
99% of people with or without succulent plants have believed this rumor.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Where there are people, rumors are easy to appear, and meatloops are no exception. We often see various signs on the Internet or other places, which succulent plants can produce oxygen, protect against radiation and absorb poison gas. The saying is very attractive, but a small one.

Where there are people, rumors are easy to appear, and meatloops are no exception. We often see various signs on the Internet or other places, which succulent plants can produce oxygen, protect against radiation and absorb poison gas.

The saying is very attractive, but is the little succulent really so magical? Let's take a look.

Rumor 1 succulent plant can protect against radiation

No matter on the Internet or in physical stores, I believe many meat lovers have seen such a label, "radiation-proof potted plants", when they choose to buy succulent plants.

The theory of succulent anti-radiation has become a major marketing selling point for many businesses, and people believe it. If you ask the aunt next door what is radiation-proof, 99% will give you these answers: "cactus", "cactus", "succulent", "small green plant".

But in fact, this "radiation protection" function is really only imposed by businesses to attract customers, and succulent plants are not as powerful as you think! So far, there is no reliable literature or authority to prove that succulent plants are protected against radiation!

PS: rumors of succulent energy and radiation protection originated from a study by the Geobiology Institute in Sardona, Switzerland in the 1980s. The researchers found a group of white-collar workers who often had headaches and fatigue and placed a pot of cactus next to the monitor on their desks. Two years later, they found that their headaches and fatigue symptoms disappeared.

Later, some good person suggested that it was probably because the cactus absorbed the radiation emitted by the monitor. This statement has been easily believed and spread to this day. However, the study did not detect changes in electromagnetic radiation intensity around the display at all.

Cactus plants belong to a member of the succulent plant family, and by extension, some businesses regard succulent plants as "radiation-proof". Then, almost all the small green plants are also crowned with "radiation protection" function.

Rumor 2 succulent plants are easy to take care of.

It is only relative to say that succulent plants are lazy plants, because it is much easier to raise succulent plants than other plants and animals, and if the number is small, it is more convenient to take care of it, but if the quantity is more, it is not very easy.

And different varieties of succulent habits are also very different, some like wet, some like dry, only in-depth understanding in order to maintain good succulent.

Rumor 3 succulent plant is suitable for desk or indoor maintenance

This must be wrong! After raising, you will know that succulent plants are really not suitable for office or indoor maintenance. Their birthplaces are generally desert areas, and succulent plants are very dependent on sunlight.

Many friends must have encountered such a problem. The meat just bought is brightly colored and chubby. After buying it at home or keeping it on the desk for a period of time, I found that the succulent meat became green and ugly. I once thought I had bought a fake succulent.

This result may be caused by too much watering on the one hand and lack of ventilation and light on the other. Long-term indoor farming, lack of light, poor ventilation, succulent will begin to grow and spread the cake, so if you want to raise succulent on your desk, be sure to take it out to bask in the sun.

Rumor 4 succulent plant can purify indoor air

Of course this is also a fake! Give you a lever, you can pry up the whole earth, then give you a toothpick?

Although plants can photosynthesis, can absorb carbon dioxide to produce oxygen, but our meat is so small, do not embarrass it!

Some businesses in order to create selling points, often give them a variety of labels, in addition to radiation, can also purify the air, but in fact, there is no scientific basis. For air purification, we generally have two expectations, one is to absorb dust, and the other is to absorb harmful gases.

① dust adsorption: succulent plants are very small, full calculation can not absorb much dust, and is not active adsorption, dust is free to fall up, flower friends also need to clean up dust, this air purification failure.

② absorbs harmful gases: we all know that plant photosynthesis is simply the biochemical process of converting carbon dioxide and water into energy-storing organic matter and releasing oxygen under visible light. They're all mini. How much oxygen do you think he can produce?

And photosynthesis is carried out in an environment that requires sunlight. Usually, indoor plants can not provide enough sunlight for photosynthesis, but plants will breathe. So the greatest function of succulent plants is to decorate and heal rather than purify the air.

Rumor 5 succulent watering can not be watered on the leaves, it will drop powder

There is also a reason why succulent water cannot be watered on leaves. If the residual water droplets on the leaves are not disposed of in time after watering in summer, if they are put in the hot sun at this time, the leaves will be easily sunburned, resulting in irreparable results.

Therefore, watering try to avoid watering the leaves, or blow off with balloons or blow-dry with electric fans to deal with the residual water.

In addition, the powder on the leaves is waterproof, do not worry about the powder will fall off, even if accidentally rubbed off can also grow back, as long as there is a suitable environment and temperature difference.

Rumor 6 succulent plants will not die if they are not watered

This is absolutely nonsense. Although most succulent plants are originated in barren areas and make them drought-tolerant, it does not mean that succulent plants do not need watering.

Even in the place of origin, there will be concentrated precipitation once a year to meet their water needs. Since we have brought them home, we should not be "stingy". We should give some water more or less. If there is no timely water supply, the meat will die and show you!

Rumor 7 how beautiful the succulent plant is. Buy one.

The succulent fruit is very beautiful, but the price is also high. Some interested people have learned to use the so-called brocade potion to stimulate succulent plants to produce brocade, but this kind of brocade is only fake brocade, different from real brocade, and can not last.

Almost all the dozens of yuan brocade we can buy on the market now are brocade made with medicine, especially novice meat friends, we must keep our eyes open when we buy it.

Rumor 8 put succulent plants in the refrigerator to create a temperature difference.

In the past, I saw some people try to put succulent plants into the refrigerator to create temperature differences in order to get succulent plants loaded as soon as possible, but this method also needs to be cautious. after all, your refrigerator is different from other people's refrigerators and is not ventilated, so don't try it blindly.

Most of my friends should have been hit by the first rumor, right? Is there anyone who hasn't been hit? Raise your hand!