
Practical | for 4 yuan to buy a pot of colorful peppers, 100 fruits pop out to make hot sauce that can eat 3 bowls of rice.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Flower friends, do you know colorful peppers? Not only can be used as a flower, the fruit is colorful; it can also be eaten as a dish, making pickled peppers taste unique! The key point is that it is easier to raise than green orchids. Huahua has been planted at home. I will share it with you today.

Flower friends, do you know colorful peppers? Not only can be used as a flower, the fruit is colorful; it can also be eaten as a dish, making pickled peppers taste unique! The key point is that it is easier to raise than green orchids. Huahua has already been planted at home. Today, I will share my experience with you.

Four small ways, colorful peppers crazy hanging fruit!

1. Choose fertile soil and get twice the result with half the effort!

Colorful pepper is actually a variety of crop chili peppers, general vegetables do not have high requirements for soil, such as highly nutritious rotten leaf soil, black soil, nutritious soil and so on mixed with our ordinary garden soil, is already the highest configuration, immediately rub long!

2. Sunshine is indispensable.

Colorful pepper has the nature of vegetables: love to bask in the sun, the light can not be less than 4 hours a day, so that it can blossom and bear fruit as much as it can. Those who can't be exposed at home had better be maintained on the south balcony.

3. Proper water control

Colorful peppers prefer a humid environment and can be watered once a day or two before flowering. When it comes to flowering, it is best to control the water, dry the soil and water it again, so as to stimulate it to blossom and bear fruit. Big evaporation in summer, if you look a little wilted, you can spray water properly, humidify and cool down.

4. Topdressing more and bigger fruits

Colorful pepper can be sprayed with some potassium dihydrogen phosphate before flowering to promote flowering; during flowering and fruit stage, urea can be irrigated 1-2 times (2-3 urea mixed with water 500ml) to make the pepper grow more and bigger. If it is not convenient for you to buy, you can put the rice water in a bottle to soak for a week, 10ml rice water with 100ml water, or watering colorful peppers.

Colorful pickled peppers, you can eat three bowls of rice at a meal!

Colorful pepper at first is white, yellow, purple, ripe will turn red, because the florescence above a tree is not the same, so the color is different, looks colorful.

Want to let colorful pepper keep good-looking flower friends, do not care about it, colorful pepper can watch for 1-2 months, and finally become a dried pepper.

You can pick a lot of dried chili peppers with one tree.

I can't do without cooking at home, but it's fresh.

Colorful peppers are more delicious, crisp and delicious. They are generally used to make pickled peppers, just soy sauce and sugar.

1. Prepare materials

(picture from @ Enze curly hair)

Prepare soy sauce 50ml, 20g rock sugar (depending on your preference), peel off 3 heads of garlic, wash colorful peppers and dry to ensure there is no water.

2. Canning

Prepare the glass jar, boil it with boiling water and disinfect it. After drying, put a layer of rock sugar at the bottom of the bottle, then put colorful peppers and garlic, then fill the layer with rock sugar, pour into soy sauce, seal and marinate.

Pickled in 3, 1 month

Colorful peppers and garlic can be pickled in a month, after pickling can be eaten as a side dish, you can also stir-fry, cooking noodles like spicy people do not miss!

You can plant it now and harvest it in autumn!

1 、

Colorful pepper can still be sown now, the seed is in its mature pepper, ask if there is a kind of colorful pepper around you, to a red ripe fruit on the line, cut a look, full of seeds!

2 、

Take out the chili seeds and sprinkle them on the wet soil without burying them. Just put them in a cool and ventilated place and spray water on them every morning. You don't need too much.

3 、

Seed germination likes the dark and humid environment, but it can also be covered with a thin piece of cotton cloth, which can improve the seed germination rate. When the small buds come out, you can remove the cotton cloth.

4 、

In less than a week, chili peppers can grow into young plants. at this time, you can see the sun, you can bask in the sun sooner or later, and you don't need too much watering to avoid growing young seedlings, about once every 2-3 days.

5 、

Seedlings grow to more than 8 centimeters, can be taken out to move pots, generally medium flowerpots can grow 2-3, transplant the root with soil into a new pot, transplant a good compaction soil, and then pour water to determine the pot. Put it in a cool place for 2-3 days and move to the sun for normal maintenance after survival.

Colorful peppers with good appearance and taste

Are you itching?

Quickly hide it.

Now plant one.

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The name of the plant (eg a fortune tree)

Check the culture method

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