
What kind of flowers do you put in the house? do you have the right flowers?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Weaving masters pay attention to teach you basic knitting skills, easily learn to weave and pay attention to many friends like to put some flowers and plants at home, but you may not know that choosing flowers and plants is also a knowledge, different living space.

Master of weaving

Pay attention to teach you the basic skills of knitting and learn to weave easily.


Many friends like to put some flowers and plants at home, but you may not know that choosing flowers and plants is also a knowledge, and the flowers suitable for different spaces in the room are also different. Come and have a look with Sister Hua.

Living room

The living room is an important place at home, not only in charge of fengshui and wealth, but also the main space for us to meet guests and leisure.

The choice of living room plants should be based on atmospheric tall stem plants, such as rich bamboo, rich trees, plain sailing, etc., which can not only make the living room appear atmospheric, but also effectively improve fengshui and attract wealth.

For some small living rooms, we can also choose some small plants, such as fresh ivy or other plants that can absorb secondhand smoke, which is also a good choice.

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Get up at 45: 06, get up early in the morning, and late in the dark.

06GRV 000006RV 20 metabolism, wash, change clothes, drink water, easy stretching

06Walk to the park, 06RV 20mm 06R 30

06RV 3007RU 00 jogging 3km 4km

07Walk home + simple stretching + vegetable shopping

07Rd 20mm 07RU 35 shower

07Rom 35mm 07Rd 45 eat breakfast + brush circle + Zhihu + receive & steal green energy one by one

About nine of the ten friends will praise that they have good skin, are addicted to spicy acne, do not wear makeup on weekdays, and wear lipstick at most. There are about 40-50 sets of daily clothes in summer, so wear your favorite color according to your mood.

08RV 05mm 08RU 35 bus to the company

Work plan and meditation of 08RV 35mm 09RU 00

09Rom 000012JR 00 work, foreign trade Wang daily

Lunch (lunch made by yourself)

13,00,14,00 lunch break

1400 hours 1800 work, foreign trade Wang daily

Dinner at 1800, 1900 at night.

Overtime work is mandatory at 19: 00, 21: 00 What can be done during the day will never be put off until night. Except for dealing with temporary customer inquiries due to jet lag, this time is spent on Zhihu + music + movies + thinking + learning, all the pure things I want to do.

2115 0000 2114 40 bus go home

2114 4022 10 cooking (brunch of the next day)

22-10-10-22-30 shower

Brew, think, read before going to bed

23, 10, 05, 45, sleep.

Love us.

Good night, honey.

We, the other day,


A  Sun Hsiao Hyun  

Love is really a strange thing, when you are single


When choosing plants in the bedroom, you can choose flowers and plants that can absorb emissions such as carbon dioxide.

Such as tiger tail orchid, aloe, cactus and so on. They can absorb carbon dioxide at night and release fresh oxygen, giving us a good sleep environment.

Study room

The study is a space for reading and office work, suitable for some simple and elegant flowers.

. For example, asparagus, copper grass and so on, these fresh small green plants can help us eliminate work fatigue and make our body and mind feel comfortable.

We can also put a pot of mint on the desk to refresh our minds.


The kitchen is a gathering place for lampblack at home.

Put flowers and plants in the kitchen, to choose some lampblack-resistant, such as cold spray, hanging orchid, green pineapple and so on.

Even if these plants can resist lampblack, they should be placed a little further away from the lampblack machine.


The humidity in the bathroom is heavy, so we need to choose some plants that are moisture-resistant and can absorb odors.

Such as green pineapple, tiger tail orchid, mosquito repellent grass and so on. They can survive in a humid environment and absorb some of the odor in the bathroom.

After reading this article, do flower friends know more about the selection of plants? Only by choosing the right plants can we make our room more comfortable and fengshui smoother.

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