branches to make the shape appear more lively. The branch type is often used as chicken claw branch, parallel branch and drooping branch.

The plastic Art of Lingnan Bonsai plastic Art Branch

The plastic Art of Lingnan Bonsai plastic Art Branch

The bonsai style of Lingnan School refers to the bonsai style in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Hong Kong. Its characteristic is that the bonsai is natural and vigorous, and it mostly uses the pruning-based modeling method of "cutting dry branches and storing branches" to make the branches smooth and elegant and bold, so as to achieve the artistic effect of evacuation and tightness. Cultivate the shaped bonsai, arbitrarily cut a branch, can meet an independent bonsai modeling standard, after the removal of leaves, the shape is more beautiful. The common materials of Lingnan bonsai are: banyan elm Fujian tea park tree Jiuli fragrance June snow triangle plum sparrow plum and so on.

Here I mainly introduce the types of pruning. 1 antler branch. The main branch is relatively thin and long, and there is little difference between nodes. The angle between the main branch and the trunk and the angle between the lateral branch and the trunk are small. The branches are more upward and fluent, similar to antlers. It is suitable for literati tree type towering inclined rod type. 2 chicken claw branch. The branches are relatively sturdy, generally the first node is shorter and does not produce lateral branches; the second section gives off lateral branches at the rear. Similarly, the lateral branches also protrude the transverse claws after the second section, and the transverse claws can also regenerate branches to form claw branches. After the defoliation, the branches are stiff and curved, like chicken feet. Its branches have ups and downs, sparse and dense, and the size and length of each section have been reduced. The angle between the main branch and the rod is larger, but smaller than the right angle. The direction of the lateral branches changes greatly, showing lively vigor. It is mostly used in the cliff type of big trees. (3) revolving branch. The branches are supple and smooth, and the knuckles curl outward until there is enough space to produce lateral branches. After the lateral branch shrinks slightly, it extends outward. After that, transverse angles are produced at the end of the lateral branches, which are formed into a foliage. It is suitable for the branch-making of a multi-dry tree, and has the effect of being complicated and not messy.

The branch shape of Lingnan bonsai-1. Floating branches. The shape of the branch is parallel and slightly downward, the main branch is twisting and falling, and the curve is smooth. It is often seen in the elegant straight or inclined pole type, which can enhance the floating feeling of the tree potential. two。 Parallel branches. The shape of the branch is parallel to the main curved node, with little change in the upward and downward direction, and forms a parallel shape with the secondary branches.

(3) falling branches. The shape of the main branch twists and turns downward, the rhythm is smooth and clear, and it is stronger than the drooping branch, which can enhance the sense of danger and movement of the tree potential. However, the position of the falling branch should be set properly, otherwise the effect will be affected.

4. Drooping branches. The shape of the main branch is slightly curved, hanging down, the posture is vivid, softer than the falling branch. The main branch grows slowly downward. It is common in the towering straight pole type. 5. Windmill branch. The shape of the branch is the main branch drooping or leaning upward, twisting and extending in the direction of the tree trunk, playing a role of embellishment in the empty parts, overcoming the shortcomings of emptiness before and after, and enhancing the three-dimensional sense. 6. Turn around. The back branch is mostly used for the modeling of lateral branches. Because there are no side branches in the first and second sections of the main branch, which forms the defect of gap, the back branch can fill this gap position and increase the beauty of the branch shape. But this branch must be bent vigorously in order to have a good effect.

7. Rear brace. A posterior branch is a branch pointing backward. When modeling, you can bend slightly to the left and right to increase the three-dimensional sense and make up for the deficiency of the emptiness of the left and right parts. 8. Top branch. The main branch grows directly in front of the trunk, and the top of the branch faces the people. Sometimes this branch has to be used because of the sparse and close collocation of the branch. When modeling, the branches and the first section should be shorter, and the second section begins to twist it, zigzag rhythmically and extend to the left and right. The branches of the top branch do not need to be too large. 9. Light a branch. Point branch is not a branch support, the shape of the branch need not pay attention to, as long as there is a little bit of cyan, in order to play the role of embellishment. In a certain part, if you match the branch receptacle, you feel that the repetition is airtight, and if you do not deserve the branch receptacle, you feel that this part is empty, so it is appropriate to use some branches at this time.

I am only introducing some common shapes, beginners can make use of these basic knowledge, comprehensive application, not too limited in form, to be flexible, only in this way can we make good works. The plastic art of bonsai is a great knowledge, which requires scholars to look at the works of famous experts and understand the intentions of the authors and their ideas. If you have the opportunity, you can also look at some landscape paintings and learn some skills of traditional Chinese painting, which can improve your aesthetics.

Introduction of Lingnan bonsai

Introduction of Lingnan bonsai

Bonsai is a kind of garden art treasures with a long history in China, while Lingnan bonsai is one of the five major schools of bonsai art in China (Su School, Yang School, Sichuan School, Hui School and Lingnan School). Lingnan bonsai came into being in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and its unique style was formed after the founding of the people's Republic of China. Bonsai is planted in Guangzhou as the center throughout the Pearl River Delta and south-central Guangxi. Guangzhou bonsai is an important part of Lingnan bonsai. Lingnan people, especially Guangzhou people love bonsai, planting bonsai has become a part of people's life, many families rooftop, balcony, living room, study are planted and equipped with bonsai, so as to beautify the environment and adjust life, it can not only comfort the eyes and mind, but also cultivate temperament and bring endless fun. The creation of Lingnan bonsai is mostly based on local materials, using subtropical and tropical evergreen fine-leaf tree species, generally based on what Guangzhou people call "Shu Tsai Tou", with more than 30 varieties. Such as Jiuli incense (mandarin), banyan, Fujian tea, water pine, dragon cypress, elm, Mantianxing, yellow poplar, Luohan pine, rhododendron, sparrow plum, mountain orange, Acacia and so on. The composition forms of Lingnan bonsai are single-trunk tree type, or double-dry type, cliff type, water shadow type, multi-dry type, stone-attached type and combined type, and so on. In addition to the stump bonsai, there are also stone mountain bonsai. The materials of stone mountain bonsai are quartz stone, calcite, coral stone, sand stone and so on. Among them, quartz stone is a specialty of Yingde in Guangdong Province, which is wrinkled, thin and transparent, so it is mostly selected for the production of stone mountain bonsai. In recent years, Guangzhou bonsai artists have developed the magnificent and luxuriant tree shape, the tall and straight towering type, the emerald type with beads and the natural type with natural wild interest. The production, display and appreciation of Lingnan bonsai is said to be "one scene, two pots and more than three frames", that is, in addition to the scenery, the selection of bonsai and several frames is also very important. Lingnan bonsai often use Shiwan colored pottery basin, including disc, square basin, polygonal basin, oval basin, long enterprise, high body basin, etc., pay attention to water absorption and ventilation, harmonious color, moderate size, simple and elegant. There are several landing type and shelf type, more use of mahogany and other more valuable wood production, so that it is coordinated and harmonious, set off each other.

Speaking of Lingnan bonsai, I would like to introduce to you the three characteristics, three styles and three heroes of Lingnan bonsai.

Lingnan bonsai has three characteristics that are different from other schools.

First, unique creative techniques, learning from nature, highlighting branch skills, shaping or composition layout comes from nature and higher than nature, and strives for the organic combination of natural beauty and artificial beauty, so Lingnan bonsai is known as "living Chinese painting".

Second, focus on the shape and choice of the scene and the basin, and strive for the harmony and coordination between the basin and the basin.

Third. Make good use of pruning without revealing knife scissors. This technique is the most important feature of Lingnan bonsai, so it is generally believed that Lingnan bonsai is purely cut with knives. Through pruning and cutting leaves to allow plants to grow and develop according to human will, with the passage of time, artificial cutting marks gradually disappear, various shapes like Tiancheng, miraculous craftsmanship.

Modern Lingnan bonsai art has formed three styles different from other schools.

One is the plastic arts represented by Ye Enfu in Foshan City. He is good at bonsai with stone stumps, and likes to use quartz stone and permeable stone to live in the same basin with star trees, boxwood and gladiolus, making the plant roots cling to the rocks, thus making the bonsai look intertwined, luxuriant and antique.

The second is the plastic arts represented by Kong Taichu. Taking landscape painting as the image, he carried out artistic creation on the basis of the natural ecology of plants, with a vigorous and resolute style, rigorous composition, and density, and he also pioneered the method of storing branches and withdrawing dry branches with "the epitome of the big tree." the stump that has been cut and cut by thousands and hundreds of cuts shows the original style of the tree, which is even more powerful and powerful. An excellent bonsai takes nearly 10 years or more to succeed. no wonder people can't help but sigh that "one scene has become ten years".

The third is the plastic arts represented by the monk Suren of Haichang in Guangzhou. His artistic style is like the freehand brushwork in Chinese painting, with only a few strokes in light ink, no luxuriant leaves and branches, and only a few trees to form a "towering" bonsai, creating a lofty, elegant, picturesque mood. Lingnan he is fruitful and talented people emerge in large numbers. In the bonsai circle in Guangzhou, Kong Taichu, Suren and Mojifu are often called the "three heroes of bonsai". The bonsai created by them advocates nature and is higher than nature, which conforms to the painting meaning and is higher than the painting meaning.

Kong Taichu created bonsai for more than 60 years, created majestic "big tree" bonsai, and pioneered the plastic art of "storing branches and cutting off trunks". The trunks are vigorous, the crowns are plump, and the branches are dense, showing a great grace in the wilderness. In 1990, he was named the national bonsai master.

Su Ren is the host of Haizhu Temple in Guangzhou and a master of Buddhist circles. Most of the bonsai he created imitated the paintings of his predecessors Ni Yunlin and the eight mountain people. they were thin and thin because of the trees and did not ask for branches, thus forming a "towering" bonsai that was sparse and straight.

Mo Min Fu is the founder of "natural" bonsai, he is good at drawing lessons from traditional Chinese painting composition to create bonsai, the composition is lively and diverse, full of wild interest, virtual and real, sharp contrast, unique style.

If the bonsai is compared to painting, Kong Taichu's bonsai is meticulous painting, and Suren and Momin's bonsai are freehand brushwork. The three of them are excellent representatives of the cultivation and production of bonsai in Guangzhou, known as the "three heroes of bonsai". Their works have their own characteristics and styles, all of which reflect the distinctive characteristics of Lingnan bonsai.