
The weather is getting cooler and longevity flowers, crab claw orchid culture after autumn pay attention to these points to enjoy flowers in winter and spring is not a dream

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It was late August and the weather was getting cooler, with temperatures dropping to around 30 ℃ or even lower in many areas. I wonder what happened to the longevity flowers and crab claw orchids raised by my friends after a summer "baptism" of high temperature. If it is flat.

It was late August and the weather was getting cooler, with temperatures dropping to around 30 ℃ or even lower in many areas. I wonder what happened to the longevity flowers and crab claw orchids raised by my friends after a summer "baptism" of high temperature. If you have passed the summer safely, congratulations! After careful care in autumn, the flowers will soon be in bloom. Autumn is the peak growing season for plants such as longevity flowers and crab claw orchids, and it is also a critical period to determine whether they can blossom in winter and spring. Here are some autumn management suggestions.

1. Change the basin. Flower friends all know that the summer temperature is high, plant growth is stagnant, subject to various conditions, it is generally not recommended to change pots in summer. But if your longevity flowers or crab claw orchid after the summer, the soil is not good, or the pot is too small, it will directly affect their growth and flowering in autumn and winter. At this time, the longevity flower and crab claw orchid have just awakened to enter the growth stage, and give them a new pot soil in time, so that they can grow more healthily after adapting to the new environment, and lay a solid foundation for budding and flowering. It is recommended to choose loose and fertile soil with good drainage and rich in humus, such as mature pine needle soil or rotten leaf soil plus a small amount of garden soil and river sand to meet their growth needs.

two。 Trim. During the summer high temperature, dormant or semi-dormant longevity flowers or crab claw orchids do not stop growing completely, but grow slowly due to temperature discomfort. If you don't care about pruning in summer, this is a good time to trim. If the leaves of your longevity flowers turn yellow or fall off seriously in summer, and the plant type is no longer beautiful, it is necessary to cut off the withered branches and leaves, properly top and pick the heart, and promote it to sprout more new leaves, which can not only make the plant type more round and full, but also conducive to bud pregnancy and flowering. If the new leaves of your crab claw orchid are thin and weak in summer, they can be cut off directly to promote it to sprout stronger new leaves. The new leaves are healthy, fat and nutritious so that they can bud and blossom.

3. Water it. Longevity flowers and crab claw orchids are not water-loving plants. The growth is slow in the high temperature period in summer, in order to make them safely through the summer, it is generally recommended that the potted soil should not be thoroughly dry or irrigated, resulting in many flower friends blindly stop water or dare not water them, resulting in branches withering or wilting symptoms. Now the temperature is gradually decreasing, if your longevity flower or crab claw orchid pot soil is too dry, it will hinder its normal growth. It is recommended to replenish water in time, keep the pot soil slightly wet and promote its faster growth.

4. In order to make the longevity flower crab claw orchid safely through the summer, we usually recommend to stop fertilization in summer, which may cause extreme lack of plant nutrition, so it is necessary to supplement nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutritious compound fertilizer in time to promote plant recovery. If you have your own mature organic liquid fertilizer at home, such as bean cake water or all kinds of fertilizer and water, you can also dilute it and irrigate the plant once. It is better to apply sparse fertilizer than thick fertilizer for the first time, but it can be applied again after half a month. The purpose of fertilization at this stage is to promote plant growth, sprout new branches and leaves more quickly, and enhance the ability of disease resistance and lodging resistance, so it is necessary to have comprehensive nutrition and not to apply one kind of fertilizer, resulting in the lack of another element. Around October, longevity flower and crab claw orchid enter the period of flower bud differentiation, reduce nitrogen intake, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and bury appropriate amount of mature chicken manure, bone meal and fish meal around the basin in advance to promote flower bud differentiation.

5. Light. If you want longevity flowers and crab claw orchids to blossom, sufficient light is indispensable. Summer shade is to prevent sunburn, if the temperature is lower than 30 ℃, it is recommended to give plants regular sun exposure, early autumn light may be relatively strong, you can give some direct light in the morning and evening, full sunshine can be given after late autumn and early winter to promote plant photosynthesis and bud blossom.