
Jasmine, coppergrass... Half-dead means failing to clean up and cut it for $2 and burst the basin in a month.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 100% of the flower growers may have encountered this situation, that is, the flowers not only do not grow, but also always turn yellow and wilt and do not bloom, looking half-dead. It's a pity to throw it away, but if you don't throw it away, it's a nuisance to your eyes. what should we do? It would be better to give it with a cruel heart.

100% of the flower growers may have encountered this situation, that is, the flowers not only do not grow, but also always turn yellow and wilt and do not bloom, looking half-dead. It's a pity to throw it away, but if you don't throw it away, it's a nuisance to your eyes. what should we do? It would be better to give it 2 knives to ensure that it will be green and explode in a month!

Jasmine yellow does not blossom, cut 2 knife, blossom in 1 month!

As the saying goes, "if jasmine is not pruned, it is obvious that there are few weak branches." therefore, jasmine must be pruned frequently in order for the flowers to grow luxuriantly. Jasmine summer pruning, including: heart-picking, retraction, truncation.

1. Retract

The withdrawal is aimed at the post-flowering branches of jasmine. That is, after the failure of the jasmine, cut off the flowers together with two pairs of leaves under the flowers.

2. Truncation

The short cut is aimed at the growing branches of jasmine. Is to cut the overgrown branches of jasmine to the same length as other branches.

3. Pick the heart

The heart pick is aimed at the shorter branches of jasmine. Is to cut off the top of the branches of jasmine, promote the growth of axillary buds, let jasmine form a plump plant shape, thus growing more buds!

The position of cutting under the core should be controlled within 1 cm above the axillary bud.

Copper grass yellow leaves wilt, cut 1 knife, 1 month burst pot!

Copper grass is the most suitable for summer growth, but if you can not raise, not only grow slowly, but also old and easy to wilt, yellow leaves, what to do? simple! According to the following method of Huahua, a pair of scissors can make the copper grass explode again and be green!

1. Tongqian grass has been raised for a long time, and there are too many leaves, so that the leaves below are too dense, not ventilated, and are prone to yellow leaves and rot.

two。 If you want to bring copper grass back to life, you can find a pair of sharp scissors and cut off all the branches and leaves, leaving only 2 centimeters above the root.

3. Put the cut copper grass in an astigmatic and ventilated place and water it once every morning and evening, and in less than a week, a lot of new leaves will emerge again.

4. You can also directly use a flowerpot without a bottom hole for half-soil and half-water conservation, so that the lower part of the soil is soil and the upper part is water, so that there is always stagnant water in the pot.

5. Throw a few slow-release fertilizers or 1 compound fertilizer in the basin every week, bask in the sun more, don't lack of water, and the copper grass will grow like crazy and burst in less than a month!

Longevity flowers are now being cut 2 times, and the pot is guaranteed to be full in autumn!

August is the best time to prune longevity flowers, because longevity flowers begin to differentiate flower buds in September, so they can't be pruned! So if you want to enjoy the blooming longevity flowers in autumn and winter, pick up the scissors now!

1. Hit the top quickly.

Because the longevity flower begins to bud in September, it must be topped quickly in August and the top part of the branch that is more than 10 centimeters must be trimmed off. Let the branches grow more lateral buds, more lateral buds, more buds.

two。 Hurry to pick the heart.

If your longevity flower is a small seedling, you need to pick the heart for the first time when the seedling grows to 5 pairs of leaves, the new buds grow after picking the heart, and then pick the heart after growing 5 pairs of leaves, so on and on until the shape of the longevity flower is perfect.

3. Hurry up to fork

Branching is to cut off the over-dense, thin, pest-infested branches at the base of the longevity flower to promote the growth of internal branches, increase ventilation and light transmittance within the plant, and reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

Rich bamboo yellow leaves and rotten roots, cut a knife, rub long leaves!

The summer weather is too hot, rich bamboo is easy to cause root rot because of the high temperature, and then yellow leaves, the whole plant wilt, die, at this time to be ruthless to cut!

1. Observe whether the root system of Fugui bamboo smells and blackens, and pinch whether the root system is soft. If so, the root system is rotten or aging and needs to be cut off.

two。 Use a knife to cut off all the stem nodes of Fugui bamboo with roots! Don't leave any roots.

3. After cutting off the root system, cut the cut into a 45-degree slope and reinsert it into a clean vase.

4. Pour clear water into the vase, the water level is not too high, accounting for about 1 stroke 3 of the bottle. Change the water once every 2 days or so, and new roots will grow in half a month!


The new rich bamboo root system has a stronger ability to absorb water and nutrients. If you throw 2 slow-release fertilizers into it every month, it will make the rich bamboo grow faster and its leaves greener.

The dry tip of the orchid grows slowly, cut 1 knife, jump bud in 2 weeks!

If the indoor hanging orchid is not well ventilated and illuminated, it is easy to have yellow leaves, dry tips and broken leaves, which will affect the ornament. It is better to cut them all with one knife, sprout again in 2 weeks and green in 3 months!

1. If the hanging orchid at home looks moribund, don't throw it in a hurry, pull down its root and have a look. If the root is not rotten, it can be saved. As long as you take care of it a little bit, you can grow back into a beautiful pot of orchids.

two。 Use scissors to cut the soil surface of the orchid more than 3-5 cm, and cut off all the branches and leaves!

3. Put the trimmed orchid in a cool place and plant slowly. When you feel the surface of the basin soil is dry and white, you will pour water through it. Slowly, the new buds will gradually grow out!

4. Wait for the new bud to grow to more than 3 centimeters, you can bask in the sun and fertilize normally! In another month, you will be able to get a beautiful pot of orchids again!

Today's pruning skills, Huahua is introduced here first.

What kind of half-dead flowers are there in the flower friends' home?

Let's cut them quickly!

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The name of the plant (eg a fortune tree)

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