
How to grow Trichosanthes

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to grow Trichosanthes

Trichosanthes is not familiar to many people, it is actually blindly Chinese herbal medicine, but also a kind of fruit, can be eaten directly, but can not eat more, after all, it is one-third of the poison. Secondly, the efficacy of Trichosanthes is mainly used to treat gastrointestinal discomfort, sore throat, blood pressure, blood lipids and other symptoms, now we rarely see Trichosanthes, but because some people become rich because of planting Trichosanthes, so there are a lot of people want to get a piece of the pie, then the pro-agricultural network brings you the planting method of Trichosanthes, hoping to be useful to everyone.

1. Select improved varieties

Although Trichosanthes is not common, it does not mean that no one has planted it, so after years of planting, according to different weather, chicken soil and other conditions, many varieties of Trichosanthes have been formed. for example, southern Trichosanthes, Trichosanthes and Trichosanthes, among which the quality and yield are the best, so the general planting advice is to choose Trichosanthes, of course, there are special circumstances. We need to choose according to the planting site and weather changes, it is best to carry out a mixture of two or three varieties, which can improve the quality and yield to a certain extent.

2. Land selection and preparation

The waterlogging resistance of Trichosanthes is relatively poor, so we try not to choose the land with stagnant water or more soil potholes, it is better to choose the sandy soil with loose soil, sufficient nutrients and sufficient light. Such land is more suitable for the growth of Trichosanthes. It is necessary to dig deeply and refine the soil during soil preparation, the most important thing is to level it, and fill up all the places where potholes may cause stagnant water. finally, according to the need for about 5,000 jin of organic fertilizer per mu, it is evenly scattered on the ground, and finally turn the land deeply again so that the fertilizer can be fully utilized. Finally, it should be leveled and ditched at an interval of about 1.5 to two meters. This is beneficial to the later stage of management.

3. Rational sowing

The sowing time of Trichosanthes kirilowii is related to the way of sowing Trichosanthes. If seed direct seeding is used, it is usually sown around September in autumn and planted at an interval of 1.5 to 2 meters per plant. If it is sown with split roots, it will be sown in March and October of each year, with each plant planted at an interval of 30 centimeters. So how to sow seeds can be chosen according to individual habits and the growth rate and survival rate of Trichosanthes.

4. Fertilizer and water management

In the whole growth process of Trichosanthes kirilowii, under normal circumstances, fertilization and watering are needed twice a year, and each watering and fertilization are combined with mid-ploughing and weeding, and each time needs to be weeded first, then fertilized, and finally watered. This can ensure the normal and rapid growth of Trichosanthes during this period. Urea is mainly used in the first fertilization and boron fertilizer is mainly used in the second fertilization. Finally, we should discharge the stagnant water in the field in time during the rainy season, otherwise it will lead to plant disease and even death.

5. Field management

Field management is also an important link in the growth period of Trichosanthes, which includes weeding, erection, pruning and leaf pruning, artificial pollination and pest control. Generally speaking, the scaffolding needs to be carried out when the Trichosanthes seedlings grow to about 30 centimeters. We mainly carry out the scaffolding in herringbone shape, so that it is convenient for the plants to grow along the scaffolding, thus naturally growing into the shape of the melon shed. Pruning and leaf pruning is the thing to be done after Trichosanthes enters the melon shed, which can enhance the air and light permeability in the field, and secondly, it can also reduce the consumption of nutrients. There are more nutrients that can be used by Trichosanthes. The natural fruit rate of Trichosanthes is very low, so artificial pollination is needed to improve the fruit rate. We can pollinate through bee colony or pollen collection. Finally, the diseases and insect pests of Trichosanthes are mainly anthracnose and melon fruit flies. We can use chlorothalonil and trichlorfon respectively.