
Hydroponic Culture methods and points for attention of Fugui Bamboo

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rich bamboo bottle water culture should grasp the following main points: first, before entering, cut off the leaves at the base of rich bamboo cuttings, and cut the base of rich bamboo into bevel with a sharp knife, and the incision should be smooth to facilitate the absorption of water and nutrients. Change the water every three to four days. Do not move the rich bamboo position or change the direction of the rich bamboo within ten days.

Rich bamboo bottle aquaculture should grasp the following points:

First, before entering, the leaves at the base of the rich bamboo cuttings should be cut off, and the base of the rich bamboo should be cut into an oblique mouth with a sharp knife, and the incision should be smooth to facilitate the absorption of water and nutrients. Change the water every three to four days, do not move the rich bamboo position or change the direction of the rich bamboo within 10 days, about 15 days can grow silver white fibrous roots.

Second, water-fed rich bamboo should not change water after taking root, and water can be added in time only after water evaporation is reduced. Frequent change of water is easy to cause rich bamboo leaves and yellow branches to wilt.

Third, after water-fed rich bamboo takes root, a small amount of compound fertilizer should be applied in time, then the leaves will be oil-green and the branches will be stout. If there is no fertilization for a long time, the growth of rich bamboo plants is thin, and the leaf color of rich bamboo is easy to yellowing. However, fertilization can not be too much, so as not to cause "burning roots" or cause overgrowth. Compound fertilizer can be applied once a month in spring and autumn. According to data, in order to prevent excessive growth of rich bamboo, do not apply chemical fertilizer, it is best to inject a few drops of brandy into the bottle every three weeks or so, add a small amount of nutrient solution, that is, the leaves of rich bamboo can keep green.

Fourth, do not put the rich bamboo next to the TV set or the air conditioner and electric fan, lest the leaf tip and edge of the rich bamboo will dry up.

Fugui bamboo, also known as Ye Xianlong blood tree, is an ornamental foliage plant of the family Liliaceae. Originally from the tropical regions of Canaa Islands and Africa and Asia, it was introduced into Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province by the Tropical crop Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences in the early 1980s. The rich bamboo is thick and long, the stem is tall and straight, the leaf color is dark green, evergreen in winter and summer, no matter planting or cutting the stem in bottle or processing "open bamboo" or "curved bamboo", all appear sparse and noble, the stems and leaves are delicate, graceful, elegant, chic, rich in bamboo rhyme, and the ornamental value is very high.

Hydroponic culture methods and matters needing attention of rich bamboo

Rich bamboo is a common furniture accessory for many friends who like feng shui, and it is precisely because the moral of rich bamboo is very good, so when it comes to the festival, rich bamboo will be very popular. Many friends may think that potted rich bamboos are more difficult, in fact, rich bamboos can also be hydroponized, and it is not difficult to cultivate rich bamboos.

Rich bamboo

The water of rich bamboo should be placed in a bright place indoors on weekdays, and the water should be changed every 7 to 10 days when the temperature is low, and every 3 to 5 days in spring and autumn, and all-element compound fertilizer can be added to the water. It is best to use cold boiled water during the summer high temperature period to avoid rotting roots or breeding algae. Stop fattening in winter. In the severe cold season, the indoor water without heating facilities in the north is vulnerable to freezing damage, so it can be planted with river sand in early October, covered with plastic bags and pots when it is cold, and put it in a place where the indoor cold wind can not blow, about 5 ℃ can safely survive the winter.

Fugui bamboo likes shade and dampness, and its stems and leaves are thick. its varieties have green leaves, green leaves and white edges (called silver edges), green leaves and yellow edges (called Phnom Penh), green leaves and silver hearts (called silver hearts). They are mainly used as potted ornamental plants with high ornamental value and symbolize "good luck". Therefore, the name comes out. Its growth is very fast, and the cuttage is easy to survive.

It can be cultivated in potted soil or washed away from the river sand in spring. If there are rotten stems and rotten roots in maintenance, they should be removed in time and continue to be watered after washing with clean water. If the plant has been very weak, it should be rejuvenated by soil planting.

Matters needing attention on how to cultivate rich bamboo in water culture

Rich bamboo by virtue of its moral has won the love of many people, whether at home or in the company will see a lot of people put rich bamboo into the bottle of water, but there are also many people in the water to raise rich bamboo ended in failure. So, in view of the rich bamboo water culture should pay attention to what matters, I hope you have this understanding can make the rich bamboo green all the year round.

The following points should be paid attention to when raising rich bamboo in water.

1. Before entering the bottle, the leaves inserted into the water should be cut off, and the base should be cut into an oblique orifice. The incision should be smooth to facilitate the absorption of water and nutrients. Change the water every 3 to 4 days, do not move or change direction within 10 days, silver fibrous roots can grow in about 15 days.

2. It is not suitable to change water after rooting, and water can only be added in time after water evaporation is reduced. Frequent change of water is easy to cause yellow leaves to wither.

3. if a small amount of compound fertilizer is applied in time after rooting, the branches will grow stout and the leaves will be oil-green. If there is no fertilization for a long time, the plant growth will be thin and the leaves will turn yellow, which will affect the ornamental. However, fertilization can not be too much, so as not to cause "burning roots" or cause overgrowth. Compound fertilizer can be applied once a month in spring and autumn.

4. Do not put the rich bamboo next to the TV set and where the air conditioner and electric fan often blow, so as not to dry up the leaf tip and edge.

5. After water-fed rich bamboo takes root, a small amount of compound fertilizer should be applied in time, the leaves will be oil-green and the branches will be stout. If there is no fertilization for a long time, the growth of rich bamboo plants is thin, and the leaf color of rich bamboo is easy to yellowing. However, fertilization can not be too much, so as not to cause "burning roots" or cause overgrowth. Compound fertilizer can be applied once a month in spring and autumn.

6. Water-raised rich bamboo in order to prevent its overgrowth, do not apply chemical fertilizer, it is best to inject a few drops of brandy into the bottle every 3 weeks or so, and add a small amount of nutrient solution to keep the leaves green.