
Matters needing attention in planting Chinese Chestnut

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Matters needing attention in planting Chinese Chestnut

Chestnut is the most common nut in our life, also known as "chestnut""chestnut" and so on, has the "king of dried fruit" reputation. Chestnut has a large planting area all over the country, but due to the vast territory of our country, chestnut is divided into two different geographical forms: northern chestnut and southern chestnut. But they're all the same. They all have a healthy stomach. Kidney and other effects, pregnant women are more fitness bone effect. Today, Xiaobian will introduce you to the matters that should be paid attention to when planting chestnut.

1. Temperature

Chestnut growth temperature is the most suitable in 8-15 degrees, but most of the northern chestnut is relatively cold, so the lowest temperature can withstand-25 degrees. Chestnut suitable living temperature and varieties, age, etc., the younger the cold resistance is weaker. Therefore, the preservation and cold-proof work of young trees is the key factor to ensure yield. However, experiments have shown that chestnut can still grow at a temperature of minus 35 degrees Celsius, but the relative growth is poor, the fruit is small, the yield is low, and the quality is poor. Therefore, when planting chestnut, we must control the temperature at a suitable growth level of chestnut.

2. Water

Castanea mollissima L. is suitable for wet and rainy climate. Excessive drought will affect the growth and development of trees and cause significant yield reduction, especially in the rapid growth stage of Castanea mollissima L. If there is no timely supply of sufficient water, it will have a certain impact on the growth and fruit of chestnut. Although chestnut likes water, it is not tolerant of waterlogging. If the accumulated water in the orchard is not discharged in time, the roots will be affected by the soaking of accumulated water, resulting in defoliation. In severe cases, even the whole tree will die. Proper watering before ripening can promote fruit growth and increase yield, but too much can easily lead to fruit cracking.

3. Light

Chestnut is a light-loving tree species, can not be in the shade for a long time, the daily light time should be at least six hours, if there is no six hours of light time, will cause the crown growth upright, thin leaves, thin branches, yield reduced. In the flowering period, lack of light will also cause the phenomenon of falling flowers and fruits. If the chestnut tree is placed in a shady environment for a long time, it will lead to yellow and thin branches and leaves in the tree or even death. Therefore, when planting chestnut, we must choose sunny slopes with sufficient sunshine to remove excessive branches and enhance the permeability between trees.

4. Soil

Chestnut is suitable for planting in acidic soil, pH value in 5-6 soil can grow well, if more than 7.2 will be stunted. The soil should be relatively loose, if too sticky, the porosity of the soil is small, relatively easy to harden, causing great obstacles to the growth of chestnut roots. Therefore, when planting chestnut trees, we must pay attention to the selection of soil, even if it is planted on the soil suitable for chestnut growth, we must also strengthen soil management, increase fertilizer and water, so as to ensure the high yield of chestnut. Increase production and improve their own economic interests.

These points are the places that need to be paid attention to when planting chestnut. What needs special attention is the moisture. Chestnut loves and fears water. Both like water and afraid of waterlogging, so if you encounter continuous rainy weather, not only to ensure the daily required light time, but also timely discharge the accumulated water in the orchard. And also need to pay attention to the spring and autumn these two seasons, spring and autumn often drought, the yield of chestnut caused a greater impact, so we must pay more attention to these two seasons of watering.