
During the flowering period, the rose blossoms continuously, big and gorgeous.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Rose is relatively easy to raise, the flowering is also very good-looking, many people will raise a pot, home potted rose flowering, to learn pruning, proper pruning can promote strong new branches, plants continue to bloom. Here are some rose flowers for you.

Rose is relatively easy to raise, the flowering is also very good-looking, many people will raise a pot, home potted rose flowering, to learn pruning, proper pruning can promote strong new branches, plants continue to bloom. The following is to bring you the pruning method of rose florescence!

Pruning method of rose florescence:

(1)。 The flowering period of the rose is pruned, and the post-flowering branches are cut short, usually cut in the middle and lower part of the stem, which can promote the germination of new branches, and the retained branches will also grow vigorously, which is helpful to bud and blossom as soon as possible.

(2)。 Flower branch pruning also needs to be determined according to the situation, generally strong and strong branches short cut and back cut, weak short branches high cut, first cut, follow to suppress the strong and help the weak, but also can make the blossom neat. The length does not exceed 15cm. It is not recommended to keep the germinated flower branches, but also according to the crown type. Cut off from the base after flowering, leaving 2 or 3 branches.

(3)。 Potted rose is not recommended to leave too many flowers, so that the flowers will not be very large, flowering requires a lot of nutrients, flowers will compete for nutrients, flowers will be relatively weak. Generally 3 flowers, otherwise insufficient supply of nutrients, will also affect the next flowering.

(4)。 Leave about 3 strong buds after sprouting, others need to be thinly cut off, and the axillary buds on the upper part of the flower branches should be wiped out in time when flowering, so that the pruning can ensure that the flowers in each pot are big and gorgeous, and that the next bloom can be guaranteed.