
What about black gold?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are many reasons for the blackening of gold diamond leaves: if it is caused by unreasonable watering, water when the pot soil is dry, and do not water when it is wet. If it is caused by lack of fertilizer, apply fertilizer once a week during the growing period and once a month during the dormant period. If the soil is not suitable, it needs to be adjusted to acidic soil in time. If it is caused by improper lighting, it is necessary to shade when the sun is strong.

1. Proper watering

Reason: although the golden diamond likes to be wet, it is not resistant to waterlogging, so it needs to be careful when watering, too much watering is easy to have stagnant water, resulting in rotting roots. If there is too little watering, the water can not reach the bottom of the basin soil, and the roots will be short of water. Both cases will cause the leaves to blacken.

Solution: when the summer temperature is high, it needs to be watered every other day, and its branches and leaves are sprayed with water spray every morning and evening to keep it moist. When the temperature is low, water it once or twice a week. Observe the soil condition before each watering. If the basin soil is dry, you can water it. If it is wet, you do not need watering for the time being.

2. Appropriate topdressing

Reason: in the golden diamond growth period in summer, when the demand for nutrients is relatively high, if nutrients can not keep up, the leaves will blacken.

Solution: in the golden diamond growth period, fertilize once a week, the best fertilizer is compound fertilizer, this kind of fertilizer has enough nutrients and diversified nutrients, which can meet the growth needs of golden diamond. During the dormant period, fertilizing once a month is all right.

Third, adjust the soil quality

Reason: the golden diamond is suitable for growing in acidic, fertile soil. If the soil is alkaline hard soil, its leaves will also turn black.

Solution: can be mixed with rotten leaf fertilizer, this method is to turn alkaline soil into acidic soil. Usually to test the ph value of the soil, if the index is greater than 7, it is alkaline soil, you can use the above method to adjust the soil quality.

Fourth, increase the light

The reason: the golden diamond likes warm heat and is tolerant to half-shade. Many people think that plants that are tolerant to half-shade do not need light. In fact, plants that are tolerant to half-shade also need light. At least six hours of natural light scatter every day. If not, the leaves will turn black.

Solution: let the golden diamond be exposed to natural light for six hours a day, and cover the sun properly when the sun is strong to avoid burning branches and leaves.